Chapter 6 : Rescue I


Wave was quite far from the village. We had been on the road for about three days, rushing through the lush forest that surrounded the village. Mobility had been one of the first lessons at the academy. How to move through numerous landscapes, and conditions had been drilled into us by the instructors. Moving silently, purposefully, and covertly while masking your tracks were the basics that every shinobi learned.

We were in formation with Hinata and sensei in front, me in the middle, and Shino covering our rear. Hinata was our primary sensor and was on the lookout for any incoming threat. As the rustling of the leaves faded to the background, I began to think of the implications of this mission. How would my choices affect the world? My plan to fade into the backdrop had been long demolished.

I had accepted this as the reality, but my knowledge made my decisions difficult. The question was could I accept the consequences of my actions?

"Sensei, there are traces of battle up ahead," Hinata's voice jolted me from my thoughts. All of us became more alert, quickening our pace towards the designated area.

Sensei stopped at the edge of a lake and one could still see the remnants of a battle. A battle between two highly skilled ninjas. Several, trees were uprooted, and there were traces of battle all over the ground. At least, for a trained ninja.

Sensei was observing a broken tree, as she spoke. "These are at least more than a week old. There was most probably only a single enemy, though he or she was quite skilled." She finished and got up, then addressed all three of us once more.

"I want all three of you to be alert and ready. But, now we have to rush toward Team seven's location." Her tone was serious and commanding.

"Yes, sensei," all three of us replied. Understanding the gravity of the situation. And we were off once more, making our way through the dirt road towards the bridge site.


The people in the town were anxious. There was a sense of fear and desperation in the village. I could see people trying to break free from their figurative chains. There were sounds of battle, in the background. Most of the town was bathed in a thick fog.

I was shocked at the state of the people, most of them were skin and bones. Men, women, and children learn as sticks, their bones protruding through their tattered clothes and loose skin. Children hankering for crumbs. It was a crisis.

This also made me understand my fortune, despite being an orphan I had mostly slept with food in my belly. This was not the case for people of Wave. We made our way towards the bridge where the fog was thickest making it impossible to see through it.

Sensei spoke to Hinata, "Hinata give me an overview of the village?"

The veins around her eyes bulged as she pushed chakra through specific pathways, she then focused on the bridge as all of us waited for the information. Rushing into the situation, without a general plan would be idiotic.

"There are six people on the bridge. Five shinobi and one civilian." She spoke.

"The civilian is probably the bridgebuilder," sensei muttered.

"Sensei one of the chakra signatures is fading very quickly," Hinata conveyed.

Death. Anger. Destruction. All of us were assaulted with a thick wave of chakra. It was so thick with malice that it gave us goosebumps. My chakra brimmed in my body, readying me for an impending danger that never came.

"Sen—se, This is—" Hinata ried to speak.

"CLOSE THE BYAKUGAN. NOW!" sensei shouted. Her chakra comes out and envelops us lighting the pressure. She was also shaking, her brows tightened and her face pale.

Hinata cut off the chakra to her byakugan, yet she was still breathing hard. Sweat was dripping down her chin. She looked toward sensei who was still shielding us.

The pressure eased up after some time, but its presence still lingered in the air. It had also cleared some of the fog, giving us an image of the battle. I could spot Kakashi engaged with Zabuza on one side and an ice dome on the other side. Two people were standing far back.

"Alright team eight, I am going to give you instructions so pay attention . . . ."



Kakashi was very frustrated at the moment. The mission had become a disaster. The Demon of the Mist, a shinobi who had tried to assassinate a king and failed. People usually interpreted it wrong. He had survived an encounter against an S-rank threat. That was no small feat.

Kakashi had yet to fully recover from the previous fight, yet Zabuza had shone up with his sidekick, who was a descendant of the infamous Yuki clan. They were amongst the founding clans of Kiri famous for their Ice style.

The boy could have killed both his students by now, but he was hesitating. All of Sasuke's injuries were non-fatal. Though Sasuke's breathing was faint he could still feel it. Naruto's release of the chakra was something he did not expect. According to the Hokage, the seal was fine yet he could feel the nine tail's chakra.

He had tried to intervene but had been blocked by Zabuza, both of them locked in a stalemate.

"Not so fast Kakashi?" Zabuza snarled.

Kakashi could try and use the Sharingan on Naruto but then Zabuza could simply kill the bridge making all their effort futile. His reserves were also limited. As he said he was frustrated. Suddenly he felt, a new chakra signature approaching. And before he could pinpoint it, several shurikens were shot at Zabuza who had to flip back to avoid them. As he was in the Kakashi tried to skewer him with some kunai, which he blocked with his blade.

"It seems a new pest had joined the party." Zabuza was alert. And despite his tone, Kakashi could sense that he understood the disadvantageous position he was in now.

Kurenai shunshined to his side. Kunai in hand and chakra blazing. He tried to look at the other side and saw an explosion go off at the location of the ice dome.

"Are you all right Kakashi," Kurenai asked him.

He could feel the nine tails vanish. It seems that Lord Hokage had sent reinforcements. Kakashi could feel his worry lessening. Sending a jinchuriki outside the village was always a big risk. If anyone had figured out their jinchuriki's identity, it would become a major information breach for the village.

"I am ok," He was about to continue when suddenly Zabuza vanished.


He could see Kurenai's bewildered expression. Zabuza was faster than her expectations. She was still a relatively new jounin, while their opponent was someone who had been trained to be the most ruthless killer in the land.

Zabuza disengaged and before Kakashi could pursue, he vanished in the once more thickened fog.

"Be extremely alert at all times. He is a master of the silent killing technique." Kakashi told his comrade as he uncovered his late friend's gift. His vision expanded, and the world around him slowed down. He could see the world with more clarity and in a lot more detail.

"Ah, the Sharingan. I have seen it twice within a week, now. And I have gotten quite sick of it," Zabuza's voice echoed through the fog. And he could see a blade coming towards his head. He ducked and kicked. His kick connected and he could hear a grunt.

"Well, I will just have to make sure. You never see it again." Behind him, he could feel Kurenai gathering her chakra,

"Wind Style: Storm call." It was the right call as the mist cleared up for some time. His Sharingan catches a glimpse of Zabuza. He was aiming toward her.

"Cht. Annoying intruder." Zabuza swung his blade towards her but instead of flesh the blade just passed through the air. Kurenai materialized behind him and aimed a kunai at his exposed neck. Zabuza tried to dodge, but by this Kakashi was in front of him.

Instead of trying to stop the sword, it accelerated striking the ground. Zabuza swung himself off the hilt and kicked Kurenai in the chest. Ducking under the kick Kakashi kicked, and Zabuza skidded across the bridge. His blade is now stuck.

This was the opportunity. Kakashi made the hand signs and started gathering chakra in his hands. He gathered chakra in his hand, then changed its nature. Sounds of birds chirping across the surroundings as his visions set on his target. He kicked off the ground,

"Lightning style: Chidori."

As he rushed towards Zabuza, his friend's eye caught a blur approaching him from the right. Kakashi crouched lower, avoiding the interference. But instead of flesh, he could feel his just make contact with the bridge, destroying a portion of it.

"It seems you haven't learned a single thing, still as impatient as always." A new voice sounded off.

The debris was now clearing, and Kakashi could see two new intruders. Both of them were wearing armor. Completely dressed in uniforms from the Kirigakure. He looked at them, one of them was pinning Zabuza to the ground and the other was now holding the sword.

The two of them were between Him and Kurenai who was also crouching on their other side.

"Why are you here? I want nothing to do with you and that bitch's group?" he could hear Zabuza from the other side.

"Well, you don't get a choice now do you? I have been ordered by the Mizukage to bring you back and it's up to you whether it's dead or alive." Kakashi could finally identify one of them. Ao, the byakugan thief. He had an S-rank bounty on his head in Konoha.

Their eyes met and Kakashi tried to decide the next course of action. They were outnumbered now. His reserves were also depleted to very low levels. He looked to the opposite edge of the village and saw another shinobi blocking one of Kurenai's student's attacks. The Yuki clan kid was bleeding, heavily from a very deep cut across his shoulder. Another one of the ger students, the Aburame was still behind him trying to assist him. Everyone else had retreated.

"We just took care of Gato and his goons, the man was planning to double cross you. Shouldn't you have more sense in choosing whom you work for?" the one holding down Zabuza spoke.

"SHUT UP!" Zabuza tried to get out of the hold but could not succeed.

Ao was still staring at Kakashi, Kakashi got ready but the thief shook his head, and spoke, " We have been ordered by the Mizukage to recover Zabuza Momochi along with the blade Kubikiribōchō. I don't think we need to engage in meaningless conflict."

Kakashi narrowed his eyes, reasonable and sane shinobi from mist were a rarity. He looked at Kurenai who nodded her head. Then, he lowered the Kunai. Ao just nodded and gave orders,

"Ok. Both targets have been captured. Disengage and move out." The three people in front of him vanished.

Across the bridge he could see, the third one leave as well. He could feel his vision blurring, so he closed the Sharingan and covered it once more. Kurenai was rushing toward her students. From what he could tell, they had performed admirably.

He gave a big sigh as he felt the tension leave his muscles. This was going to be an interesting debrief.


This is my first fight scene. So, comment away your thoughts and criticisms.

I think Zabuza was very nerfed in the anime in hindsight. The man tried to assassinate the Mizukage. Yes, he failed but still to get out of that alive speaks volumes of his skill. Plus I just did not want to kill him yet. So, yeah thoughts. The next chapter is also gonna be good. So watch out.

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