Chapter 62

Chapter 62


"So, how have you been?" Shinso spoke up as he ran on the ice rail that they moved towards Kiri. And it seems that he caught Haku by surprise, for the Yuki clan member gave him a look before a smile broke out on his face.

"Ahh, so you were able to recognize me even after all this time. I must say that is quite impressive, and as for the answer to your question, I have been quite well," Haku replied, and I smiled as Zabuza from the front grunted.

"Where is that sensei of yours or Hatake?" the man questioned as we ran. Though this time, Gai-san spoke up before I could reply.

"Hatake is busy on another mission. But how do you know my friend?" gai questioned, making Zabuza nod his head as he looked straight once more.

"I was just hoping to settle a little score with Hatake," he replied though now he was clad in proper ninja gear with a loosely worn flask jacket along with Kirigakure's headband.

"How about you? It has been years since we fought at the bridge," Haku spoke up, making me look at him.

"I am fine as well, and yes, it has been about a couple of years now," Shinso agreed, for a significant amount of time had passed now. And then he looked at the huge floor of ice that Haku had built for us.

We had been expecting a boat, yet only three Kiri shinobi had shown up, and then Haku had made a whole pathway of ice out. Shinso looked down at the whole runway built by chakra and was highly impressed as he saw his reflection on the reflective floor. His hair had grown out and needed either a cut or a new style.

"A long time indeed," Shinso spoke up as he saw the changes in his body with a little attention.

"So, have you located the Sanbi yet?" the brown-haired shinobi questioned, and Haku looked towards Zabuza, who nodded, and only then he replied.

"Yes, the three tails have been located, and now we are preparing for sealing. Are you sure you can perform the sealing?" he questioned me, and Shinso nodded.

"Yes, as of two weeks ago, I am a certified seal master, so it won't be an issue," and getting that had been a headache. Now he was the third youngest seal master. Slower than only Mito-sama and the Yondaime Hokage, Minato Namikaze, a feat that spoke more of their freakish talent than mine.

Zabuza grunted, "Konoha and its freaking monsters."

Though, Haku did not mind the news like him.

"Congratulations on the achievement; I will be in your care," and when the words finally registered, my head snapped towards him.

"You are going to be the jinchuriki of the three tails!" and the Ice-style user nodded.

"Yes, the sanbi is going to be sealed inside me," he said with a straight face making me give him a new look whatsoever.

"But aren't you, like the last member of the Yuki clan? Because I am sure you are aware of the dangers associated with the sealing process," Shinso asked with a whisper, and the chunin simply nodded.

"I do. But Mizukage-sama has complete faith in my abilities, and I believe you have a misconception. I am not the last member of the Yuki clan," and I frowned once more.

Had I messed up some stuff? But from what I recall, Yuki Haku was the last user of ice style.

"We are about to reach the village!" came the voice from ahead, getting me out of my thoughts as Shinso looked ahead and found a huge cloud of mist in the distance.

Kirigakure did not have that name without any reason, for the whole village was covered by such a thick layer of mist that even from such little distance, it was impossible to see the village itself.

"Well, this shows why it's called kirigakure," Shinso commented and suddenly frowned as he felt ripples of chakra with his expanded senses. He pushed the chakra to his feet and stopped himself as the whole party came to a halt.

Shinobi began to appear out of the mist, sending alarm bells through his senses, given that he had not been able to sense them despite his sensing abilities. However, they weren't what was sending his alarm bells off.

It was the chakra coming from straight ahead. It was like staring into a tsunami of molten lava as the sound of footsteps got louder, and the silhouette began to clear up.

The sheer volume and density of the chakra were on levels similar to those of Tsunade-sama. This meant the incoming person could only be.

"Well, it seems that you guys are finally here," came a chakra-filled voice that had a certain edge to it as the kunoichi wearing the ceremonial blue hat stepped out of the mist.

"We can finally have our alliance signed up now."

The Godaime Mizukage,Terumi Mei was here.



"This can not be real!" she said in disbelief as she threw the report towards Jiraiya, who was standing on the side.

The ANBU captain simply nodded while replying, "I am afraid this is a hundred percent accurate, Tsunade-sama. I have confirmed it twice. Takigakure has been completely wiped out."

And Tsunade didn't have any reply for this. A whole village was wiped out completely. And not just killed.

NO! There was not a single trace of it left. The only thing that remained was a huge crater. A crater was what remained of a village that held one of the tailed beats.

"What about their Jinchuriki? They have the Nanabi. Was there any trace of her?" and the ANBU shook his head at Jiraiya's question.

"Negative. There was no evidence of the jinchuriki or a tailed beast. Only a single crater." The ANBU captain answered, making Tsunade think of the only group that could pull this off.

"Alright, Cat, you are dismissed!" she ordered, and the purple-haired ANBU vanished in a puff of smoke, leaving her alone with her teammate. Jiraiya closed the report and took the seat opposite her.

"You should have let me go to Ame," he began, and she looked at him like he had lost his mind.

"Have you gone mad! Didn't you hear just now bout Takigakure? A whole village just vanished. And you want to go into the base of operations of this organization." She snapped, but Jiraiya seemed to have a different idea.

"And that is exactly the reason I should have investigated them. If I had gotten wing of this, we could have gotten word to Taki and could have gained an ally or even tried and foiled this whole plan." He argued, and Tsunade was having none of this.

"Jiraiya, this was a whole village. Amongst the strongest of the smaller villages, if you had been found out, it could have been disastrous. This is exactly the reason I kept you in the village, to deter any attack." She almost shouted, and it seemed that he still did not agree with her, but tough luck. He should have taken the damn hat if he wanted to do things his way.

"So, what's your plan? If we have found out about this, the other nations will have heard of this as well and would have reached the same conclusion." He commented, and Tsunade's mind raced as she thought up the next move.

Everyone would have been able to reason out the culprit for despite the great power of the Five great villages. They could not pull this off. No, this had Akatsuki's hands all over it.

"But still, which member of the Akatsuki could even do this? Even for Pain, the leader, this does not seem like his work," she commented, and Jiraya leaned back into his chair. Tsunade could see his mind going over the whole profiles they had received from Itachi about Akatsuki's members.

And suddenly, the whole room was assaulted by a wave of chakra. Tsunade frowned as she saw Jiraiya's face flush with rage as he suddenly spoke up.

"It was him!" he gritted out, but Tsunade had still not reached an answer.

"Who?" she questioned, and Jiraiya looked at her and reigned in his chakra as he replied.

"The shadow leader, the one who calls himself Madara, and I believe I even have an idea about how he pulled it off," making Tsuande frown as she recalled the file on the most mysterious of Akatsuki's members.

"It seems that he has returned to his oldest trick. It's the same trick he used to attack Konoha all those years ago when Minato stopped him," and it all suddenly clicked, and Tsunade made the connection.

"You believe he used the Nanabi and its jinchuriki to wipe out the whole village," Jiraiya nodded.

"Yes, the description of the ANBU is consistent with a tailed beast bomb. This is most definitely his work!"

Jiraya seemed confident, and Tsunade would agree. This was the most likely explanation. But this gave rise to other questions, very dangerous questions.

"Could it really be him? The real Madara Uchiha?" she questioned her teammate, and Jiraiya simply shrugged.

"Does it matter whether it's the real Madara or not? We know of his capabilities and his ambition. The most we can do is prepare," he replied, and Tsunade glanced up at the wall as she stared at her grandfather's face.

"It matters. It matters a lot," she muttered as she recalled the words she had heard in her childhood.

"Madara Uchiha was the boogeyman of the shinobi world, the only one who could rival my grandfather. You must have heard tales about their battle yourself," she questioned him. Jiraiya nodded, and then she told him the words she had heard from her family.

"My uncle used to say that they were all untrue, for a true battle between them could never be described. If this really is him somehow, then I believe that we need to make big steps," she finished making Jiraiya frown.

"Like what?" he questioned, and Tsunade spoke about the only solution she could think of.

"I believe that it is time to call a five Kage summit!"

A summit that had been called for the first time by her very grandfather.



Obito felt the wind as he stood by the mountain. He stared at the village in front of him as his Sharingan scanned the whole village.

Humogakure, the village hidden in the clouds, had recovered from Akatsuki's last assault. They had shored up their defenses as well, but they would not be enough. Kumo was amongst the three strongest villages of the moment, along with Konoha and Iwa.

Konoha he had left for Pain while Iwa was going to face a very special team, just like Kiri. He began to make handseals and pushed chakra through his coils.

"Special Summoning Jutsu!" and he felt his chakra drop as two coffins appeared behind him.

Slowly the doors fell off and revealed the form of the two shinobi inside them. One was alive, while the other was a reanimated corpse. His Sharingan spun as the jinchuriki of the Seven tails stepped out of the box, under his complete control. A control that was now more perfect than the one he had on Yagura, the yondaime Mizukage.

He then felt the control seal on the reanimated shinobi activate as he pushed chakra into the given seal.

He saw the other shinobi gain light in his eyes though the technique was still not perfect, for the shinobi lacked its personality and resembled a puppet more than a corpse. Though, for a shinobi of his skill set, even a puppet would be enough.

Obito turned to look at the village once more and spotted a yellow-haired shinobi standing in the distance with his Sharingan.

Yugito Nii, the jinchuriki of Matatabi. A very appropriate target.

"Well, it is time we begin," and a pair of wings appeared on the seven tails jinchuriki's back, and the reanimated shinobi began to cycle through a series of handseals. Obito could feel the huge buildup of chakra as the shinobi finished the technique.


And Obito watched the famed Kekkei Tota of the second Tsuchikage blast towards the yellow-haired jinchuriki.

Though, this was only the first surprise as a huge ball of chakra appeared just above Kumo.


The game was on!


BOOOM! The attack has begun. And Obito is going to try and tackle Kumo with his part of three though if Matatabi is freed, I don't think he is gonna have a tough time achieving his purpose of simply causing too much destruction.

Obito's attack has two main rationales.

1-The one who attacks first is always a step ahead.

2-He knows that villages are gonna gang up on him. So, he wants to weaken them. If he gets lucky and could get a tailed beast or two, then good luck, but his main purpose is destruction right now. Simple and utter destruction.

As always, you can read ahead and support me on P@tre 0n. Your support helps me out a lot, so if possible, have a look and drop a dime. It will be extremely helpful.


Thanks for reading!