
She was remembering, the stories of the evil spirits and witches who lived in the forest. I was petrified I started praying and asking for God's help and protection.

That's when I laughed to myself it probably wasn't true I usually sing to myself in the bath, but I am yet to see a snake.

Yaa -nom. Abba rolled her eyes. How scary can it be? I am not scared.

It was when someone tapped her on the shoulder.

Eh, nyame a duru me so(eh it is now my turn).

She turned back to see the outlines of a boy. Who was a head smaller than her?

Abba? The boy said.

Kweku? Abba hugged him and said we were worried.

I heard the voice of the baby, and suddenly I was there.


The children tried to escape the forest they had never been in. However, they couldn't get out of the thicket of trees, bushes, and vines which made the forest an endless maze.

I can't walk any more. Kweku's said panting as he held onto Abba's. Clothing.

Me neither.

Do you think our clansmen will come looking for us?

I doubt.

Do you doubt it? Kweku Said.

I doubt they will find us.

Whoosh the trees rustled, frightening the children.

What could it be so late in the evening?

Maybe our clansmen.

Another whoosh came from the trees.

Clack something clicked after rubbing. Then a sudden light which was behind the children shone. The children turned to look at the figure who ignited the light. Wisps of ash and gold fire arose from a stick that she held in her wrack.

Such beautiful eyes were the first thing that came into ABBA's mind. The girl in front of them had a pair of beautiful black eyes. Her skin was rich with Melanie.

In one hand the girl held a child not less than five years old and in the other the torchlight

The image of a beautiful angel collapsed when she began to speak.

She seemed irritated and impatient.

Is he yours? She said showing them the toddler in her hands.

No Abba said she had never seen the child before.

With that, she turned around leaving.

UMM, hello we are lost can you help us?

ABBA asked trying to call her back.

Follow me.

After a few rights and turns they arrived at the border of the forest and their village.

The villagers had just returned from the search for the children but all to no avail.

It was devastating the mother cried. It was when coming out of the forest a group of children.

They heralded a ray of hope. The lady that wore unrevealing clothes who's every step was heard with a jingle of a bead. Uninterested the lady's eyes skimmed through the children when she noticed the two kids.

The chosen child, a prophecy unknown to man.

The chosen child the village chief Heard-from her mumbles.

He had heard of the chosen child but did understand. Why, what savings did they need?

The chosen child the village chief Heard from her mumbles.

But ignoring his questions he settled the children. The lady took the children back home.

Is he yours? The girl looks at the village chief showing him the child.


With that, she went back into the forest. The children she had helped were long gone. Humans, she sighed what did she expect they were all the same?

It was when the lady with many beads said.

Maybe I can help you look for his parents she said.

The girl nodded.

My name is Orsrane.

And yours?

I have none.

Orsrane led the way to her house. The sun was rising when they got to her house.

Orsrane lived in a big house with little grass on its compound. The compound was clean but inside it was chaotic. A herbal scent entered the girl's nose. Everywhere were herbs on the floor, and tables everywhere.

Mano, where are you? Orsrane called out.

Oh sit down, sit down. The girl sat placing the sleeping child beside her his head resting on her lap.

Would you like some sobolo? The lady grinned.

No, thank you. She did not trust the villagers. She came here to find to do one thing and one thing only. Find the Parents of this child. She had found him asleep on the trunk of a tree he often cried in his sleep, but he never opened his eyes.

Mano the lady called whiles sipping her sobolo.

In coming, a parrot swooped in from the window, but he passed where they sat, and his head hit the wall.

Mano, I have a very special task for you. Listen carefully.

listen carefully the bird repeated.

Are any children missing?

Are any children missing? he repeated again and again.

The parrot spread his wings and flew out of the window.

With Mano inquiring about the child's parents we can rest assured.

Good. The girl put the child down and put a pouch in his pocket.

Thank you.

you're welcome.

I am going now.

The girl opened the outwards and took a step out when Orsrane says the chosen children are unique.

The secrets of the Heavens should not be revealed the girl said.

Another chosen child who wishes they weren't special.

Another meddler who doesn't understand.

Would someone who doesn't understand know the chosen child you telling me about?

The girl's eyes open wide and quickly shut. As she mumbled in the stream someone helped.

What is going on in the stream?

In five minutes a girl will drown. The story no more exists. She panted heavily and then screamed in horror. The girl is Abba.

Lead me to the stream.

What about the child. She looked at the little boy who was fast asleep.

Bye, the girl searched foresight and found a hint of a big tree. She ran and was just in time.

Stay away from the water. the girl ran to her.

Three minutes later she went to the water wet her hands and marked Abbas's forehead with the symbol of luck.

A story is being written she said with a bright smile that showed pearly white teeth.

She looked at the people and realized none of them had a story none of them had a fate. The world could not progress if they exist.

For the past years, there weird occurrences, of deaths some came back alive some died.The supernatural fighting with living. Chaos began.

The spider who owns all stories is Ananse. What is going on?

Why make my children suffer?