Chapter 25

Yi Yang turned his eyes away.

I do n't know, I do n't know, but after I found out, Xu Xinyi was kind enough to myself before.

"Look, are they saying human words?" Xu Xinyi was half-knelt on the bed, holding her mobile phone in an aggrieved manner, said "I am ugly, I am ugly, I am useless, and I am not worthy Not worth it? I'm also a second-tier star, and my acting skills are good. Where do I deserve it? "

Even if you are not right, you have to be strong. It is most important to stand on the highest point of morality.

Yi Yang, who was about to go to the cloakroom to change clothes, heard this. She stood still, turned around and asked her, "It sounds like you want someone to say that you and Han Xiaolang's talented girl are a natural match?"

"Of course ..." When the words came to his lips, Xu Xinyi braked abruptly and almost blurted out after holding it, the momentum suddenly weakened.

― "Why do dog men like to dig into the horns so much? It's just ridiculous!"

"Of course ... it doesn't mean that, I mean, they are demeaning me, saying that I look ugly, they are attacking me personally! You look at my face," Xin Yi put her face in the past and took a picture Crackling, "How much better look! How can they degrade me like this? I don't allow them to be blind when they are young!"

Yi Yang could hardly watch her performance.

Xu Xinyi lowered her head and continued to shift her energy to the scolding battles of fans. She typed quickly and did not forget to complain. "I didn't do anything. Last night I just went to the apartment to get some clothes. I didn't know that I would go into the elevator with me. It was Han Xiao. These reporters scrambled to write a back view, which caused me a lot of trouble! "

She was worried.

― "Han Xiao has always been single and he is annoyed by the scandal. He wo n't hate me because of this?"

― "Before cooperating, the first impression was ruined by several marketing accounts and entertainment newspapers. If Han Xiao really misunderstands me, I can't spare them!"

Xu Xinyi grinds his teeth while typing.

"Do I need to clarify this for you?"

She gave her fingertips and looked up at Yi Yang. She said, "No! This trivial matter is worth your attention? You can rest assured that I will take care of it. You do n't need to intervene. The relationship between our husband and wife will never be. know!"

Yi Yang knew what she was thinking, and was too lazy to pierce her, and went into the cloakroom to change clothes.

Xin Yi bowed her head and continued to fight with netizens. She didn't let out this tone. She didn't even want to sleep well tonight, and she might be so angry that she would cry when she remembered it.

I was just preparing to send a comment, but found that the response to the comment failed, and the other party pulled her out.

She couldn't let out a sigh of relief, she almost stunned her cell phone.

"I'm so angry!" Xin Yi stomped her **** and lay back and forth in the bed.

Yi Yang really can't stop Xu Xinyi, rubbing her eyebrows, but helplessly said, "Okay, I'm angry and childish for this kind of thing? They don't look good on you. They are purely jealous of your beauty What do you care about with them? Can't you drop the price? It's a trivial matter for the people in your studio to sleep. "

Xu Xinyi thought about it for a while, and Yi Yang was quite reasonable.

People who say that she is ugly are either blind or jealous.

The former is pitiful, and the latter, as Yi Yang said, there is no need to care about them.

"Think clearly?"

Xu Xinyi nodded. "I don't care about them and sleep."


Xu Xinyi thought that this matter would soon pass, but did not expect that not only could not stop the incident, but it was getting worse.

First, someone flipped out the set of photos of Xu Xinyi and Jiang Nian, and someone broke the news that Xu Xinyi had always been raised by a big guy, so even though Xu Xinyi's reputation was so bad, there were always shows in the entertainment industry. Really, a few months ago, in front of a private club, Xu Xinyi posted a photo of a Bentley.

The Bentley license plate was coded, but Xu Xinyi did not code, and you can clearly see that the person in the photo is Xu Xinyi's.

There are even posts, counting Xu Xingyi's ministers over the years.

The online reviews are also wonderful.

"Xu Xinyi can really play, there are big brothers first, then small fresh meat, and now she lives with Han Xiao, isn't she afraid to roll over?"

"So Xu Xinyi is young, and he has already passed through the flowers, and the leaves are not covered?"

"As a woman, I'm really convinced of Xu Xinyi, and I can make so many men play around."

"How about going round and round? It's not over yet? It's not a mess to drive Bentley. Give him a green hat, Xu Xinyi is almost dead!"

"As if smelling a melon, the sisters upstairs seem to know who the big Bentley in the photo is?"

"I have a friend who is seriously ill and wants to know who the big brother of Kai Bentley is, please ask me for a private letter! Otherwise she will not stare!"

Just angry.

If Xu Xinyi actually slept with these men, it would be nothing, but she didn't catch any of them, and the benefits were not gained, but she was a mess.

Public opinion at this point, Xu Xinyi probably understood that someone was going to rectify themselves and come to the gang.

Based on her experience in the entertainment industry for so many years, she will definitely be involved in her new drama.


"I think the role of the heroine of" Huang Tu "must have been Xu Xinyi's sleep. The director is not stupid. Don't put other actors on it. Want an infamous actress? She is not irreplaceable, saying there is no ghost in it , I don't believe it! "

"She was grabbed by the heroine of" Huang Tu ". I have inside information that Xu Xinyi had already signed the contract with the company's actor Li Hanxing, but Xu Xinyi was robbed of it, really disgusting!"

Officials of "Huang Tu" have been occupied by fans, and listed several major evils of Xu Xinyi. They have asked the official to change the female lead, and have threatened to resist the TV series. If they do not change, they will not watch the TV series.

Soared directly to hot search.

"How's it going?" Anya's expression was anxious as never before.

Chen Mo looked at the speech that has gradually fermented into unpredictable directions on the Internet, and Shen said, "This is definitely premeditated, otherwise the situation will not be like this in a short time."

After thinking about it, Chen Mo asked her, "Did the boss offend someone recently?"

Anya pondered for a moment and said, "When is your boss guilty?"

Chen Mo: "..." spread out a good boss, and some are busy later.

"What's going on with Han Xiao?"

"Nothing happens, you know, Han Xiao comes up with scandals from time to time, and he is too lazy to deal with it."

"Where is the crew of Phoenix Road?"

"I contacted over there and said I would reply tomorrow."

"Answer tomorrow? What do they mean? Still want to change people?" Anya's temper has always been bad. Generally, she only cursed the small fresh meat on her mobile phone list, and immediately cursed: "A group of short-sighted things!"

After that, I stepped into the office on high heels.

"Xin Yi, we may be in trouble."

Xin Yi shook her phone while holding her phone.

"Okay, let's talk about it then."

Xu Xinyi hung up the phone and her smile gradually disappeared.

"what happened?"

Xu Xinyi snorted and dropped the phone on the table. "The producer called me, saying that the public opinion is one-sided, and I hope I can resolve this as soon as possible."

"You solve it? Isn't this something that the producer can clarify with an announcement? Isn't it Li Hanxing who you look for first?"

"Why do you say that?"

"The producer intentionally?"

Xu Xinyi smiled coldly, "I can guess with my toes. There are too many jealous people in this play. There is no one in the drama directed by Han Xiao and Xu Siming. Huh? What's more, let's set up a studio now. There is no back office and no one supports it. How can we fight those capitalists? "

"Who says you don't have a backstage?"

Xu Xinyi pouted and said, "I don't want to find Yi Yang."

It is true that the relationship between husband and wife is correct, but she does not want to owe too much.


"You let me think about it."

Anya was silent for a moment and sighed, "OK, think about it yourself, but no matter what decision you make, I support you."

After leaving Xu Xinyi's office.

There was only one Xu Xinyi in the entire office, and she stood up by the window, opposite the Yi Group headquarters. She remembered that Yi Yang's office was on the 15th floor, directly opposite her.

What is a dog man doing now?

The dog man Xu Xinyi remembered at the moment was coming out of the conference room, and followed his five-year assistant Zhao Bin to send a document to his hand, striding along his side and whispering: "General Yi, the situation seems not good."

Yi Yang took the report and glanced at him. He hurriedly closed it and closed without saying a word.

The information is about what happened to Xu Xinyi on the Internet, which Zhao Yang was ordered to check today.

Being kept in captivity, in small meat, cohabiting with famous celebrities, grabbing a show, the producer intends to change the hostess choice.

Why did you not call him?

"Mr. Yi, Mr. Xiao has written a reply there, and he said that you can rest assured that the choice of the heroine will not change. Xu Xinyi will send a Weibo clarification on the day of joining the group."

Yi Yang thundered, and decided, "Let them clarify now."

Zhao Bin was awkward, although he didn't understand why President Yi would care about a small star like Xu Xinyi, but as an assistant, he was not qualified to say anything, "Yes, I'll do it right away."

When he turned around, Zhao Bin suddenly saw the big brother who raised Xu Xinyi in the file just handed to Mr. Yi ...

Isn't it Mr. Yi?

Zhao Bin suddenly realized.

But after thinking about it, I felt wrong, and President Yi did not seem to be a cuckold.

Is it ...

After thinking about it, he didn't want to understand. He set aside the matter for the time being, and it was important to do the boss's business first.

As soon as Zhao Bin got out of the office door, Yi Yang got up, walked to the floor-to-ceiling window, and looked at the office building on the opposite side. He remembered that Xu Xinyi's studio was in the office building on the opposite side, and he didn't know the floor.

This woman has always been arrogant and arrogant. She is very coquettish and can't stand a little grievance. I haven't seen her call over such a big thing. It seems that her wings are stiff and capable.

Yi Yang didn't want to care about her, but when she thought about it, she was also involved. It was a handy call. It helped with a phone call. Otherwise, the role was stolen. Xu Xinyi came home and added jealous to grandpa. Maybe I have to cry for him.

Women are trouble.

Turning back to his desk, his personal phone rang as he was about to open the file.

It was Xu Xinyi.

Yi Yang raised his eyebrows and waited for five seconds before the phone rang slowly.

Xu Xinyi's voice came from the handset, as if he had been wronged by Tianda, "husband ..."

"Things help you get it done. The producers don't dare to ask you any further trouble. You will join the team the day after tomorrow, and you will prepare it yourself."

It 's okay to be a man, and it 's okay to be a husband.

Oh, woman.