Chapter Sixty-One

After that post, Xu Xinyi still believed in Yi Yang. He couldn't be this kind of person, and even if he remixed, he couldn't do such a thing.

But she did not expect to live in the same district with Xu Weiyin in the United States in the two years she was married?

—— "In those two years, the dog man was absent. What a good opportunity, I have the heart and the courage, the actor's little hands did not dare to touch, Yi Yang fell well, and left his young and beautiful newlyweds to the United States and old lover**?"

— "No, what's my new wife? That post is right, I'm just a poor man who has been used as a stand-in."

— "No more, but also I thought that Yi Yang, this dog man, turned to evil, and never thought that everything was just his disguise."

— "I'm so miserable that he has been in the drum for so long that monkeys have to play with me. I was given 90 million necklaces at the auction? Xu Xinyi, what is your dream? It's not because Xu Weiyin and Jianghuai are here. One piece, Yi Yang, this dog man is jealous and uses you as a shield? "

—— "You will be so beautiful when you buy some clothes during Fashion Week. He thought he really bought it for you? That was for Xu Weiyin!"

—— "Xu Xinyi, you don't look in the mirror, except that you look more beautiful than Xu Weiyin, have better body, white skin, and taller and thinner. What other advantages do you have? Do you deserve Yi Yang's love?"

--"You do not deserve!"

—— "You only deserve to give way to Xu Weiyin, and then you will be alone with Anya and holding a huge fortune!"

Yi Yang laughed directly at Qi.

"Xu Xinyi, every day, why are there so many shows?"

When Xu Xinyi heard this, he looked at him in disbelief, tears falling down, his voice trembling and choking, "Do you think I play too much? OK, I can see you clearly, Yi Yang, I give way, I Concede, I will not delay you and Xu Weiyin, I will go! Grandpa, I will make it clear for you, you do not have to worry! "

Distraught Xu Xinyi got up and left.

Yi Yang held her wrist and said helplessly, "You give me the knife first."

Seeing Xu Xinyi not moving, Yi Yang reached out, holding her wrist in one hand and snatching the fruit knife from her.

"sit down."

Xu Xinyi remained motionless.

Yi Yang got up and put her on the sofa.

"Listen to me and don't speak until I finish."


"Listen carefully to me."


"First, you said that I lived in a district with Xu Weiyin during my business trip in the United States. I really don't know about this, not to conceal you intentionally."

"Second, Xu Weiyin and I had a gossip four years ago, but those are just rumors. In the past so many years, I don't think it's necessary to mention the old things again."

Yi Yang paused and said, "Finally, don't take the knife at every turn."

—— "Bad pits a mouth, who wouldn't say?"

"you do not believe?"

Xu Xinyi remained silent.

"The house in the United States was bought by Dad while you were still alive. You do n't believe that I can show you the certificate. As for Xu Weiyin, to me, I 'm just a long-lost college student. You can give me full trust. "

Seeing Xu Xinyi not talking, Yi Yang continued: "I saw the post on the Internet, do you really not see it, it was someone with ulterior motives? That post was all about my personal affairs, so many years ago It 's impossible for even my assistant to know such a detailed thing, so it 's not impossible for ordinary people to check it so carefully. Since it 's not ordinary people, who do you think it would be? "


"Xu Weiyin. She is provoking the relationship between our husband and wife. I have analyzed it with you before at the auction. Xu Weiyin is not as simple as it seems. Her mind is much deeper than you think. You are not Ask me why I didn't divorce you? "

Xu Xinyi shuddered and nodded.

"Because you are simple."


If Yi Yang was casual, he didn't know what he was saying, "You look beautiful, have a good body, simple and kind. What are the advantages of Xu Weiyin compared to you?"

Xu Xinyi nodded in good faith, "You're right."

"All in all, these rumors and rumors on the Internet are all rumors. We are husbands and wives, and the most important thing between husbands and wives is trust. This is the end of this matter and we should not make any more noise."

"By the way, remember to prepare tomorrow afternoon and accompany me to Mr. Jiang 's birthday banquet. If I am not mistaken, Xu Weiyin will also be present tomorrow. If the visitor is not good, she will definitely aim at you. You are prepared and smart Don't be bullied, remember? "

Xu Xinyi looked at him momentarily.

"What else do I need to explain?"

Xu Xinyi shook her head.

"go to bed early."

Yi Yang got up and went to the bathroom. When he got up, he seemed to think of something and looked at Xu Xinyi in silence.

Xu Xinyi looked up at him.

"Did you forget something tonight?"


Yi Yang raised an eyebrow. "I didn't use the subject to play and divorce me."

Xu Xinyi stopped talking, sitting on the sofa for a long time without moving, only to murmur, "Did I get so unreasonable?"


"So, Yi Yang and Xu Weiyin have no relationship at all? Are they all made by Xu Weiyin's own woman?" Anya, who listened to Xu Xinyi's story, went into deep thought.

Xu Xinyi thoughtfully, "->> shouldn't matter, right?"

As an outsider, Anya is hard to say too much.

"By the way, I have to accompany Yi Yang to the birthday party of the Jiang family tomorrow. Xu Weiyin will certainly not miss this opportunity," said Xu Xinyi, smiling. "Seriously, I am looking forward to Xu Weiyin's tomorrow. Act, she must not let me down. "

"Jiang's ... Will Jiangnian go? I will arrange a lesson for him tomorrow, why didn't he tell me earlier?"

Xin Yi said slightly, "His dad's birthday, should he?"


Jiang Cheng 's birthday banquet did not go to the hotel. It was held in his own home. The area of ​​Jiang 's villa was so large that Xu Xinyi did n't expect. In the city of A, where there was so much money, Jiang 's villa actually had two Yi houses. The villa is as big as a castle.

Yi Yang calmly introduced to her, "Although the Jiang family has kept a low profile in recent years, their ancestors have their roots and their strength cannot be underestimated. You will follow me next time and nothing will happen."

In the corner of the living room, JAC looked at the bustling guests in the living room with a wine glass, and said to the women around him, "Do you know what to do?"

Xu Weiyin stood beside him, and the guests who came to the banquet thought she was JAC's girlfriend, and smiled to show her goodwill.


"Hope you don't let me down."

Some bodyguard came over and said something beside Jianghuai. When Jianghuai heard it, "Where?"

"In your room."

Jiang Huai laughed and then said to Xu Weiyin, "I have something to do. Don't mess this up."

After that, turn around and leave.

Xu Weiyin looked at the back of Jianghuai's departure, and his original expression was calm and solemn.

JAC's attitude towards her is worse than day by day. During the time when she just returned to China, she could feel that JAC was attracted by her, but gradually, she saw less and less attraction from the eyes of JAC. Even now, she still treats her as a chess piece and pushes it into the arms of others.

Xu Weiyin knew that JAC was about to give up her completely.

But why?

She reviewed everything she did after returning home more than once. There was no flaw at all. Why would JAC give up her initiative?

Xu Weiyin didn't understand.

But she knew in her heart that if she did not follow Jianghuai's instructions, she would not be able to gain a foothold in the entertainment circle, and any Xu Xinyi could run herself to death.

Now that JAC has determined to abandon her, there is no need for her to hang on this JAC tree.

Xu Weiyin swallowed the last sip of red wine in the glass and walked directly towards Yi Yang. In the distance, he heard someone asking Yi Yang about Xu Xinyi's identity.

"Mr. Yi, is this?"

Xu Xinyi held Yi Yang's wrists, and the two stood together, male and female, like a loving couple.

Yi Yang inquired and said, "My wife, Xu Xinyi."

They suddenly realized, "It was Mrs. Yi."

Xu Xinyi smiled and gestured, and saw a bit of pity and inquiry on the faces of several people. Want to come to that post on the Internet and spread it widely?

Just after the introduction, I heard a few words of ridicule.

"Mr. Yi has concealed it rigorously over the years, with no news at all."

"Mr. Yi is really sobered. I plan to introduce my sister to Mr. Yi. It's a pity."

Xu Xinyi smiled back and said, "Fortunately, you didn't introduce, otherwise, your sister has not become a third party that destroys people's families?"

The atmosphere calmed down.

Yi Yang said indifferently: "Sorry, everyone, my wife is not very good-tempered."

I didn't hear any embarrassment, but I heard the subtext of 'My wife has a bad temper, and you speak for yourself'.

The man was embarrassed for a while, but because of Yang Yang's face, he dared not say more, and had to drink a drink to cover up, "Mrs. Yi joked."

"Well? Isn't this Miss Xu Weiyin?" Someone pointed sharply and saw Xu Weiyin chatting with someone on the other side of the long table.

Xu Weiyin turned back, and the smile on her face gradually disappeared when she touched Yi Yang. She walked around the long table and walked in front of several people. "Hello Mr. Li, I haven't seen you in a long time."

The unsuspecting Mr. Li cried with her. "I didn't expect to meet you here again. I will see you in a few days, and you are getting more and more beautiful."

Xu Weiyin smiled humblely: "It's your praise."

"Mr. Yi seems to be a classmate with Miss Xu?"

Xu Weiyin's eyes were on Yi Yang, but she quickly flinched and generally retracted her eyes. She smiled awkwardly and her eyes were misunderstood.

Xu Xinyi didn't have a man's pity, but he was not polite at all. "Isn't Miss Xu the girlfriend of Mr. Jiang? Why isn't he beside Mr. Jiang?"

Xu Weiyin smiled softly, "You misunderstood, Mr. Jiang and I are just ordinary friends."

"Friend?" Xu Xinyi laughed. "Is there a boyfriend, but an ordinary person, Schrödinger's boyfriend?"

Facing Xu Xinyi's words, Xu Weiyin didn't care too much, stood alone, frowning.

Xu Weiyin seemed to have lost a lot of weight during this time, her figure was thin, and her big slap face became more pity.

"I heard that Miss Xu has a three-year-old child. It's been hard working with children all these years?"

Xu Weiyin shook her head. "The child is very good and usually does not play tricks or work hard."

"Miss Xu, IMHO, haven't you thought about finding your child's father for so many years?"

Xu Weiyin froze, her eyes slowly drifting to Yi Yang.

Xu Xinyi snorted, "Let you go to find the child's father. What do you think my husband is doing? Why? Want my husband to take the order?"