Missing or dead?

The night felt cold and the air was awful for him to breathe.

Despite the cold he was sweating, perspiration dampened his face down to his neck.

Another nightmare.

He woke up and turned on the light. Pulled the covers away from him. His heart was racing and as if his breath was falling him too. It was the same each night. Always hurting him and as if it was choking him to death.

He uncapped the water that was on the table and chugged it down from it. It had become a habit to him.

He stood up from bed and walked over to the balcony and opened the door. He stood by the railings and stare at the sky. There were no stars this night either.

“Shallow town is cursed..”

He chuckled at it. Why did she have to say that? That was what she believe and probably the theory she had come up with. To find something to blame.

“I thought I would find you here.”




“Stop it.”

“Stop what?”