Chapter 10



Hiruzen Sarutobi listened to the mission report from the two teams standing in front of him. Their words registered and painted a picture of events that grew grimmer every second. Facing two elite shinobi on a C-rank mission. This could have easily turned into a disaster. Kakashi's report had only mentioned the demon brothers and there had been no subsequent report. Suspicious.

He had sent team eight based on that assumption. If the report had everything Kakashi had mentioned, he would have decided to send a more experienced team.

He inhaled a puff of smoke from his pipe. The smoke entered his chakra-coated respiratory tract. After a moment, he let it out but instead of being irregular, it had come out in a pattern. Not that the others would notice it. But smoking was his vice, a vice that helped him keep an eye on his combat readiness. It was the perfect pattern.

As Kurenai finished her report. The room was silent. He observed the two teams. They had performed exceptionally, specifically team eight. He looked at Shinso and his hands were still bandaged. His eyes moved on towards the rest of them and he observed all six of the newly minted genins. Perhaps, it was not a complete catastrophe.

The look in their eyes had changed, they were no longer newly minted genins. They had seen the cruelty and reality of the world outside the village walls. They now understood the implication of what it meant to wear the Hitai-ate of the village.

"Well done. All of you performed admirably in the mission. Both team seven and team eight will be credited with a B-rank mission accomplishment. All of you will be off the roster for a week." He spoke smiling at the young genin.

"Thank you, Lord Hokage," all of the replied.

"Kakashi stay. The rest of you are dismissed." He ordered and team seven looked at their sensei they followed the others out of the room. As soon as the room's door had closed off, his presence in the room thickened. His chakra brimming with anger assaulted everyone in the room. Every hint of a smile vanished from his face.

He was furious. If the identity of their jinchuriki had leaked to the outside village it would have been a disaster. The only thing that kept the other nations at bay was the threat of a jinchuriki of the nine tails. If it was known that their jinchuriki was an untrained genin. Both Kumo and Iwa would be at their border.

"Rat! Order Inoichi to compile a list of everyone that handled information regarding this mission, I want it on my desk in ten minutes."

And he could feel one of the ANBU vanish. Hurrying to complete the order given to him. He then looked at Kakashi who was now very serious.

"So, my suspicion was right," Kakashi said, his eyes narrowing. Hmm, he was not called hailed as a genius for nothing. He had not received the second report from Kakashi. Hiruzen had only received the first report mentioning contact with the Demon brothers. Yet there was no second report, this report had information regarding contact with Zabuza and the Yuki clan descendent.

"There will be a full investigation on this," he assured Kakashi.

"I think we both have a suss. . . . ." Kakashi spoke but was cut off.

"NO, I don't. He would never harm the village," His tone had held a finality. He could see Kakashi narrow his eyes.

"It was probably a mistake from the Intelligence department. Which will be investigated and the guilty party shall be punished." He spoke, assuring the jounin. From the look he received in return, Kakashi was not quite satisfied. Kakashi continued staring at him.

Hiruzen just sighed and closed his eyes, "Kakashi, you are dismissed. You will be informed when the investigation is complete."

Kakashi just nodded and left the room. Hirzuen leaned back into his chair, he felt his age catching up with him. He thought about Kakashi's words. NO. His mind assured him once more. He was ambitious, and they may disagree on many things. But he would never sabotage the village like this.

After some time, he sat straight once more. Looking over the various files and reports that were present on his desk. His thoughts go back to old times, remembering other such incidents.

Perhaps, I should change team seven's number.



All four of us left the Hokage's office and moved out of the building. The feeling of being back in the village was liberating. We were completely free for a week. I looked at both of my teammates and asked, "So, any plans for the week?"

Both of them looked at me. Hinata spoke first, "I am going to rest for a couple of days. -Um, after that, I plan to look into the project you suggested."

I nodded my head and looked at Shino, who spoke next.

"I am also going to rest. Then I have to look after my colonies." His reply was short.

"What are you planning to do Shinso Kun?" Hinata asked me.

"I have to visit the orphanage to meet someone. After that, I will probably go back to training. But, if any of you get bored. You know where my apartment is so you can visit anytime." I replied.

"Shinso Kun, you still have to visit the Hospital. And if you train without being cleared by the doctors, I will make sure you never train again," Kurenai said from the back.

I shivered due to her tone, but then I remembered something, bugging me.

"Sensei do you have the latest Bingo book, Mine is very old," I asked her. I could get one in the market but most of them were older versions.

She nodded, "Yes, I do have the latest version. I was going to give it to you after some time, but you can have them now," She took out three books and handed one to each of us.

"Ok, all of you are free for a week, so rest and relax. We will continue with our routine after that. Don't stress out too much. As Lord Hokage said. you guys did quite well. You should give your mind a break. Goodbye," And then she vanished.

All three of us also went our separate ways. As I was walking, I started leafing through the bingo book, searching in the section for Kiriagakure section.


Kuroda Hozuki – Slippery Swordsman.

Threat level: A Rank

Bounty: 50000000

He is a member of the Hozuki clan. He was once touted to be a leader of the swordsman of the mist yet overlooked for the young prodigy Mangetsu.

He is a veteran of the third shinobi war and was observed to be a part of the vanguard.

This was someone completely new. Wasn't there another Hozuki guy on Sasuke's team? I would have to think about it.

I closed the bingo book. I got up and moved towards the oven. I was making some Pizza. I had splurged a bit in getting the oven, but it would be worth it. I took it out and put it in the box by the side. Doing the same for the next two. They had come out pretty good.

I took the three boxes, put them in a bag, and left the apartment. Lee and Ten-Ten were away on a mission. Perhaps I should invite my team. A Pizza party sounded nice.

I made my way towards the orphanage, the place of awakening. After walking for about fifteen minutes, I reached a building that was placed on the edge of the village. It was a squarish wooden building with two floors, there was a small lawn on the front. Some children were playing in it.

I smiled as I opened the door and the children noticed me, some of them rushed towards me,

"SHINSHO NII," some of them hugged my waist while others just stayed away. I was thankful to them because any more and I wouldn't be able to handle them.

"So, who here has been a good kid? And Don't lie because," I asked conspirationally.

"Nisa nee will tan your hide," some of them replied in a sing song voice. They were very brave in saying that.

"If you continue this any longer, I am going to tan your hide," a familiar voice reached my ears and I looked up and saw a woman, who had treated me as a son. Nisa Amane had helped me reach the place I was at and I was thankful for it.

"Hello there Nisa nee, How has it been?" I asked as she made the children leave me,

"I am fine Ken, everyone else is also the same. But you did not visit for quite some time? I had thought you had forgotten about this place." She said with a smile. Her hand reached for my ear. Trying to pinch it like she used to.

"OUCH…OUCH. I AM SORRY. CAN YOU JUST SPARE MY EAR," I begged her? And she stopped pinching it.

"I know I made a mistake, so I brought this to apologize," I said pointing to the bag in my hand.

"Oh, you did not have to Ken. I was just having a bit of fun." She said her face a bit embarrassed.

"It's nothin' much. I just cooked it myself. They are still hot so, why don't we move in," I said. Pointing at the rising steam from the bag.

"It is good to have you back, Ken." She said a proud smile stretched on her face.

"It is good to be back as well,"

And we moved into the building, the kids rushing after us.

Me and Nisa nee sat down after serving it to the kids. She took her slice and ate it. I could see the impressed look on her face.

"It is quite good. It is very good. How do you come up with these recipes? I still remember that curry you cooked years ago. I haven't tasted anything like that anywhere else." She said and took another small bite.

"I am glad you like it. As for the recipes, they just come to me as they come to everyone. You do know that most people don't burn the counter while trying to heat water," I teased her. She swatted me on the arm.

"It was a mistake. And I put it out immediately," she huffed.

I looked at her with a raised brow, she relented accepting her defeat.

"So, tell me about your mission. What was it like leaving the village for the first time?" she asked me, "I still remember the first time. It was a courier mission during the war. I had been amazed by the sheer vastness of the outside world?" I could hear the nostalgia in her voice.

"Well, my mission was very exciting."

And I told her all of it. ALL OF IT. She had asked for every detail.

"Wow, that was one hell of a mission." She said as I finished my tale.

"Yeah," I agreed. This mission was one hell of a mission.

Both of us sat there for some, occasionally other people would show up and greet me. Overall, it had been quite a remarkable day.


On the east side of the village, dour ANBU were stationed around a wooden house. The person inside was under house arrest for more than four years. He had not tried to escape even once. So, none of them noticed when a small black rat entered the house through a small crevice.

Inside the house, an old man, with dark short hair sat behind a desk. A single candle illuminates the desk. One side of his body was covered with bandages. A small rat entered the room and climbed up the desk, it dissolved onto an empty page on the desk.

The man picked it up and started reading. After a while he lit the paper with the candle and all of it was burned to smithereens.

"Hmmm, it seems that the Uchiha boy isn't anything special. But, this other kid seems to have potential."

He needed to investigate him. Perhaps he could be useful.

There is no way that Danzo should have lived for as long as he did. Hiruzen should have had him killed after the Uchiha debacle. Man, the dude had one of his agents try and assassinate you. I believe that Danzo had used a Kotoamatuskami-like genjutsu on Hiruzen to supplant an idea that 'Danzo was good for the village.'

And Hiruzen's mentality would have him never assassinate someone he considered good for the village.

This ends the wave arc. I think I improved quite a bit over the course of writing this. So, comment away and bombard me with your thoughts.

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