Chapter 14

Chapter 14: Chunin exams begin


Sasuke Uchiha observed everyone in the hall. All of the genin applicants had gathered in the hall for the chunin exam. His eyes kept darting through the crowd assessing everyone. Naruto was out there annoying several people with his attitude, while Sakura sat on the ground beside him meditating.

And hadn't that been a change he was thankful for? After Wave, both Sakura and Kakashi changed. Kakashi had started taking their training more seriously. Though he was still late to each of their team meetings by an hour, at least. On the other hand, Sakura had started focusing on her skill. She had taken to genjutsu like a fish to water.

Mastering genjutsu with the Sharingan was easy because the Sharingan gave the person a perfect kinetic vision. This helped him immensely in creating a schematic for the genjutsu, yet Sakura used her above-average intellect to build a genjutsu of comparable level. He was impressed.

The yellow-haired idiot had remained the same, though Kakashi had beaten the basics into him and with his immense reserves, he just spammed the battlefield with countless shadow clones.

Sasuke's eyes landed on a certain red-haired girl, she was from Kusa by her headband. She continuously kept staring at a certain classmate of his. Shinso Ken stood with his team in one corner of the room, completely unfazed by the glare being sent his way by the red-haired girl's teammates.

So, the rumors were true. For the past couple of days, rumors were circulating about a complaint from Kusagakure's team. They had complained about harassment from Shinso Ken and wanted him disqualified from the exams.

He scoffed at that, Konoha had denied all such accusations and here we were. The boy in question looked towards the team from Kusa and smiled, waving at them from his position. The glare from the two male genin intensified. Yet, the red-haired kunoichi just gained a little redness on her cheeks.

"Ne Ne. Can you tell me about the kid from the Sand?" Naruto's voice entered his ear. And he saw Naruto talking to an older Leaf genin. The boy in question was at least eighteen. He wore large round glasses and seemed quite ordinary at first glance.

Yet, for some reason, Sasuke felt his senses tingle. In a shinobi's life, the gut feeling was everything, so he decided to remain cautious around the aged genin.

"Gaara of the sand. He is a genin. And has returned from all his missions without a single scratch. His missions record boasts at least ten B-ranks." These words were a shock to Sasuke. Another one, he thought.

Another team entered the room, they were their seniors from the academy. A kunoichi with hair tied in two buns, a tall guy wearing a fully green spandex suit, and a Hyuga. After spotting team eight, they moved towards them, conversing with them as if they were friends.

"Shinso Ken, that sword guy. Do you know anything about that guy?" the blonde idiot blurted out. He saw the kid look at Naruto with narrowed eyes. The boy with round glasses, Kabuto, he remembered the name, took out a card. And started speaking:

"Shinso Ke. . ." but was cut off. A sword slashed the deck in front of him into two.

"Ohh, you should not spoil the surprise. I am sure they will know soon enough."

Sasuke had not seen him move. As Naruto was about to speak a loud voice cut him off.


A gruff-looking shinobi started shouting. The hall quieted down instantly.


Sasuke sat on the chair with his name.

Well, one more step he thought as papers were distributed across the hall. After hearing the instructions and reading the paper, he understood the purpose of the exam. Huh, he thought.




Asuma along with his fellow sensei observed through the various screens as the students tried to gather answers. Ibiki had chosen a simple test and planned to make it complex by using his usual mind games. Well, there was no use in worrying about it now. He saw his students doing their thing. A shadow controlled Choji's hand and Shikamaru did not have to cheat for such questions. He saw Ino making hand seals and then using her clan's secret technique.

They would be fine he concluded, putting a new cigarette into his mouth. Kurenai sent him, her disapproving glare. But he couldn't help himself. He turned towards the screens once more and started observing her team. He saw the Hyuga using her Byakugan and the Aburame kid using his insects. The kid himself was writing continuously. Though he was not cheating, or at least Asuma could not tell if he was cheating or not.

He saw the boy look up, his head turned towards a certain foreign kunoichi. Ahh, he thought. To be young once more. The team from Kusa had complained, but the Hokage had rejected their application. Even if the genin were linked to Kusa's leader. There was no way that the third was going to remove his ringer.

Yet, there was worrying news, it seemed that the boy had painted a target on his back. After these two stunts the kid was gonna get targeted, at least he seemed capable enough to handle them.

He saw the Karin girl from Kusa close her eyes and after a while, a small smile spread across he face and she began to write. It couldn't be, he thought.

"What is the last name of your wonder kid's lover?" he asked Kurenai. Kakashi giggled at his wording while Kurenai spluttered for a moment.

"What?" she questioned.

"I asked what is the name of that red-haired girl from Kusa." He asked once more.

Kurenai got up and took out the registration folder.

"On her registration papers, it is simply Karin. Though it's different in her hospital file. In her hospital file, the name mentioned is Karin Uzumaki." She read from the file.

He was right. She was an Uzumaki and from what he had seen she was not a regular Uzumaki either. Did father know about this? Things just got a lot more interesting, he thought taking a huge puff from his cigarette.



The aged Hokage was not sitting in his usual seat. He had gotten up and was looking at the village through his office window. The door to his office opened and a black-haired man entered the office. During his reign, Konoha had produced some exemplary shinobi. Each is more capable than the next. The man who had entered was probably the smartest person in the village.

"Lord Hokage, the reports are here. The first exam is over." Shikaku Nara said as he placed the scroll on his desk. There was a slight slump in his shoulder. He is still miffed about having to overlook the whole exam.

Hiruzen returned to his seat. He opened the scrolls and read the report from the first exam. The number of passing teams was above his expectations.

"Isn't the number of passing teams a bit high?" he asked placing down the report. Shikaku sighed.

"Yes, Lord Hokage. According to Ibiki, there was an unforeseen catalyst responsible for this. Though Anko has said that the second test will thin the herd."

Hiruzen nodded at him, again eyeing the report. He was happy to see the mention of Naruto Kun's conviction. They would be proud of him.

A pang of sadness and guilt passed through him at that. He had failed both Minato and Kushina, yet no more he thought. His wayward student was finally back in the village. It was time for Naruto Kun to meet his godfather.

Along with Jiraiya had come another headache. The leader of Kusagakure had filed an official complaint against one of their teams. He had rejected that farce, yet they had taken an unprecedented approach for revenge for a simple quarrel between kids.

"Was the earlier report accurate about Kusa putting a bounty on one of our genin?" He questioned Shikaku who just nodded.

"Yes, though it seems only the minor villages have paid it any heed. They wish to use this as an opportunity to build a connection with Zosui, the leader of Kusa." Hiruzen just shook his head at that.

"Kusagakure is our important ally, it seems irresponsible from them to inflate such an issue. At least on their own. This could be a prelude to a greater disaster." He spoke seriously.

"Have we gathered the intel about this sound village, Otogakure?" he questioned the jounin commander.

"Yes, Lord third. They are based out of Rice country. While everything seems appropriate on the front, the details about the village itself are highly irregular. I have ordered for the investigation to continue." Shikaku Nara reported seriously.

Hiruzen listened to his words and leaned back into his chair, closing his eyes as he considered everything. The appearance of a new hidden village during this time of turmoil did not seem right. Plus, their initial investigation revealed some strange words. Yet, the real reason for his thoughtfulness were Jiraiya's words.

'There is a high chance that he is behind the village in rice.'

Was he right? What game was his past student playing now? He once more glanced at the jounin commander in front of him and smiled remembering his son.

"Isn't your son also participating in these exams, Shikaku?" he questioned, trying to lighten the mood. The man in question just sighed.

"Yes, Lord Hokage. He and his team have made it through the first round." There was pride in his voice, as he said those words. Though no son of Shikaku would ever fail in mind games he thought.

"Then you are dismissed. The preparations for the final tournament phase are already underway. I want proper seating plans and security measures for all the incoming dignitaries. A lot of nobles are coming to spectate this time. I want everything to be arranged to perfection."

"Yes, Lord Hokage." Shikaku saluted.

"And I received this letter from Kiriagakure." Hiruzen said while taking out a scroll from his drawer and handing it to Shikaku. Shikaku opened the scroll and read it. His eyes went wide as he read it.

"They wish to form an alliance with us. That seems quite suspicious." The man added. Hiruzen nodded his head at that.

"Yes, but there seems to be a new Mizukage and she seems quite serious in her approach. But, this could be the final deterrent we need. The mobilization in Iwa and Kumo has not stopped." He added gravely and wasn't that a pity. Why couldn't we forget our differences? Hiruzen did not want there to be another war in his lifetime. He had prepared for one nonetheless, yet he did not want one.

Shikaku nodded at that, "What are your orders, Lord Hokage?"

"Try to establish a communication channel with Kiriagakure. Ascertain their sincerity and then report it back to me." Hiruzen ordered his second in command who nodded at that.

"That Hyuga are not going to be happy at this," Shikaku added.

Hiruzen also winced slightly. Though they rarely are he thought.


The first exam was quite bullshit in my opinion. The second exam begins next chapter Things are about to heat up. Stay tuned.

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