“You seem to be fond of red ties,” Diane said as she chewed a bubble gum, “Where did you get a name like that?”
“It’s a long story,” John replied, as he observed some of the statues in the garden where they walked adjacent to the lake.
“I am a girl, I love long stories!” she said as she seductively smiled and flaunt her body walking in front of him, in her peach dress, “You don’t seem to talk much, not like the first day!”
“Well, I didn’t know I’ll be tasked to look after you!” he replied.
“Protect me, you mean?” she said, smiling, “I think daddy’s plan is way beyond that!”
“He cares about you?” he said.
“Tell me about you, John!” she said.
“Hmm! What would you like to know?” he asked.
“I would love to know everything,” she turned and stood right in front of him, “Tell me, John! Tell me anything,” wetting her lips.