chapter eight

"Divorce?" Anya looked at her in disbelief, as if it was Xu Xinyi who was buying a drunk woman in front of this bar, "So, Yi Yang really derailed?"

Xu Xinyi poured a bottle of rio cocktail with his head up, frustrated and choked, "These are not important anymore. What is important is that he said he would divorce me."

At the beginning of the marriage of Xu Xinyi and Yi Yang, Anya felt that the two would not be long and sooner or later.

Xu Xinyi's grievances in this marriage were clear to her.

A person who is so arrogant and arrogant usually confuses his emotions, whispers, and goes all the way to darkness.

After hearing the news of divorce, she really wanted to take Xu Xinyi into the box and order two MBs to celebrate with champagne.

"Don't be confused about this kind of thing. A man is infidelity once and is not used a hundred times. He ca n't be forgiven for derailment, you know?"


Anya was angry when she heard the words, "Don't say you still love him! Yi Yang, this dog man is not worth your love, listen to me, and wait for your divorce. Young, much better than Yi Yang's old face on ice. "

"A hundred?" Xu Xinyi frowned.

She knows that Anya likes to spread the net and change her boyfriend like clothes, but she did not expect that there would be more than a hundred.

Xu Xinyi cast an envious look.

"Xin Yi, you also know, me, there is only one agent under you, and I am not one millionth of you in terms of income or fame, but you look at me and there are so many men in Gogo Let it be, let alone you, rest assured. When you divorce, you will definitely regret it, and regret why you didn't leave earlier. "

"In the flower world, you are guarding an Yi Yang, and I feel sorry for those men."

"How about? Do you want to try?"

Who doesn't want to. Xu Xinyi was tearful.


After half an hour, the two left the bar in a low profile. Anya sent Xu Xinyi to the downstairs of Mingchen apartment and raised up her cell phone. "My little dog has called me, and I got a divorce and called me. Do n't disturb us both Life, thank you. "

After that, he drove away.

Seeing Anya leaving Chia, Xu Xinyi sighed with envy.

It's all women, by comparison, she's really miserable!

Fortunately, this tragic life will come to an end tonight.

Xu Xinyi went upstairs with a happy mood. Before Yi Yang had arrived, she sat quietly waiting in the living room.

— "A hundred little meat, wouldn't Anya lie to me? She knows a hundred little meat?"

The clock ticked, Xu Xinyi was immersed in the happiness after divorce, and did not notice the footsteps behind him.

—— "In fact, it is absolutely unnecessary. The fat and water do not flow outsiders' fields. A male group just pushed by the company some time ago is good. Each leg is 1.8 meters long. I looked twice in the company. Now, after divorce, I need to find a chance to know each other. "

Thinking of this, Xu Xinyi could not help showing his aunt's smile.

Who doesn't like the clean, handsome, gentle, and thoughtful boys?

Just think about it ...

"Xu Xinyi!"

The deafening sound sounded in her ear, Xu Xinyi was shocked, almost jumped from the sofa, looked at it, was Yi Yang who did not know when he was back, was standing behind the sofa, and did not know how long .

— "Wang Ba Dan scared me to death! Is it scary to walk without a voice?"

Yi Yang sat around the sofa opposite her and said, "It's been a while, and I didn't bother you when I saw you in a daze."

She glanced towards the door. What about the lawyer?

"only you?"

Yi Yang raised an eyebrow. "Who else else?"

Alas, also, the lawyer had already divided the property very clearly that day, and this time it was a matter of signature for Yi Yang. There is no need to let the lawyer take another trip.

Yi Yang smelled a breath of alcohol in the air, "Did you drink?"

"Drink a bit." Xu Xinyi bowed his head, sorted out his emotions, cleared his throat, "OK, you can take it out, sign and let us go."


"Rest assured, I will keep a secret with Grandpa. In the eyes of people who know our marriage, we are still husband and wife, without divorce. After Grandpa's health is better, we will slowly tell him about the divorce, how about it? "

Yi Yang looked at her for a moment and didn't speak.

In fact, Yi Yang's eyes are very beautiful, and Hitomi's dark and bright peach eyes, when looking at you so far, look drunk and non-drunk, you will always have the illusion that he is staring affectionately.

But only Xu Xinyi knew that this man was so cold and indifferent that he could make you feel hell.

Xu Xinyi tilted her head unnaturally and did not collide with Yi Yang's eyes. "After a day and a night, I think clearly. There is a saying that is right, once unfaithful, not a hundred times, I can endure you don't love me, I I can also endure your indifference to me, but I can't stand my husband. Find a third person outside. Don't worry, I will keep your secrets secret, and no third person will know. "

Her expression was cold, her eyes straightened, and she was disheartened.

Yi Yang looked for a while, then handed a paper bag to Xu Xinyi.


divorse agreement?

Driven by Yi Yang's eyes, Xu Xinyi opened the document bag and turned the contents inside out.

"Don't worry, it's not a divorce agreement. I don't like to be a scapegoat, nor do I like to be wronged. It is unfair to judge me on the basis of a few photos, so I went to find some evidence, and you can see.

When hearing Yi Yang said that this was not a divorce agreement, Xu Xinyi did not want to move the contents of this document bag.

When I heard him say it was evidence, he didn't want to read it.

"There are ten photos in total. There were originally a few others, but I think these are enough. You can take a closer look."

Xu Xinyi was helpless to look at each of the photos.

One is a picture of Zuo Rong sitting next to Yi Yang.

One is Zuo Rong standing in the corridor and talking to Yi Yang.

One was after Yi Yang left, Zuo Rong wore the suit jacket that rested on Yi Yang's arm.

There are also seven pictures of Zuo Rong negotiating with other men after Yi Yang left, and three consecutive shots of the man covering his jacket on her.

Clear and clear.

"I checked Zuo Rong, and it was interesting to find out a lot of things. This Zuo Rong, filmed with you in the same crew, there is an entertainment magazine with your report, and there is Zuo Rong's During the interview, I feel that the relationship between the two of you is not bad. Xin Yi, you can make friends, but you also have to keep your eyes open. Don't make any friends. "

... Xu Xinyi kept talking.

"Host, you have no reason to mention a divorce."

"I know!"

"In fact, Yi Yang looks better than the small fresh meat of those men's groups."

"I have eyes and I will see what I know! How can an Yi Yang be compared with a hundred small fresh meat?"

Would you like to eat braised pork every day? Is it bad to change a hundred dishes?

Xu Xinyi adjusted her mood, took a deep breath, carefully and expectantly, and asked nervously, "Will you divorce me?"

—— "I am arrogant, I am selfish, I am possessive, I am suspicious, and I doubted you like those photos last night, I yelled at you, you see that I am so bad, you are not at peace I divorce?"

—— "If you divorced me, you can find another gentle and gentle woman, Qin Yan is good. A great girl, graduate student, well-known designer and graphic model, well-known! Such a woman The child is worthy of you! "

— "So divorce me and pursue your own happiness!"

Yi Yang lowered her head, slowly turned the ring on the ring finger, and chuckled, "I haven't derailed, why should I divorce you?"

"Don't you always want to divorce me? Don't you like me?"

"That was before," Yi Yang looked up at her, "now I don't want to divorce you."

Xu Xinyi was half-hearted, "Why?"

"Don't you always want to divorce me? Unhappy?"

"Happy ... I'm very happy ..." Xu Xinyi was so happy that she almost cried out, sitting on Yi Yang's side, trembling and hugging him, "Sorry, it's my fault, I shouldn't misunderstand you, I should try With faith in you, I know that you must not be derailed! "

Xu Xinyi's heart crackled and it was broken.

—— "My boy group, my one hundred little fresh meat, my husband in kindergarten ..."

Xu Xinyi remembered the actor's lines in the previous drama, which was very appropriate.

—— "He is pregnant with the world, but He Zhenggong is too sturdy, love concubines, and wait for a while, and then think of a way."

"..." Yi Yang was laughed at directly, thinking of a man before he divorced, when he was dead?

He deliberately stuck in Xu Xinyi's ear and said, "I did n't know that the heart was sinister before, but now I understand that some things are not as simple as you see. It 's like you. If it wasn't for the woman's deliberate thoughts, I would n't have known you love me deep."

Mouth area.

— "Why is this **** so mean?"

Xu Xinyi got goosebumps all over.

— "No, I can't sit still, I have to think of a way ..."

Xu Xinyi didn't think of any good way to think about it. Her heart was closed and her eyes closed, and Yi Yang cried. "But before me, I was arrogant. I was domineering in the entertainment industry. I almost put a woman a while ago. The star pushed down the stairs, I ... I still hate Qin Yan, I am also a woman, I knew at a glance that she was interesting to you, I do n't like taking a bath, I do n't like washing my hair, I do n't like children ... Yes! Husband, I do n't I like children. I heard that having children is painful. I do n't want to have children. We do n't want children in the future, shall we? "

The Yi family has a throne to inherit, and Yi Yang can agree, his mother, his father and his grandfather will not agree!

"We are young and the child is in a hurry," Yi Yang seemed to sigh. "Mom is right. Feelings take time to develop. You can rest assured that I won't mention divorce easily."

Xu Xinyi mourned more than death.

—— "The rivers and mountains are dead."