It was a nice few hours with her, she brought up all the topics we talked about. She was in a glorious mood. She spoke bluntly, she said her mind as she pleased. We were done cooking and waited for a few minutes before she dished out the food for us to eat, and we went to the dining table.
"What would you say and what would be your reaction if I asked you out or if I asked you to be my boyfriend?" asked Rachel.
I choked as I was about to swallow my food. I quickly ran to the kitchen to get water to drink.
"Why does she have to be so blunt?" I asked myself.
I finished drinking the water and took an extra one with me back to the dining table, just in case.
I sat down and tried to avoid any eye contact with her. I focused on my food, looking at it like it were alive.
"Now, I've got your reaction. What would be your reply?" she continued.
"I could remember us kissing and you said I shouldn't read any meanings to it. What changed?"
"Nothing changed, I just didn't want you to get lots of thoughts in your head about us," replied Rachel.
"And now, don't you think you'd make me have lots of thoughts about us with that question of yours?"
I rose my head to take a good look at her, she looked serious, and I searched my head for a time I ever saw her that serious, but there was none.
"Very well, I will let you get done with your food, then we talk about it afterwards." Rachel began to smile, and in no time she was back to her chatty mood.
My phone rang, it was Joseph, okay, Ebuka. He loved being called Ebuka, rather than Joseph. He said he was at Sly's place, and they were getting ready to come to my house.
After eating, Rachel wanted us to continue the talk about me being her boyfriend, but I told her we would have the 'talk' much later, and that I needed to rush home before my friends arrived. But she insisted, then I told her I would be back when my friends leave, and she agreed.
I have now promised to see 2 women that Saturday and had no idea how I'd make it work. I said goodbye to Rachel and went home, to wait for my friends who were coming to see me.
I got home and found the door to my house was unlocked, it was slightly opened as if someone was in. I locked my door before I left the previous night. I checked my pocket and the keys were there. The situation made my stomach hurt.
Using my foot, I pushed the door open and gently walked in.
Everything wasn't exactly the way I left it, it was well arranged like someone came in to clean my house. I should be grateful but there was no one inside to thank for it, and it gave me a strange feeling. I walked quietly, to every corner of the house to see if there was anyone, but found no one.
I am not much of a tidy person, things were mostly kept out of place and that's how I like it. But the house looked very tidy. It had never been arranged to that level before. It was clearer now that someone came into the house.
"Who would come into my house and help me clean," I thought to myself.
I took a chair, sat down and kept looking at the door. I wanted to go ask the neighbours if they saw anyone leaving or entering my house, but it wasn't much of a good idea because since I moved into my house, I haven't spoken with anyone, not even a word, I kept to myself most of the time and many of them saw me as an antisocial person.
While I kept thinking of the incident, I saw the door opening. I stood up, waiting to see who it was. Whoever it was should be the person who unlocked my door.
"Hi John, you came in late. Where were you yesterday?"
It was a familiar face. A face I never expected to see. My ex-girlfriend, Ruth. She looked much prettier now, wearing a free short gown
"Did you sleep here last night? How are you still with my keys?" I asked.
"Did I ever return your keys to you? And why are you asking like I'm a stranger? Am I?" asked Ruth. "And yes, I slept here last night," she continued.
"If I can recall correctly, you broke up with me and swore never to come here again. Why are you here?"
"Well, I heard you got a new job weeks ago, and you didn't tell me. That's not fair. Aren't we still friends?"
I sat back down and kept looking at her. There were no words I could think of as a response. I only stared at her.
"I went to the market to get things to cook. I know you're hungry. I'll be going to the kitchen now."
I watched her walk away, without uttering a word still.
It wasn't long after, my friends came around, Ebuka and Sly. I welcomed them and offered them drinks. They told me about the party they went to, I told them about mine and everything surrounding the Saturday, but I didn't say anything about Josephine being my boss at work.
Not that I couldn't tell them, I could if I wanted to, but I just didn't want to create room for unnecessary questions at the time.
"Hello boys," said Ruth.
Ebuka and Sly looked at each other, looked at me, and then looked at her. They were surprised to see her. I guess surprised would be an understatement, they were shocked to see her.
"When did you guys get back together, when e happen, how e take happen?" asked Ebuka.
"As you see her so, nah so I see her too for my house," I replied.
"Sly, you dey see who I dey see so?" Ebuka continued.
Ruth chuckled, the kind that means 'I'm back for real, you guys have to deal with it.' She winked at me and walked away, back to the kitchen.
"My eyes are in shock. But John, you would have told us you both are back together. There's nothing there, love never dies," said Sly.
Love never dies, but our love died long ago. Considering everything that surrounded our breakup, I'm not sure I wanted to ignite the love once again. It died and it should remain dead.