Same thing

“Omelet again?”

I and Jackson asked at the same time. It was the only thing he agreed on.

“Same omelet.” Mom smiled and flopped down on her seat.

“Always same.” I whispered to myself and buried my head down on the meal, and began eating, I had to eat them, if because I had no plan on staying hungry and today we were gonna have our project read and defend in class.

“What, you don’t want this?” Mom asked and the smile on her face had faded off.

“It’s fine.” I smiled at her.

“I don’t want to.” Jackson muttered behind me and I turned and nudged him on his elbow. He mumbled inwardly.

“Sorry, you had to eat this again.”

“Mom, Dad.” I stared at their faces as she talks.

“It’s fine, I don’t mind eating them every day, as long as. We eat them together. I know you’re doing your best for us.” I held their hands across the table and smiled at them.

“I wish I could do something better.” Dad said caressing my hands in his.

“I wanted to give you more of a better life. Buy you a lot of things you need.”

“Dad,” I pouted.

“And you too, Jackson I know you hate it and I promise I’m gonna change your sneaker, I came see your toe from it.”

We laughed and stared at Jackson shoes, he couldn’t help but laughed as well.

Someone said it was better to laugh at our tragedy and make it a comedy that way, we would feel less pain.