The man tusked before stepping forward but not close enough for her to take a good look at him "ladies always make the assumptions that all titled and rich men are gentlemen but what they don't know is that they aren't even close to being that behind close doors"

Feeling a little offended that he was purposely insulting all the titled and aristocrats she casted him a good glance "and how will you know that, I thought you aren't one of them"

"I have come across a few you know" he took the last swing of his drink, before dropping the glass on the railing and he took a step forward finally coming into the light and her heart beat stopped for a second.

He was clad in black form head to toe which went extremely well with his raven black hair and contracted well with his starling blue orbs which felt so achingly familiar to her for an unknown reason.

And as she took a closer look at him she noticed that his clothing's looked impeccable as the screamed of riches. his black jacket had intricate designs with gold thread matching his gold cuffs and shoes, he black hair was neatly combed back, giving view to his beautiful blue eyes behind those long lashes of his. He looked to her like a wealthy man an extremely wealthy man.

"not all men are the same" she said taking in his extremely handsome face and tanned complexion unlike most of London beaux who had skin as white as a fair lady.

He thrust both his hands in his breaches pocket "but all women are alike"

Finding it offensive she questioned him "How so? Each differ in many ways"

Grinning she saw him ideally plop his legs on the wall opposite her with his hands still in his pockets. "Yes they are all different on the outside but deep inside they are all the same, Greedy and selfish."

"I beg you pardon"

she couldn't believe that he had just insulted the whole female race. It seemed to her that the man had a strong evasion for women, maybe because of his past experience. Was that why he left the hall? But regardless of his thoughts he should never judge a whole race based on action by one person alone, it was wrong and childish of him.

"Correct me if I am wrong. What all women do is to stick up to the rich and wealthy, they will do anything to attain luxury even at the expense of another person, they don't care what they have to give up, the only thing they care about are the riches they will attain latter and that it why you and the other young ladies are hear looking for a 'suitable' husband"

"That is simply nonsense" she felt herself stir up "it's not called greed as neither one of this women are doing anything wrong or hurting anyone in the process, such arrangement have been in history for the longest time."

"Protecting your peers aren't you? And what about the several young men the turn down and humiliate because they aren't titled."

Madison concluded that the young man was only bitter because he must have been subjected to such treatment. Obviously he was rich judging by the clothing he wore but higher class women preferred to marry from an aristocrat's linage and he probably wasn't titled.

"It's not always their choice to choose who they will like to marry, but regardless some women still have other preference apart from titles"

"Which all include wealth and nothing more"

Even thou he was right she did not want him feeling he knew better. Most young ladies especially debutante like herself looked for prospecting men to marry, and the all but included men with titles but that doesn't mean the will go to any length to attain it. All the wanted was a simply comfortable life.

"It's decorum for a debutante to present herself in front of all the respectable members of the ton"

"Only to the higher class?" he looked at her as if she was a complete fool, finding nothing wrong with the English ways.

But what he didn't know is that Madison found them just as repulsive as he did, to only give men of titles importance as if they were God them self and discredit the others.

She hated it when the higher class looked down on people and would have never done that, but the man seemed adamant on provoking her and suggesting that she did.

"That wasn't what I meant"

"Really, And here I thought you were different from all the hen witted women who saw nothing beyond luxury and had common knowledge but it turns out you are all just the same."

Feeling herself boil with rage and losing control for the hundredth time ever she gave him her most insulting stare before hutlingly repliying him "how dare you imply such without even knowing me and jugding me."

"Because it all you women do stick up to the rich" she stared at him unblinkingly, he talked like someone who hated women, and Madison had never come across a man in her whole life who hated women, in fact the all loved them.

"All men are not the same" she said her last piece "and I am sure you know the same goes for women, now if you will excuse me I have to get back to the ball."

She walked out of the balcony with not as much as a glance back towards him.

Walking down the stairs, she passed the guest briskly while trying to shut out the words of that man in her head.

He not only insulted her but all women in general Simply because she had managed to outsmart his question.

Yes, she was sure he became so aggressive because he felt insulted she was more knowledgable that him in the stars and he probably felt the need to insult her too. And at that moment she really thought all men were the same, they began to treat a woman with vehemence when the realize she is a tad smarter that them. Their ego would always be their down fall.

She was so caught up in her thought that she didn't see the group of men in front of her and had collided with one of them resulting for her fan which she held in a deadly grip to slip away from her fingers but she didn't notice and her continued walking over to mademoiselle after mumbling a quick apology to them without turning back.

"Excuse me; I think you dropped your fan."