"We all need our pleasure now don't we" she stared at him disgustingly.

"And you claim women are the users" he stepped closer again and she moved back once more.

"We all use each other but at least I am not a hypocrite am open about it."

"Aren't you?" she felt him cage her with his arms at both side of the wall, she didn't know when she had reached the wall but what she knew was that there was no space to retreat now.

"Certainly not" he stared down at her in her red satin gown flowing in the wind and her hair bristling around her face, she looked alluring to him at that moment.

"I don't believe you. You may think all women are hypocrite but you are the biggest one because even after claiming to despise them your still in their company, and whatever reason you have is simply an excuse."

She saw him clench his jaw and leaned down his face which made her panic and her eyes darting to the door to see if anyone was there to save her. "Do you want me to prove to you how hypocritical all women can be" she saw the muscle in his cheek jerk and his faces harden. And before she could say anything more she felt her word swallowed back as his mouth landed on hers.

She was still for a moment, not knowing how to react, she had never kissed a man before and this fanatical man had just stole her first kiss to prove a point. Felling extremely annoyed she tore her mouth from his staring daggers at him as her voice broke. "what was that to prove exactly?" she felt like strangling him, she pushed on his chest to create some distance between the both of them but he didn't budge and she had no were to escape as she was trapped between him and the wall "that I will melt in your arms and kiss you back or to show how desperate you are to have your way?"She continued "you are even worse than…"

And in the next second he pulled her back and his lips once again descended on hers but this time around she didn't stay still, she fought him but the more she struggled the more he became insistent, forcing her to yield with his mouth, showing her he was stronger and after a while he started to slow the kiss becoming gentle and nudging on her lips to path an give way for him.

she felt one of his hands which was braced beside her on the wall slip down to her back drawing slow circle motions while pulling her to him as he continued to suck on her lips. Pulling from the kiss he stared at her wide eyes and breathless "it was to prove that in the end Madison all women succumb no matter how resilient the think they may be and they are all proven to be liars because they have no gait"

She felt two hot tears race down her cheeks as she looked at the incredulous man felling her temper rise.


She looked over Robert shoulders to see Ronnie there holding two glasses before he dropped them and hurried back inside, she pushed Robert with as much force as she could while she ran after him, calling his name but he didn't look back and had increased his steps.

Coming out of the calangas house she raced over to the park were the carriages were but his was already gone. he had left without hearing her side of the story and she didn't know when next she would see him again.

It was already midnight and by now he would be on his way to the deck. She felt hot tears run down her face as she took a ragged breath in. it was all his fault, he had intentionally kissed her in Ronnie presence so that he leaves her and she will probably move on with someone wealthier. He wanted her to experience heartbreak, but she wasn't going to give up on him because of that self centered egoistic man who didn't care about the consequences of his actions.

She felt like going back to the garden and giving him a slap he would never forget for years to come, but what was the point, he had proved his point and it will be foolish now to go back and confront him.

But she wasn't going to let him win by breaking her resolve, never. She quickly dried her tears not to attract any attention and stormed over to her carriage she needed to meet Ronnie before he left for Scotland, she couldn't let him go thinking she had cheated, she wanted him to know about her true feeling for him and no matter what she wasn't going to give up.

But it was too late as Madison reached the deck, the ship he was boarding had already left. She went back to the house not wanting to revisit the party, and that day was the day she marked her never ending hatred for the duke of frostway Robert Williams.


Robert sat down causally on the leather chair in his office while taking large gulps of his brandy. he didn't know why he had acted so repulsive today, No, they truth is that he knew exactly why he acted that way, he was only trying to deny the fact to himself.

When he had seen Madison and Jamison leave the hall together to the balcony he had felt frenzy for some unknown reason.

After what happened to him two years ago he had concluded that all women were scheming opportunist and seeing a woman as beautiful and intelligent as Madison with Jamison not caring about his status he had wondered if truly she was different than most of the women who only saw men based on their riches. He didn't want her to break his resolve, to doubt his theory because it made him mad and he knew if he wasn't mad the he would have been shattered, so he chose the easier way out. Anger over hurting and it was working well for him before her.

No woman since then have ever made him doubt his theory or had made it feel wrong, the all proved him right so he saw them beneath him, not worth his emotions. But seeing her so close and probably in love with Jamison without wanting anything in return was quite strange to him and it made him irritated.

He became angry because he had to prove to himself more than anybody else that all women were not loyal so he had devised a perfect plan to break them apart. And upon seeing the compromising situation they were both caught in, nobody will believe a renowned duke like himself would force himself on a woman who was not willing.

He succeeded, he had tore them apart so why wasn't he happy? He should be delighted but instead he was here sulking with his brandy and still questioning himself what if she was different.

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