Chapter 75

On the way to the studio, Xu Xinyi had a thorough understanding of what happened last night. Fortunately, Anya and the staff of the studio were experienced people. They quickly smelled the mixed contents of Jiang Nian 's hot search. The black material is unusual.

Anya is an old man in the circle, and has a good relationship with major media and marketing companies. One night I figured out the black marketing company behind, but I haven't been able to figure out who actually spends money behind the black people.

After receiving the name of the marketing company sent by Anya, Xu Xinyi wondered that it was a very strong company. According to her knowledge, the price was not low.

Who has deep hatred with her, or has deep hatred with Jiang Nian, and spends this big price to hack?

"Anya, what's the matter?" Xu Xinyi couldn't wait to go to Anya's office when she arrived at the studio.

Anya just hung up a phone and frowned, "I haven't found out who the person behind is, but you can rest assured that this black-catching black material can't make any waves."

Hearing Anya's words, Xu Xinyi was relieved.

"Where is Jiang Nian?"

"He came early in the morning, he should be in the practice room now ... wait!" Anya's mobile phone vibrated, her eyes hit the screen and she was shocked. She stood up and looked away in anger.

Xu Xinyi is unknown, so, "What's wrong?"

"I told Jiang Nian eight hundred times in the morning and told him not to read online messages or pay attention to this matter. What's wrong with him!"

The studio is not large. One floor walked over, echoing Anya's reprimand.

When Anya got angry, Xu Xinyi didn't dare to say much, and she followed Anya, for fear she would destroy Jiang Nian with a hot hand, and devour Jiang Nian.

The door of the practice room was opened, and Jiang Nian sat on the ground holding a mobile phone.

Seeing this scene, An Yaqi didn't hit a spot, quickly stepped forward, grabbed a mobile phone that grabbed Jiang Nian, and the interface remained on the Weibo reply interface.

"Jiang Nian, how many times have I told you? What happened to you?"

Anya is a 'fragrant, fragrant and jade-friendly' person. The small fresh meat and handsome guy who can see the eyes have infinite tolerance. But now, with regard to Jiang Nian 's attitude, Xu Xinyi really did n't know what was going on.

"Anya, have something to say."

"Speak well?" Anya handed the phone to Xu Xinyi. "Look at the words he answered. We told him rumors in the front. He'd better. Send the others one by one in the back. This is not the black material. Is it delivered by others? I have confiscated the mobile phone, and you should not use it on Weibo for now.

Xu Xinyi took a look at the phone and frowned.

As everyone knows, taking people's money, those marketing companies have to work for others. Of course, those black materials on the Internet are dying, and the words are dirty, Jiang Nian just became an adult, and he can only be regarded as a gang in the entertainment industry. In his early days, he was young and considerate.

"Forget it," Xu Xinyi shook his head at Anya. "You go first, I'll come."

Anya hated Tiefuchenggang and glared at Jiang Nian, leaving with annoyance.

Jiang Nian slowly lowered his head without saying a word.

Xu Xinyi sat down beside him, watching his recent Weibo replies, and he was scolding some uncomfortable comments. Of course, Jiang Nian's reply may not be very good.

Probably knowing that he was in a rush, Jiang Nian apologized, "I'm sorry, I'm making you trouble again."

Xu Xinyi smiled slightly. "It doesn't matter. I can understand that what they say is really hard to hear. When I first entered the industry, I also received many such personal attacks, which is even worse than you."

Jiang Nian looked up at her.

@Finity 好 文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

"You know, I didn't have a good reputation before. Many fans didn't like me. Every day private messages scolded me countless. You are nothing."

"Aren't you angry?" @Finity 好 文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

"Of course I'm angry. How could I not be angry if I was splashed with dirty water for no reason, but do you know how I deal with it?"

"How to deal with it?" @Finity 好 文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

"I have countless trumpets. I find the fans who scold me the most. Look carefully. You can't find the machine number of the marketing company. You have to find the real fans. Then you scold them back in private messages. Star, and the most important step, pull her black! "Xu Xinyi slyly smiled." After pulling black, she can't comment on private messages to you, wrote a full screen scolding you, sending unsuccessful, and can be angry for one night. "

Jiang Nianzhuan looked at her wistfully.

Closer to home.

"But, Jiang Nian, you are a star. If you are liked by many people, you have to bear the possibility of not being liked. Usually you do n't need to care about those people. Pay more attention to those fans who support you. . "

Xu Xinyi handed the phone back to Jiang Nian. "Anyah is just impatient. It 's a little bit more important. Just remember the words. You can use the mobile microblog normally, but you must remember to open a trumpet."

Jiang Nian looked at Xu Xinyi's mobile phone, and hesitated for a moment before nodding.

"Sister Xin Yi, don't worry, I won't trouble you any more."

"That's good. Now the people in the entire studio will stay overnight all night because of your business. You will buy lunch for everyone and have afternoon tea for everyone in the afternoon."


"It's okay, don't worry. Someone is black is a good thing. It means you are red. Do you think about someone who hacked you when you were big_five? No?"

Jiang Nian slowly nodded.

"So don't think too much," Xu Xinyi patted Jiang Nian's shoulder, "I'll go and see Anya."

After speaking, got up and left the practice room.

The door of the practice room was closed, Jiang Nian sat there for a long time, and the phone screen was unlocked. The words on the Weibo reply interface were deleted word by word. After returning, a malicious Weibo appeared on the screen.

"Jiang Nian has anything besides his face? Most of Xu Xinyi's studio was able to enter Xu Xinyi's studio? Isn't Xu Xinyi a good thing?"

It's strange.

Filled with anger and miraculously dying, these disgusting words seemed to really be less concerned.

As soon as Xu Xinyi came to the door of Anya's office, she heard the impatient voice from the front desk, and turned to the front desk.

A man at the front desk was holding ninety-nine roses and looked at Anya with a sullen expression. "Miss An, I just send flowers, and I can't help it ..."

Anya impatiently signed the signing form, and the man who sent the flowers left the roses at the front desk and immediately slipped away.

"Rose? Who gave it?"

Speaking of this Anya, she had a headache, "Luo Ye." After that, she told the front desk, "There will still be someone who will send flowers to the trash bin directly, without having to notify me again."

The little girl at the front desk answered.

Xu Xinyi laughed beside her and said, "Luo Ye? He is still tangling with you?"

"Don't mention him, I have a headache when I mention him, and I'm sick of it."

The entire studio was busy at night, staring at the dynamics of the parties without stopping.

During this period, Xu Xinyi received two calls from Yi Yang and ten text messages asking when to leave, but they were all sent back by Xu Xinyi with a word of "Busy".

Yipin Lanting, Yi Yang looked at a perfunctory word on his mobile phone and lost his thoughts.

How big can Jiang Nian be, and she needs to be busy all day long?

Mrs. Yi, who was disregarding his family for busy other men, had a deep grudge.

Today, he deliberately arranged all the arrangements, thinking about being able to cultivate a good relationship with Xu Xinyi, and all actions were confirmed by hitting Zhao Bin side by side, but he did not expect that Xu Xinyi would be in the army.

After thinking about it, he sent a text message to Xu Xinyi.

"Do you know what day it is? Come back early."

What day?

After receiving this text message, Xu Xinyi looked blank, thinking about today's date seriously and carefully. It didn't seem to be an important day.

Is it Grandpa's birthday? No, grandpa's birthday is in July, and even if it is the grandpa's or mom's birthday, she should be notified in advance.

But apart from that, there is nothing important to remember.

Yi Yang's birthday?

When Xu Xinyi patted her head, when was Yi Yang's birthday? Seems to be coming in the first half.

She remembers that Mrs. Yi said in the past that Yi Yang did not like to be lively and did not like to do big things. She had eaten with her family in the past years. Even if she was too busy to work for two years, her birthday was A video call is resolved.

Is it really his birthday today?

Such a thing Xu Xinyi couldn't even ask, how could his wife, who loved her husband, not even remember her husband's birthday?

So she immediately returned a message in the past: "Of course I know, my husband will come back immediately [Kiss]"

"Little a, what's Yi Yang's birthday?"

"I don't know, oh kiss." Someone shouted a little, ignored me, hum, woman.

... Xu Xinyi had to pack up and drive home immediately. After passing through a shopping mall on the way, he deliberately got off the car and bought a gift for Yi Yang. Whether it was his birthday or not, it was safe to buy a gift.

Then rushed back to Yipinting as fast as possible.

When I opened the door, the large empty room was dark, and only a few white candles were lit on the restaurant table. The candlelight was bright, and the lights of the whole city outside the window reflected into Xu Xinyi's eyes.

Seeing this scene, Xu Xinyi felt guilty and entered the room with a gift. "Husband?"

Yi Yang's voice came from the living room. "Come back? Did you eat?"

"Not yet." Without turning on the light, Xu Xinyi did not see Yi Yang's expression for a moment.

"Just right, I prepared dinner."

Xu Xinyi sat at the table with a gift and looked at Yi Yang's carefully prepared candlelight dinner in front of her, wondering.

— "Good, how can you make such a romantic thing by candlelight dinner? Is it really a big day today?"

Yi Yang frowned, "You don't know what day it is?"

Xu Xinyi smiled guilty, "Of course I know!"

Then, she took out the gift and handed it to Yi Yang. "It's for you."

Yi Yang looked at the gift that Xu Xinyi handed over, and a rare smile was evoked from the corner of his mouth. He also took out a prepared gift from his side, a delicate jewelry box.

"happy Birthday."

"Today is our wedding anniversary ..." Day.

in unison.

Yi Yang's jewellery box stopped in the air, and Xu Xinyi's gift was on the spot.

Silence is the romance tonight.

"Xu Xinyi, it's not my birthday today! You forgot our wedding anniversary?"

"What wedding anniversary? Our wedding anniversary is not today!"

The two then remained silent and quiet.

The candlelight on the table swayed in the wind.

Yi Yang gritted his teeth. "You don't even remember my birthday?"

Xu Xinyi's rational voice must be high, raising her eyebrows and exclaiming, "... Don't be fooled, you forgot even our wedding anniversary!"

"Don't you know my birthday?"

"Don't you remember our wedding anniversary?"

"Then what do you say, my birthday?"

"What's the date of our wedding anniversary, you say!"

There was another lengthy silence.

"My birthday is May 5th."

"Our wedding anniversary, March 27."

Both of them took the gift back, tacitly understood that this hadn't happened, and started to eat.