Chapter 36

Chapter 36-GAMBLES!


Jiraiya sat on the hospital bed, recovering from the injuries he had taken up in his fight against the two Akatsuki members.

"So they are finally on the move," Tsunade spoke up from the side. She was standing near the wall leaning on the wall as she looked out through the window in his room.

"Yes, they have. I believe they wished to incite a full-scale great war to weaken the villages to take advantage of the chaos and achieve their purpose," Jiraiya explained, guessing the reason behind the attack from Akatsuki. He had not expected that they would be bold enough to attack the village itself, yet he had underestimated them. The presence of a tailed beast within the village had made them greedy.

Tsunade looked towards him and spoke up with a smile.

"But it seems your gamble with Iwa has paid off. Their forces have retreated and a peace envoy has been received by the Daimyo."

And Jiraiya felt a sort of hope rise up in his heart as he heard the news. This was good news. While Konoha was strong they still needed time to recover from The Betrayal before they could face a full-fledged war.

"But what about Kumo," he asked about the second village that had shored up its forces. Yet there had been little movement from Kumo. And Tsunade shook her head as she spoke.

"There has been little movement from them. They seem overly cautious and have not made any move into our territory."

"Let us hope, it stays that way," he added. And then Jiraiya spoke up about a topic that was quite important.

"So, Danzo got his little project back up." And Jiraiya could see Tsunade's frustration as she spoke up.

"Yes, those crooked elders gave the order in the interim. I am going to shut it down once more. But with the political support he has, it is going to be difficult to curb him out completely."

Jiraiya understood that you did not remain amongst the highest power of the village without getting some people on your side. And this just made dealing with the man a lot more complicated. And then Jiraiya remembered the rumors he had heard.

"Oh, I almost forgot about this! But I heard that speech of yours, it was quite good," he said in a teasing tone. And he could see Tsunade getting a bit irritated and embarrassed by his remark but she did not respond. Probably not wanting to give him more fuel. But after a moment or so she asked in a serious tone.

"So, when are you leaving with your new apprentice? We have already handed that Gaara kid back to Suna, I do not think they are going to attack once more."

But Jiraiya just shook his head at that.

"We can not risk it. The kid could be in danger if he stays in the village. Plus, it was always part of the plan to train him. So, I will be leaving with him in a couple of days," Jiraiya explained. But then he spoke up once more.

"He asked me about the Uzumaki name during the time we were coming to get you. I was able to divert his attention slightly, but I don't think it will work for much longer," Jiraiya spoke as he stared at his hands, and he continued on.

"Sensei did not wish to burden him with the knowledge thinking him too naive to understand the importance of it. But I believe that the kid should know, it will be good if we are the ones telling him instead of him finding out about it on his own."

And he could feel the conflicted feelings of Tsunade as she frowned in deep thought, speaking up after a moment or so.

"Do you really believe that he is ready to hear the news?" she asked him once more. And Jiraiya nodded his head at that.

"Yes, the kid is not nearly as idiotic as we think him up to be. He can be quite observant and has the sheer determination to face his challenges head-on. So, yes, I do believe that he is ready." Jiraiya said with conviction. Though his words were not false. The kid may not have his father's genius but had all of his steadfastness, mixed in with Kushina's stubbornness. With those two traits, he could face anything.

"Then you can tell him about it, we will not publicize i. But you should tell him about his parentage during your journey. You have my permission," Tsunade spoke up, giving her permission.

"Thank you," Jiraiya said as silence permeated between them once more. Both of them were lost in thought when an ANBU appeared in the room.

"Hokage-sama, I have a message for you," The ANBU bowed as he presented a scroll to Tsunade. Tsunade picked it up and read it her temper rising as she read it.

"What is it?" Jiraiya asked seeing her temper rising up. She threw the scroll at him. Speaking with gritted teeth.

"It seems that old bandaged coot has gotten quite bold." And Jiraiya looked at the scroll, presenting him with a file of transfer for a certain brown-haired shinobi. He frowned as he examined the file once more.

"This cannot be real or legal," he spoke out.

"Of course, it isn't. But I don't believe that the council is going to allow me to take huge action over this. For now, let us hope that the kid is smart enough to escape on his own." She said with gritted teeth. And Jiraiya nodded at that. He had faith in the kid. Shinso Ken had the same glint in his eyes as his former student. And if that was any indication, he would not be fooled by the bandaged elder.

"Don't worry. I don't think the kid will fall for it." He added.

"Yeah, let us hope so!"



I walked through the various intricate channels. The exact location should have been a mystery to me, because of the blindfold I had been blinded with. Yet with the chill permeating I could guess, that we were quite deep within the village land.

The ANBU was leading me until we reached something like the center of the maze. I noticed several paths converging toward the location. A large dome was placed in the center with pathways circling around it. The light was much stronger in this area as it was illuminated by more than just lamps like the path we had been on.

A single man stood with his back to us, staring at the dome in the center. My senses warned me of the danger I was in, yet I did not move when the ANBU kneeled to the ground.

"Lord Danzo, I have brought the genin Shinso," the ANBU told the Elder. The man turned slowly, his cane clicking on the ground. He stared at my form. I had not bowed or given my respect. I looked at the man with my narrowed gaze.

"Leave us," he commanded his subordinate in his steely voice. The ANBU vanished from sight. And then only me and the bandaged old man were left standing in the deep underbelly of Konoha. He kept staring at me with that sole visible eye, with a steely gaze. I did not evade his gaze and continued staring straight at him. Then he finally broke the silence between us,

"So you are already aware of me." He spoke up with a nod. I just nodded my head.

"Yes, I am aware of you elder Danzo," and the man nodded.

"Then this will be much easier. As you are already aware that we are going through perilous times. And with the death of The Third Hokage, the village has suffered greatly. At this time, we must all step up to fill in the space left by him." He began his recruitment speech.

"Hiruzen saw the great potential in you and I see the same. You have performed admirably in living up to his expectations of you," he added.

"Thank you for the compliment elder Danzo. I am thankful to the Third for his belief in me," I spoke up.

"But I see more than that. I see you ready to serve the village to a greater potential. A chance to serve the true ideals of this village," And he took out a piece of parchment for me.

"And so, I have drafted you to a special force operated by me under to look after this village."

And with that, I took a glance at the document which somehow already had my signature. I spoke up,

"I don't think that I am suited for such a position, more so I do not think I signed this document at all," and the man's eyes narrowed.

"Genin Shinso, this opportunity is a command. And while you may have objections. As an elder, I can draft anyone on my command to my force. Recognize this for the opportunity it is," he said with a bit of heat in his voice.

"Well, I am afraid I will have to correct you on that. As of the beginning of the chunin exams, I am off duty and hence can not be conscripted into any special force. So, I am afraid that I can not really take this opportunity, Lord Danzo." I spoke up, this time my voice coming out much sterner.

The bandaged man did not respond for a while and then spoke up after a while.

"You might not be aware but Konoha has been approached by Kusa to return their shinobi back or the alliance treaty would be canceled. I am afraid that the in the current scenario the village would have to take dire measures to maintain its alliances."

And my eyes narrowed at the man. He was threatening me indirectly. And while this may have been a possibility with the Third Hokage, I was more than sure that Tsunade Senju was not going to care about what Kusa thought.

"Then I am sure that the Hokage would be willing to provide me with a chance to persuade her otherwise," I said and my chakra now was brimming through my coils. Waiting to be let out.

"The Godaime has just returned to the village. Matters of such diplomacy are more or less decided by The Councill."—and then he stared straight at me—" And your choices could have dire effects on the Council's suggestions."

And my eyes narrowed at the man. He was being bold. He thought Tsunade was gullible. And while she may be many things, I had a very big hope that she was not gullible. And my temper was already rising as the man continued to threaten Karin.

"I am afraid that this opportunity is not for me. So, I will just have to decline your offer Elder Danzo," with that I turned and was about to walk away when suddenly I was surrounded by a small group of ANBU.

"I think I have made myself quite clear,"—and the chakra rippled across the hallway, as I let go of the reins. And small bolts of lightning began to ripple across my form—"I wish to LEAVE!"

The ANBU beside me tensed slightly. They should have expected this. While I may still be a genin, but I had stopped a tailed beast by myself. And that meant a lot. And I gave the bandaged one-eyed man a steely glare from the corner of my eyes.

The man continued to stare at the men and then hit his cane on the ground.


"Stand down! Pigeon will guide you out," and the ANBU except pigeon vanished away. I also reeled in my chakra. And began to walk out of the intricate maze, when I heard him speak up from behind me.

"You will learn that your decisions can have dire consequences for those around you. Dire consequences!"

But I did not glance back as I continued to move forward. I was ready to face whatever may come.


Shinso's recruitment failed, but Danzo has other matters to focus on. He thought that it would be easy to fool a first gen orphan shinobi like Shinso.

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