Chapter 50

Chapter 50


Shinso huffed as Lady Tsunade's punch connected with something. He felt the gravitational pressure ease as he tried to stand up. He did not have any of his swords in his hand at the moment, using them as projectiles to give Tsunade-sama that opening.

Manipulating the swords by using magnetic fields was something he had been trying to figure out for some time. And once more, Shinso was thankful that it had worked out.

However, his eyes narrowed as he spotted a lack of any blood or grunt from Pain's location. And the answer was visible.

Asura Path stood in front of Deva Path, his hastily erected shield blown to bits, a side of his body blown to bits. Though, Shinso noted as its head twitched, and his chest opened up to reveal a plethora of artillery aimed straight at Tsunade-sama.

"GET OUT OF THE WAY! TSUNADE-SAMA!" he shouted as he rushed through handseals. His motility was slightly limited without his swords. But he would be interrupted by another Path attacking him.

Tsunade-sama tried to move away, but Asura Path had gotten a hold of her hand.

"SHIT!" he blurted out as the artillery lit up. However, Tsunade-sama would wrangle it out of his grip. But it seemed that she was too late.

"EARTH STYLE: MULTIPLE EARTH WALLS!" came the voice of Kakashi, and thick earth walls erupted between Tsunade-sama and Asura Path.


There was a huge explosion as the artillery collided with the earth walls. And the whole area was once more shrouded in a cloud of smoke and dust. A shadow jumped away from the cloud and landed right behind me.

It was Tsunade-sama. And though she was coughing and seemed winded, she was fine generally. Kakashi also landed alongside me as both of us got ready for further assault.

"All the bodies of the Pain are somehow connected to him, and each possesses a specific power from what I have observed," Kakashi began.

"Yes, I have noted the same. Their attacks are too well coordinated, and there seems to be no other explanation for some of their behaviors." And she looked towards me to confirm whether I had understood the information or not.

I gave her a small nod, my focus turning to the skies as I saw the clouds gathering. Though, the process was slow.

I needed more time. More time. My eyes then went toward the unconscious form of Sasuke, Lady Tsunade had stabilized him, but this whole battle had left him quite vulnerable.

"Should we retreat, Lady Tsunade?" I asked her, and she shook her head as she stared straight ahead at the floating form of Pain.

"I don't think he will let all of us retreat. At least not willingly," and he looked both Kakashi and me straight in the eye.

"Kakashi, Shinso, both of you should retreat to the village with Sasuke, and I will hold him off." And she began to walk towards Pain. Kakashi and I shared a look and, with a slight shake of our heads, walked right to her side.

"I think all this combat has hampered my hearing quite a bit. Is it the same for you, Shinso?" Kakashi spoke up in a mocking tone.

My chakra was brimming as I spread it around the whole area.

"Yeah, mine is affected too. We will just have to get it checked back in the village after we deal with this Pain guy." I replied without looking at Tsunade-sama.

"Yeah, that does seem like a good idea. Perhaps, I shall do the same," Kakashi commented as he began making handseals and started gathering a storm of lightning in his palm.

I closed my eyes as lightning-natured chakra raced through my brain, slowing the whole world in front of me once more. My reserves were low. Still, four of Pain's bodies stood opposite to us, making it so that we were outnumbered by one.

For the first time, I wasn't sure of the outcome of the incoming battle. The probability of death was quite high in facing even with Tsunade-sama and Kakashi.

A part of me was getting more and more anxious, but another part of me was getting excited.

I raised my hand as I narrowed in on the familiar chakra signatures.


There was the sound of lightning rippling through the air, the four paths of Pain separated as three arcs of lightning whizzed past them straight into the ground in front of me.

I made the necessary hand seal.


And I felt my body change as my body above my torso morphed into three separate trunks. Each picked up a sword.

"Ohh! I am gonna deal with you two back in the village! So, you better prepare yourself for it, you idiots!" Lady Tsunade said as she cracked her knuckles; a stormy wave of chakra radiated from her.

I gulped as I looked at Kakashi, and the man just raised his eye nervously at Tsunade-sama.

"We are so screwed when we get to the village!"

And I agreed with him, we were so screwed.



Kakashi saw the kid vanish in a blur. Shinso's whole body had bolts of lightning arching over it as he flickered in front of Pain.

And Kakashi smirked as he Sharingan saw the slight surprise on Pain's face at Shinso's speed. With that weird technique the kid had made with his swords and their sheaths, the kid's speed was on a whole other level.


He saw Preta Path, the one that absorbed ninjutsu appear in front of Shinso as he tried to block the attack. But Tsuande-sama was already at his side.

"CHAAA!" she shouted as she swung a whole tree at the Pain that was absorbing the ninjutsu.

"ALMIGHTY PUSH!" but she was assaulted by a huge force and was pushed back,

"EARTH STYLE: HIDING LIKE THE MOLE!" and Kakashi smirked as his clone took hold of ninjutsu absorbing Pain's ankles.

THRASH. And with a bang, it was buried into the ground.

'They can't react to what they can't see!' Shinso was now free as he rushed toward the other two remaining forms of Pain. They had seen little of them, hence making it so that their abilities were a mystery.


A huge bolt of lightning rushed toward their two forms. He saw Pain raise his hand, readying an attack on Shinso's back.

But he had prepared for that.


And Kakashi felt his chakra levels drop to dangerously low levels as lightning from his hand whizzed towards Pain.

"I have had enough of THIS!" and Kakashi felt a storm of chakra coalesce towards Pain's location instantaneously.

'How?' and his eye widened as he saw Pain cross his arms, the volume of chakra rising with each second.


And before Kakashi could react, the whole world was ripped apart in front of his eyes. And even though he braced himself, he felt as if he was hit by a huge boulder, and his vision went black.

Though, if he had retained consciousness for a second more, he would have spotted a stranger landing right beside Sasuke's body and erecting a huge earth dome around it. A stranger wearing a cloak much similar to Pain's black and red cloak.



Such power. Such devastation. Obito shook his head once more as he looked at the huge crater in front of him. It was as if a huge meteor had struck the Earth, but no. This was the power of the Rinnegan. A power that Nagato had been granted by his master.

It was the first time that he was seeing Pain getting angry and desperate and using this technique. A shame, for by now, the nearby villages which included Konoha as well, would have been alerted and would probably be sending platoons to check the source of the disturbance.

'Hopefully, we will be gone by then,' for Pain was almost done with his work, as Obito spotted the other people present in the crater.

Kakashi Hatake's unconscious form was covered with blood and barely breathing from what Obito could see. Besides him was Shinso, the only one who had retained consciousness.

Though, that was mostly because of Tsunade, as she had jumped in front of the kid to shield him from the major impact. Though, the kid could barely stand straight and was staggering as he tried to stand up. Leaning on one of his swords for balance.

Obito glanced up and saw that dark clouds had gathered and it seemed as though a storm was brewing. Hopefully, they would be out of here before the storm came down.

He saw Deva's path walk towards them. Obito scanned the surroundings and found none of the other Paths. This meant that Nagato had depleted his reserves and could only barely maintain Deva path.

He saw three of those rods appear behind Pain.

"You should feel good that your end comes not at the hands of a mere mortal but at the hands of a god." Pain finished as the three rods rushed toward the three-leaf shinobi. The brown-haired kid tried to jump away, but his highly injured leg gave out at the last moment.

Obito saw the rod rush toward Kakashi's face. And Kakashi's body did not even twitch.

"Goodbye, old fri…." but his words were cut off as all three rods were blocked off.

Blocked off by a fiery red bony arm. And Obito watched as the whole reddish skeleton formed right in front of his eyes. And Obito recognized the technique. It was another of Uchiha's secret techniques. A technique that required Mangekyo Sharingan.


And there was only a single shinobi that could use that technique.


Obito gnashed his teeth as he spotted the traitor. Perhaps this was an opportunity, and he should intervene. He stood up and was about to use Kamui when he felt the tree branch beside him shift.

Zetsu appeared from the tree and gave him a report. A report which would make Obito's temper flare as the space rippled and he vanished from his position.

'It seems that the Itachi had left quite a partying present back in Ame.'



Uzuki Yugao stood guard along with her ANBU squad on Konoha's border. They were on high alert due to a secret operation taking place against ROOT.

'About time,' she thought. ANBU had been tasked to capture or kill all known ROOT agents. Her squad was stationed at the border to monitor and cut off any escape routes.

The operation had been going on for quite some time, and according to her estimates, they had contained about ninety percent of ROOT.

"Captain, I a sensing a huge chakra convergence about 2 o'clock Northeast," said Goose and Yugao frowned as she looked in the specific direction.

"Northeast isn't that the heading of Tsunade-sama and her apprentice," added Goose, and he was right. It was the same general direction in which Tsunade-sama had rushed off with her apprentice.e


A huge explosive sound permeated from the said direction. They had heard the sound even being so far away. And she felt slight dread at the cause of such an explosion.

"Geese, can you give me any more detail." And Goose shook his head.

"I cannot. The source is too far away. The only reason I could even feel it was because of the sheer volume of the chakra gathering at that place." Goose replied, and Yugao nodded her head at that.

"What are our orders, captain," another member of the squad asked. And Yugao's mind raced as she thought up plans and scenarios. Reaching a decision, she quickly spoke up.

"We will have to split. Send a raven to Konoha and share the intel about the blast. Me, Goose, and Frog will rush for a preliminary investigation. Orders regarding ROOT operatives shall hold until further instructions from Commander Dragon arrive."

The squad nodded at that, and then the three of them were rushing toward the source of the sound.


Well, the fight heats up. And the famous Itachi shows up to save the day.

An Itachi a day keeps death away.

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