Chapter I - First Wave


Ronn was the eldest of the Francois family's twelve siblings. The family's patriarch was a well-known lawyer in their hometown of Garch, and he served as Chief of Police for a long time. They are descended from military, military personnel, or police families. Ronn’s rank is Lieutenant Commander in Navy. Hubb is the second “The Gems Betrothed”, an Army Coronel, Rocc followed a heart of stone, dubbed as "The Rock" was also a Military Sergeant, Zedd “Humming Sunshine” followed a very modest Lady Police Captain, Mari “Gallant Marine” was followed, a Lieutenant Major in the Marines, and Geer “Hostile Heart” was fifth a valiant Military Lieutenant. Terr “Nomadic Heart” is also a Police Lieutenant, Armn “Rogue Navy” is a quiet and bitter Navy Sergeant, Ally “Tender Heart” is a Military Nurse. Gean “The Alpha Genius” is a different of the siblings, he became the family lawyer just like his father’s intelligence.

Next is the spoiled brat, womanizer, and brave Fiel “Army Frolic” is also a Military Sergeant, and the youngest Jess “Gentle Inspector” is a very brave but soft-hearted Police Inspector. Each of them has their own tale, which I will narrate in this series; stories that are complex, thrilling, and amusing, but also contain a wealth of valuable lessons. The characters, settings, and events in each narrative are all made up; if there is any resemblance, I don't mean it; I just want to express what comes to mind.

Every wave in the ocean acts as a blacksmith, teaching the boys to be bold and faithful in life. Despite the fact that their father was a Chief of Police, they were raised to labor at sea and in agriculture. Their father is the type of cop who does not accept bribes or any kind of bribe to commit delinquency. Many have attempted to pay for his principle, but all have failed to violate its principle of simple service and dignity. Ronn is the eldest and, together with his two younger brothers, Hubb and Rocc, is the captain and commander of deep-sea fishing. They would start out before dawn with nets to capture fish, and after they returned from the sea, they would proceed to the school where they were grown up. Because they cannot assume their father's wage to be low, they only survive because so many people offer them food, rice, poultry, veggies, meat, and goods, which is a sign. expressing their community's appreciation for his father's service to the town Ronn is the type of man who is heart and mind focused on responsibilities, a dutiful son of theirs. Women in their community have always wished for a muscular figure, a tall, handsome face, and mischievous eyes. But, unlike his siblings, he is unconcerned about so-called flirting with women.

Their area is on the east side and faces the Pacific Ocean, their area is a major route for storms. Every year, they are hit by eight to ten typhoons, four of which are powerful enough to damage their homes, crops, and livelihood. As a result, they continue to be a highly challenging area in their province, if not the entire country. Typhoons strike them on a yearly basis, at the same time as people grow and mature. Ronn realized and experienced till they grew up that the primary occupations in their area were fishing and farming. It is seen there that their tenacity is fashioned by life's unpleasant problems, which, even when studied, raise the majority, but remain challenging in comparison to those living in cities or rich towns.