"Simon…" the countess stared at him with wide eyes

"Where will she go? She is your daughter" she said with a crooked voice and behind her she saw Ellison already crying.

"She is my daughter, that is why am doing this to teach her a lesson and for her to change"

Madison began to look frantically at her mother begging her with her eyes to stop him.

her father had always spanked them as a form of discipline when they made a mistake. So she thought why couldn't he just do that now, she didn't want to leave her home and the people she loved so much.


Standing quietly on the porch of the house Madison patiently waited for the carriage to pull up in front of her before the coach man carried her things and her inside.

The carriage started to trot away from the house and looking behind from the window she saw Ellison silently crying why her mother's head was cast down refusing to meet her eyes while her father had a stone hard expression on his face and lastly she looked at Matilda who eyes were red and puffy from crying. staring at each one of them, she tried to remember thier faces as if it will be the last time she will be see them.

The carriage began to move farther but she kept looking backwards at them until they became smaller and smaller. the coach made a turn which resulted to her not seeing them again due to the blockage by the tress, she turned back to face her front and quietly sat still.

Earlier that morning her father had told her that he was sending her off to a prestigious all girls boarding school in bemount and that she should be happy he was saving her from the treatment she will get from society if she grew up like this. she begged and cried promising to change, but to no avail, he hadn't listened to her and had called the carriage over to come take her to the school.

she didn't know how long she was going to stay there and when she was coming back home, all she knew was that she didn't want to leave her family.

She thought that all this had happened because of rosette, she was jealous of her talent to make flowers bloom and decided to destroy her flowers and put the blame on her, and at that moment her little heart became so consumed by hate for the girl who single handedly ruined her life.

Arriving at a large building she read from a sign board BEMOUNT GIRLS HIGH SCHOOL.

Taking in a deep breath she walked into the building hand in hand with Sam the coach man who led her to the administrator office.

After he had finished talking to the school administrator, he left the school leaving her with a woman whose name she learned was mademoiselle Salome. she took her to one of the hostel rooms and left her there with a bunch of girls telling her to change her clothes and come downstairs.

each of the girls were playing with one another on doing something or the other, and neither one of them seem to notice her or the simply chose to ignore her. They were mostly all girls of her age who were already customed with new student always arriving to the school.

Going to the only bed she saw which was empty at the end of the room and was also at the lower bunk she dropped her belongings there, and began to change her clothes as she was instructed.

She didn't eat anything during dinner and had gone back to her room feeling lonely and sad. usually after dinner her and Eli will go back up to their room and play with their doll while chattering before finally falling asleep. but Eli wasn't here and there was nobody for her to talk to as all of the girls were still downstairs having their dinner, she opened her little bag to see the doll that Ellison had kept for her and she smiled, she pulled out the doll and hugged it tight to her chest and then laid down on the bed curling herself to a ball before she eventually fell asleep.

"get up, get up"

she heard a loud voice wail in the room before she tiredly openly her eyes, she was about to tell nanny Matilda to keep it down before she took in her surrounding and then remember where she was.

it wasn't dream, she was here in this boarding school hundreds of miles away from her family.

"Madison, come on now get up" mademoiselle Salome pulled her up and led her to the toilet to get ready. And after getting ready she ate very little for breakfast before going to her class without talking to anybody.

Madison was a very smart girl who was quick to learn so she understood all that was taught that day without any problems, after that she went back to the room to hear a group of girls giggling. She peeked in through the door to see a group of girls standing together.

"Dose she carry this everywhere with her?" a girl with blonde hair said while giggling and holding something in the air, and it was only then did she realized that they all had surrounded her bed and we're touching her belongings.

"Of course she dose" answered another "she still sleeps with a doll like little a baby" she raised Madison piggy doll higher in the air.

Entering the room Madison approached the girls and tried to take her doll back but the kept on passing it around while making funny face at her.

"Give it back!" she screamed but the only laughed more,

"Why, do you want to cry?"

All they girls were taller than her so she kept jumping to reach for Ellison's doll but the kept throwing it around until she caught it, but the first girl with the blonde hair griped it and they both started pulling at the doll before the doll suddenly ripped apart dividing into two parts as all the stuffed foam inside it fell to the floor. the other girl dropped the head of the doll and the all started laughing at her again, but this time, it was because she was crying.

They had destroyed the last thing she had of her sister, she also threw the body and ran out of the room. she hated it here, she hated their food, their uniform and even the girls here, as they were all mean to her.