Chapter16 Chunin Exam III

Chapter 16


Sasuke Uchiha approached Naruto, and before he could register, Sasuke made several hand seals.

"Lightning Style: Thundering palm." And he struck the imposter in the gut. The imposter's eyes widened and he tried to dodge but he was thrown back. Sakura threw several shuriken at the imposter and he had to jump into the air once more to dodge this gave Sasuke the time to jump across the tree at the back and before their opponent could react Sasuke's kick connected with the back of his head.

Their opponent was thrown across the field and struck a large tree, his body transforming back into his original appearance. Sasuke landed in front of Sakura, observing their opponent, he was wearing a foreign headband, belonging to Kusa. Another team from Kusa, he thought. Wasn't there supposed to be only a single team from it?

"Khee.Khee. It seems that I have underestimated you." The voice had a sinister undertone. Sasuke was quite wary, his strike had been powerful, and for him to endure it like this was a warning sign.

"It seems to me I must get a little serious." And before the words could register. Sasuke froze. His body refused to follow his instructions as his chakra thrummed beneath his skin. Death.Fear. Helplessness. He was assaulted by such emotions as their opponent unleashed a wave of killing intent.

"Oh so at least your body recognizes the difference between us," the guy from Kusa drawled. He was walking towards them. His pace is slow as he took unhurried steps. Each of his steps brought a wave of dread to Sasuke's gut.

Sakura also froze beside him. They were going to die, he thought. He had to move. Move. He tried to force his body, yet his body refused to yield to his command. The shinobi from Kusa was standing right in front of Sakura now, whose face had turned completely white.

"Such a pretty little face, maybe I should keep it for myself," His unnaturally long tongue came out of his mouth as it brushed the side of Sakura's face. She was shaking violently now. The words registered in Sasuke's mind.

"But I came here with a different purpose, so you are an extra." And before he could move a kunai was heading towards Sakura's neck. Move. MOVE.

And before the kunai could slash at her neck, Sasuke was able to push her out of the way. The kunai clipped his cheek. But it was a shallow move. Chakra burned his eyes. His irises were red with two black dots in each eye.

"Ah. The Sharingan. I did not expect you to move." He sounded elated. "It seems to me that you are the perfect host." Sasuke was no longer paying attention to his words, his mind calculating all the plans and escape routes. And he concluded that there was no way out. They had to fight.

"Are you fine, Sakura?" he asked his teammates. She was still trembling, yet she nodded her head. She took out a kunai from her pouch and before he could register plunged it into her thigh. Sasuke was taken aback by this.

"Pain to counteract the fear. Quite intuitive." The same sinister voice reached his ears. His focus returned to their opponent once more. Sasuke could see, as he got ready and was about to rush toward them. Sasuke's grip on his kunai tightened. But it was unnecessary.

As an orange blur descended at breakneck speak, punching their opponent in the face. His body crashed into the ground. The ground around him cracked. Naruto jumped back towards them.

"You are late," Sasuke said elation noticeable in his voice. Sakura also smiled, her body relaxing a little.

Naruto just grinned at that, "I just had to get rid of a very bad snake. And don't I always say 'heroes are never late.'"

All three of them got into formation.



Orochimaru dodged the frontal assault from the two genin. Their attacks were well coordinated. He observed the blue-eyed blonde. Namikaze's kid. He had grown up a lot. The Sharingan blazed in the young Uchiha's eyes. As he was about to jump back to avoid a hit, he felt his feet getting tied up. Genjutsu. He observed the third member of the team, making hand seals in the back. One of her hands controls the ninja wire.

The hit connected and he was pushed off the ground. He avoided Sasuke's hit and used the strike to anchor himself and replied with a kick of his own. Sasuke blocked but was pushed backward. The blonde kid made a hand seal and several clones popped up. Solid clones. He was impressed.

He dodged the assault from them, each of them turning back to smoke with a singular strike. Yet the real kid had jumped back and was making hand seals.

"Fire style: Great Fireball" Sasuke shouted and a huge ball of flames was aimed at his head.

"Wind Style: Great Breakthrough." And the flames got bigger. Enveloping his vision completely. He could not dodge as his surroundings were riddled with trap wire. He smirked. His sensei was so predictable, another three-way deadlock. It seems he was still the same old sentimental fool.

He made a series of hand seals. 'Summoning: Singular Rashomon.'

And a huge gate appeared in front of him, negating all the effort from the three genin. The field cleared and he could see the slight worry in all of their faces. Perhaps it was time he stopped playing.

"You have impressed me quite a bit," He said truthfully. "So, I am going to show you the difference between you and the monsters that you will have to conquer." His words made the Uchiha uncomfortable. As his eyes tightened. And it was time to finish this business, he had seen enough.

"Summoning: Great Sanki," And a huge snake was summoned. Their eyes widened he circulated chakra in his system, expelling the layered foreign chakra, but instead of leaving it at that he pushed his chakra into it, and the pink-haired kunoichi screamed. Both Naruto and Sasuke were startled and as soon as their focus was diverted he appeared in front of the blonde, kicking him straight in the gut with his chakra-laced foot.

Sasuke tried to jump back but was caught by his extended hand and flung across the scenery. The giant snake opened its jaw to swallow the kunoichi but was stopped by the blonde kid.

"Sakura! Are you ok?" he sounded concerned. The pink-haired kunoichi was still breathing hard but had regained some of her composure. Ahh, it seems she was not completely useless. To repel such an advanced genjutsu. It was impressive.

He ducked to avoid the kick Sasuke had aimed at him, and the exchange continued, the Sharingan blazing as the little Uchiha's strikes started getting closer to connecting with each passing second.

The kunoichi took out a kunai with a tag attached to it and threw it inside Sanki's mouth. Namikaze's kid jumped back and suddenly there was the sound of a muffled explosion and Sanki vanished into smoke. This was getting tiresome. He made several hand seal and before Sasuke could react an eart spike erupted from the ground impaling his leg.

"Gugh" the Uchiha grunted.

"Sasuke" The blonde rushed towards him, two clones appeared behind him and immediately started making hand seals.

"Wind Style: Great Breakthrough." And the real blonde was pushed towards him at breakneck speed. It would have worked against lesser shinobi, but he was an S-rank monster. He slid to the side and as soon as the blonde was in front of him struck him with his elbow.

"Keough." And the kid's body slammed to the ground. Blood coming out of his mouth. Yet the kid was trying to get back up. Futile, he thought. And before he could react he avoided the kunai thrown his way by the third member of the team and Kicked Naruto in the gut. His body aimed at their third team mate. Both of them collided with a tree and fell probably knocked out.

He then looked towards his prey. He moistened his lips as he made his way toward the boy with the Sharingan. Sasuke Uchiha was struggling to stand up. One of his legs was still impaled by an earth spike and one of his arms was fractured.

"I see so much talent in you, much more than your brother." At this, the Uchiha looked up at him. His eyes widened. The red of the Sharingan vanished from his eyes. "But it seems to have been wasted, let me grant you a gift." And his neck extended startling the young Uchiha. But before he could grant him the cursed seal. Naruto Uzumaki punched his face as he stood in front of his teammate. His eyes were red and his pupil formed a slit. The chakra around him felt sinister. Ancient and Sinister.

Orochimaru could feel the face of the kunoichi coming off, this real pale face coming out. He was very annoyed.

"You are very annoying," he said and the blonde boy just snarled at him like a primal animal. Orochimaru made a couple of hand seals and before the blonde could comprehend his mind was assaulted with a genjutsu. An auditory genjutsu. Blood started coming out of the blonde's ears yet he stood firm. Ferocity thrumming in his eyes.

Orochimaru appeared in front of him and began attacking him. The boy tried to dodge but with his sense of balance disturbed he did not last more than ten seconds. And before he could interfere anymore, He held both of the kid's hands and struck him in the gut.

"Elemental seal." This should keep you out of the fight. The ferocious chakra around the kid vanished and before the kid could react Orochimaru struck his face and the boy was thrown back. He would not get up again.

He was running out of time. ANBU will be here any second. So, his face rushed towards the Uchiha once more. To achieve his purpose, yet as he was about to bite and grant the struggling Uchiha his seal. He had to abort once more. Kusanagi blocking an incoming strike. And before he could react, another person appeared in front of him. A hyuga he observed.

"Gentle Fist: Vaccum Strike," He tried to block it but the sheer power behind the strike startled him and he was sent barreling back.

He rolled and got up once more. Three more distractions had arrived. A Hyuga, an Aburame, and a kid with a sword. Though the sword seemed quite special, with its purplish hue and the lightning dancing across it.

It seems that he will have to postpone this. He could sense the ANBU approaching. He touched his face and could see the skin melting off. Perhaps, he could make some time to toy with Anko chan.

"It seems that our meeting has to be cut short Sasuke Uchiha. But if you wish to seek the strength to kill him. " And he could see the gears turning in the young Uchiha's minds.

"Find me." And with those final words, he vanished. His body turned into the mud as he abandoned his mission. At least I have confirmed the boy's potential. And he felt a very familiar chakra approaching his position. He changed directions heading towards his first student.

From what he had observed the Uchiha would approach him of his own volition. Though, he might need a little nudge in the right direction.


Orochimaru toyed with them. I tried to show Sakura's improvement. Naruto can also use ninjutsu other than Rasengan. Well, the chunin exams are in full swing. Battles, battles everywhere.

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