"Lala lala, lala lala"

"Madison!" the loud scream coming from the garden startled the little girl as she looked up to see her mother the countess of clanford walking towards her with fast steps and a murderous expression on her face.

"how many times have I warned you about playing with sand Madison" pulling her by the arms she continued to scold her " its unbefitting of a girl of your status to seat on the ground and play with sand like a common person instead of learning social antics just like your sister." She spoke with barely restrained anger.

Looking at the doorway seven year old Madison saw her sister there trying to hold her giggles as she stood with their governess who had a horrified look upon seeing her state.

"But I was just helping this little plants mother, it was about to die"

"That's not your job" the countess pressed her lips trying to avoid saying more but she couldn't help it "it's the job of the Gardner for God sake, just look at yourself, you look like a mess"

"Are you trying to say only a Gardner is allowed to save life mother?" little madi couldn't help but feel confused, her nanny had strongly told her that everybody can help a person regarded of their status and who the person may be.

"I am saying only a Gardner can save a plant life" her mother said exasperatedly.

"But look mother the plant is now blooming, I saved it"

"That's enough Madison, go clean up yourself and join your sister in studying and Ellison go back and complete your studies" she said looking over at the nanny, who quickly scurried over and pulled her into the house.

"do you think mother didn't like that I saved the pant" madi couldn't help but feel bad that she disappointed her mother yet again, so far that have been the only thing she had been good at.

"Of course not my dear" nanny Matilda looked at the little girl she had come to love as her own "she was just mad that you messed up your pretty dress in the process"

Breathing a sigh of relive when she saw the girl had brighten up a little, Matilda continued to clean her up, she knew that the countess loved Madison, she just had a weird way of showing it.


"Very good, if you keep up this way then am sure you both will make your parents very proud and you will also be successful debutante" the governess pated both Madison and Ellison heads as she stood up staring at the little girls which were smiling at her with full grins before leaving.

"God I couldn't wait for her to leave"

The two girls erupted into giggles at their success in managing to fool their governess once again that the understood everything which in fact they had no clue about. "Do you think she will tell mother how well we did today?" Ellison looked at her sister with a smile on her lips.

The two girls where always together and were known to perform mischief all the time but while Ellison hardly did anything wrong and was the gently one, Madison was known to get into constant trouble with both her parents and Ellison mostly took the blame for her which led to the conclusion that she was just as stubborn and mischievous as her sister.

"Am sure she will" Madison sent her a smile as well, facing the direction of the door when they heard horse hoofs and a carriage pulling up. The girls immediately stood up and straighten their gowns, "I think father is back"

Lining up at the front of the house along with their mother both girls had their back straight and head held high as the greeted their father.

"Good evening father" the both said at the same time.

"hmmm" he barely glanced their way before giving a chaste peck to his wife and heading inside, both girls didn't mind such behavior because their father mostly ignored them, it was no news to them how much he wanted a son as was mostly disappointed with the turn of event, both girls did their best to impress him and where on their best behavior whenever he was around but he didn't seem to care or even notice.

"Come on girls lets go in" their nanny led them in.

"did you talk to them?" the earl of clanford spoke to his wife in his usual stern voice and neither the girls looked up from their bowls of soup knowing that will get them in trouble.

Dapping her lips with a handkerchief to clean any drop of soup, the countess answered "yes, of course, they are lovely people and the even agreed to have dinner with us tomorrow night"

Sending his wife a pleased smile he continued to eat his diner "make sure everything goes on perfectly as planned, we don't want to ruin our reputation in front of them"

"Don't worry I will take care of the preparations myself" she said turning to look over at her daughters. The countess gave them a warning look "Ellison, Madison we will be expecting some very important guess tomorrow and I want you both to be on your best behavior, understood?"

"Yes mother" they both answered simultaneously.

The Salypse family where of good breeding and where rich in their own rights with several lands and a well thriving estate but of late things have not been going well for them.

Simon Salypse had recently entered a large amount of debt due to his excess gambling habit and as a result he had sold all of his lands and had lost almost every penny that he owned. their only source of revenue as presence was his estates and he was sure that his daughters won't be incapable of managing them in the future, that is why he had decided to make close acquaintance with the people of high class and luckily for him the duke of langard and his family had recently come to clanford to spend their vacation and surprisingly they were staying next to his home. Simon was sure that if he made friends with the duke then he will be able to scurry a favor later in future but for now he wanted to actively be engaged in the dukes business. So he will have to do everything to win him over and make sure his family was on their best behavior.