Chapter 40

Chapter 40


Tsunade looked over the report in her hands, going over every detail. Her revulsion and anger rose with each second. This was a serious security lapse. How could this have taken place right under her sensei's nose? She closed the report with frustration, throwing it on the table as she pinched her nose.

"Are you sure about this, Jiraiya? Is all this accurate?" she asked once more for clarification, and her teammate just nodded his head. Making her frustrations rise.

"I am positive that this Kabuto guy was the point of contact between Orochimaru and Danzo. Plus, he also has some obscure links to Akatsuki."

And wasn't that a dangerous group of individuals to be connected to? Three of the biggest thorns in her side converged onto this bespectacled shinobi whose last noted rank was just genin. She scoffed at that like that was accurate in any way.

"The reports of the Akatsuki attacking Kumo have been confirmed. The target is not mentioned but we can assume it was the same as our village."

And hadn't that been a blessing in disguise? In their, over reach they had helped Konoha. With the attack on Kumo, Kumo had been unable to jump into the foray, leaving them enough time to deal with Iwa.

A somewhat fragile peace had been established once more. Konoha had recovered from the damage caused by the invasion and with a new Hokage at its helm, and its sheer number of extremely skilled and famous shinobi they had been able to stave off their enemies.

Not to mention the news of a new rookie that had taken the world by storm. A genin who had stopped a tailed beast. The rumors had been embellished a little and they had gained quite a bit of clout.

"Our information on Akatsuki is still very rudimentary. We only know that they want the tailed beast but are unaware of their aim. I will continue to look into them while I am away," Jiraiya spoke up from his position. And she remembered that he was to leave today. Leaving to protect and train his student's son.

"Have you told him yet?" she asked in a low voice. And he shook his head.

"Not yet, but I plan to. The kid deserves to know. We can not hide this from him," and Tsunade agreed with him. This was the whole reason she had given her permission.

"When do you plan to tell your student about Danzo and his organization?" he asked her and Tsunade thought about it. Shinso was trustworthy and hardworking from what he had ascertained. Plus, the kid had a tight lip and could keep secrets. Perhaps it was time she got ready for cleaning the house.

"I might do so today. It is time that I began preparations to deal with him," Jiraiya nodded at her response.

"Contact me if you need my help. Don't underestimate the old coot. He hasn't survived for this long by sheer luck," and with that, he got up. Walking towards the door of her office. But it was opened by someone else first.

And Tsunade was surprised to see the form of her student standing there with a slightly worried expression. She had observed him for some time and he had never seen such a look on his face. He practically ignored Jiraiya s he rushed to her table and began to speak up.

"Tsunade-sama I need your help," he spoke out hurriedly making Tsunade frown, and he continued explaining further.

"You have to intervene in the Hyuga clan's affairs. They have locked up my teammate Hinata because of their idiotic issues. You have to intervene," and Tsunade could feel another headache beginning with those words. Hyuga clan was one of the oldest clans. Intervening in their affairs, even if she was not fond of them was not something she could do so on a whim.

But it was the first request from her student, so she couldn't just give up.

"Tell me everything and I will see what I can do," and he began to speak up and gave her the details. Tsunade was really liking that teammate of his. Someone taking such a stand against the status quo. That seemed quite familiar.



Shizune was working in the hospitals, taking control of the whole department to ease the burden on Tsunade-sama. Yet she was beginning to think that it had been a wrong move. The sheer workload was massive. And with the whole mess from the invasion, it was a miracle that the department was even functioning.

She sighed as she pushed another report to the side. It was the discharge report about the genin who had faced the jinchuriki of Suna in chunin exams. The procedure performed by her and Tsunade-sama had been successful and he was to be discharged today.

She closed her eyes as she leaned back into the chair. Taking a short respite as she thought about her position. Tsunade-sama had taken a new apprentice, citing that Shizune had learned all she had to teach and was ready to step onto her own path. Yet Shizune often felt doubt rise in her heart. Doubt that she had even expressed to her mentor.

"Shizune you are ready, in truth you have been ready for quite some time. You have learned everything I had to teach. You are not me or Dan. You are Shizune and are ready for the world."

Yet Tsunade-sama seemed overly confident in her. But Shizune knew that she was not like Lady Tsunade. She could never be like her. Even with all the skill and knowledge at her disposal she would never be comparable to her.

But perhaps, she did not have to be like that. Maybe she had to discover her own path. But she was broken out of her thoughts by the sound of knocking.


"Come in," she shouted as she corrected her posture. And a tuft of familiar red hair appeared, making Shizune smile slightly as she recognized Karin, the Uzumaki girl.

"Karin, what are you doing here?" she asked the girl. The girl hesitated for a moment before speaking up.

"There was something I wanted to talk to you about," she said while chewing her lips slightly and Shizune frowned. Why was she so nervous?

"Of course, what do you want to say?" Shizune asked the girl. The girl fidgeted with her fingers for a second or so. Before she looked straight ahead at Shizune. And descended into a bow.

"Please make me your apprentice Shizune-san," and Shizune's eyes widened as the words registered. Making her look at the girl once more.

An apprentice for her. An apprentice to Kato Shizune.



Karin stood in the Hokage's office along with Shizune san. Lady Tsunade had a huge smirk on her face as she looked at her and Shizune-san standing by her side.

"I can say that I don't see anything wrong with it, it is time for you to step out on your own and what better way than taking on a student," she said with a slight smile.

"Lady Tsunade, this is not a joking matter. You are aware of her status in the village. If she becomes my apprentice, she will become an active shinobi and that would put her life at risk. There could be retaliation from Kusa," and Karin could understand Shizune-san's concerns. She had been plagued by the same concerns as well. But she couldn't back down. Not again.

The scenes from the invasion still haunted her. The vanishing life force. The lifeless body. They still haunted her sleep. She couldn't stand by idly and let Shinso-kun carry all her burdens for her. She had to step up to take responsibility.

"I understand the concerns, but I am willing to take the risk, Tsunade-sama. So, please give me permission to become a kunoichi of Konoha," and she bowed to her.

"Get up, kid," and Karin got up, looking at Lady Tsunade, who was still smirking even if her eyes had narrowed as her piercing gaze went through Karin.

"Are you sure about this," Karin nodded her head.

"Yes," she replied without waiting for a second. Tsunade-sama nodded and turned to face Shizune-san.

"Then I don't think there is anything wrong with this. And the treaty with Kusa had already been broken by them when they refused to aid us during the invasion. And if they grumble too much,"—at this, she had a predatory smirk on her face—"I would just unleash your fiancée on them. He would put them back in their place," and Karin felt her face heat up as she heard those words. Then Tsunade spoke up once more.

"Have you told him yet" Karin shook her head at that. She had not told Shinso-kun about it yet, yesterday, he had left on a special mission that had taken him out of the village. He had yet to return.

"Well, you can surprise him when he returns to the village today," she replied with a grin as he got up from her seat. And after walking in front of her. She then put her hand forward and Karin's eyes widened as she saw the leaf headband glistening in the light.

"Karin Uzumaki, I welcome you into the ranks of Konoha's shinobi forces as a special induction. Rank genin and apprenticed to Jounin Kato Shizune," and Karin looked to the side to get a look at Shizune-san, who just smiled and nodded to her.

And Karin picked up the headband. Looking at the leaf insignia inscribed on the metal.

"Thank you, Lady Tsunade," she said as she tied it on her forehead.



The Sun had set quite some time ago, and the darkness of the night had spread all around. The mission had been a diplomatic one. It was to deliver some correspondence between the Hokage and Mizukage-sama. I had met a couple of hunter nin from Kiri and could almost recognize one of them. What a coincidence, I thought as I entered my restaurant to take a rest in my room.

I entered the building, closing the door behind me softly to not make a commotion. But it was unnecessary as I heard a noise coming from the second floor. Frowning I made my way up the stairs and saw Nisa-nee standing with a couple of the staff holding a small celebration.

"What are you all celebrating this late into the night?" I asked as I reached the floor. But the reason would become quite evident as soon as I would glimpse Karin's forehead and instead of the regular forehead, I would find the Hitai-ate of the leaf glistening in the lights.

"Shinso-kun, come here. We were just celebrating Karin's inclusion in the forces. She even got herself an apprenticeship under Shizune-san, Lady Tsunade's disciple." Nisa-nee spoke up with a cheer.

And I just tried to process all this information. And while I was happy for Karin, this just complicated things to a whole other level. But I did not let it show as I tried to smile and mingle and congratulated Karin.

"Congratulations, it is very welcoming news," and Karin nodded a bit hesitantly her eyes fixed on me.

This would last for less than an hour before everyone would leave. Everyone except Karin and me. And finally, she would look at me and speak up.


Karin is a kunoichi now, apprenticed to Shizune. Shinso seems surprised, but will Kusa remain quiet about such disrespect? We will have to see.

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