
"The saddest event in our lives is to see, people we know die, the Labyrinth is a cruel place that is full of dangers lurking in the dark, people like them are the ones that risk their lives to make our lives better, these people were the ones who were just doing their jobs to provide us resources, it was just a carelessness from our side that we underestimated the SHR of the Stage and that lead to the demise of the Whole Dominators Clan…" A middle-aged blonde man with green eyes and a moustache said. While standing in front of several cascades.

This man was Albert Klien, the administrative officer responsible for Cluster 1, or the first 10 Stages.

The cascades had no bodies, just a few belongings of the respective late members of the Dominators clan.

All the people stood on the other side of the cascades wearing black suits and dresses,

DRC and Bella stood together, on his left was Chad and next to him was Leo.