"Ahhhhh" Madison kept running after the little piglet front of her as it dodged people and jumped through stones while she did the same.

"Whoa! Go Madison" she had the other girls cheer which boosted her zeal to run more and finally she threw herself in the mud and on the piglet which started grunting but before it could start running again she held it firmly and pulled it up raising it in the air while the other girls cheered and hailed her.

Meanwhile she stood up and twirled around making a mock curtsy which resulted to all of them bursting into another wild fit of laughter.

"Madison Salypse!"

mademoiselle Salome loud and clear voice starlted her, as she turned around to see the murderous expression on her face. she shivered a little and loosened her grip on the piglet which led to it leaping from her hands with so much force that she actually slipped and fell right on her butt in the mud and she heard the voices of some girl go off with laughter.

All covered in mud and probably bruised, Madison laid there breathing tiredly but that wasn't the least of her problems, because she knew she was going to be dead by the end of the day probably because mademoiselle Salome was undoubtedly going to kill her.

As years went by Madison had adjusted in the boarding school and had even started to like it there. her parents came to visit her once every year and mostly during a holiday.

But in all the years that have passed, they didn't take her back home, not even once for the breaks and holidays. she had decided a very long time ago that she won't be their puppet and that she will not allow them to make her feel worthless or foolish.

The people in the boarding school became her own family and she loved them all so dearly.

and even if she now had several friends she still missed her sister immensely. it has been five years since she last saw her because Ellison was not allowed to travel to come visit her in bemount, but the always exchanged letters and kept in touch telling each other about the others life.

And while Ellison had grown to be gentle, kind, beautiful and well bred the opposite went for Madison she was more stubborn and intrusive than she ever was, over eager to unravel the world and learn new things. When other girls didn't care about anything related to business or workings, Madison read about politics and understood them and she even played chess with the school Liberian at her spare time, she had wits and courage as she was very bold and had never cower in front of anyone, always speaking her mind just as she saw it.

And apart from all the new traits Madison had developed she had also grown up to be a very beautiful girl, with her dark brown hair which looked black and her beautiful grey eyes which always sparkled like diamonds whenever she was excited. And even as just a girl, anyone who looked at her could testify of her beauty.

After taking a shower and treating her bruises she had gone back to her class for dance lessons only to find out she was late again and she quickly scurried to the line not to get seen.

"One two three, one two three" Mrs. Greta chanted as she walked between rows of dancing girls while giving anyone who failed to perform well a good lash with her ruler.

"Chins up, chest out and do not slouch your shoulders" she half yelled as the girls continued to perform the dance steps.

Dance class was always the worst for Madison because she will have to move around with a large heavy book on her head and keep her back arched straight while performing the steps.

Turning over to look at Glenda she saw her press her lips tight as if trying to avoid saying something. she gave her a raised brow which resulted to her looking down at her shoe were a spider was fast approaching her direction.

She knew better to act on it by moving, seeing that Mrs. Greta was once again passing with her infamous ruler which was very popular among the girls and was known to be extremely painful when lashed with it.

Moving closer to her she tried to step on the spider but missed as it only moved further away, she tried one more time which resulted to the heavy book on her head almost falling but she caught it in time and before she knew the spider was fast approaching her and was now climbing her skirt.

trying her best not to react she felt it on her neck, Turning to look at it , she saw it look right back at her before she knew it,she started screaming and shaking her body to get rid of the spider but it looked like she was just flaying her hands in the air and jumping in a circle which made the whole class laugh.


Mrs. Greta had approached her due to the scene she just created, "do you want to teach us some new dance routines?" she pressed her lips with distaste.

"No mademoiselle, I was just trying to get rid of a spider"

"Of course you were, always trying to get something isn't it?"

"Am sorry mademoiselle" she turned to her right to see a group of girls giggling, and she immediately recognized them as Jen and her terrorist group.

Over the years the two girls had come to become archenemies and rivals both in beauty and academic, as they were both the best in their class and were both equally beautiful.

"To the principal office now"

She saw them smirk at her before she found her way out with a gloomy face, this will be the second time today that she will be sent to the principal office, first it was the incidence with the pig and now distracting the dance class, she was sure she was going to get a severe punishment today.

But upon entering the principal office she was offered a seat and was told that a letter had come in for her that morning.

She was so excited after seeing who it was from that she sprinted out of the office without reporting herself and into the hallway before finally reaching her dorm room and locking the door.

She tore the envelope open and took out the letter with a smile on her face but slowly her smile began to dim while reading the content of the letter. she read and reread the letter once more but she still couldn't come in terms with what she was seeing nor understand it, Ellison has just gotten betrothed.