"When broken hearts collide what will remain?" Beta Calvin Stormborn

"Rosemary?" The high priestess called softly to me. "Are you sure about this?" She asked when I looked at her. There it was again. The look I hated so fucking much. At eighteen I was on my way to marry a werewolf. The treaty had to be honored and signed. I didn't really care. I had to get away from all the hushed words hidden behind hands and silenced when I walked in, all the eyes filled with pity when I walked by. Every single time I broke down for no reason and someone told me they understand. How could they possibly understand my pain? They hadn't lost the other half of their soul.

"I hate it when you look at me like that." I said with a glare.

"Like what sweetheart?"

"With pity. Like I'm about to shatter into a million pieces right in front of you." She looked stunned.

"I don't-" She started but I cut her off.

"Yes you do. Everybody does, mom." I went back to staring out the window at the passing trees. "I'm sick of it."

"Rosemary I-"

"Pull over. There's some Sorrow ferns at the edge of the road." I said excitedly. I knew she wouldn't denie me something that brought even a little bit of joy back to my life. Without fail she pulled over and let me out. I rushed to where I had seen the ferns and was relieved that I had been right. After a few minutes of plucking a few branches from each plant I sighed. "Yes mom. I'm sure I want to go through with this. It's not like you could have asked anyone else to do this. Do you really think they would've given up true happiness for the treaty?"

"But you are willing to do just that?" There was pain in her voice. "It's not like you couldn't have found someone else and been happy."

"No, mom, I couldn't. All the coven boys look at me like I'm broken and I can't be happy when I know I'm just a charity case for the one I'm with. That's all I was to everyone of the boys I went out with. A pity date and nothing more." I sighed as I thought about the future. "I know you meant well mom but it only caused me more pain. Besides, whose to say that I won't find true happiness with a werewolf, or at least as close as I can get."

"Alright. I keep trying to convince myself that this is what is best for you. But I keeping seeing my baby alone in the world." A sad look crossed her beautiful face and I looked away. I hated hurting her but getting away from the pity of the coven was the best thing for me. "I feel like I'm losing you."

"It's only ten miles down the road mom. If I can't get a ride I will walk it just to say hi."

"I will come and get you! Don't even think about walk it!" Mom said sternly. "And you better call at least three times...a day....no exceptions."

"Mom be reasonable. I will call you once a day at most." I smiled warmly at her. "And when I need help with homework."

"Are you planning on coming out for Samhain?"

"Yes. I will celebrate with you as always." Just then mom's phone chimed, indicating a text message. "Is that dad again?"

"Yeah. We better get going." She sighed. "It will be dark soon."

"I can't believe you're doing this to yourself." Cal said as he shook his head sadly. "You swore you'd never take another wife after-"

"I swore I'd never love anyone the way I loved Maranda. It's not that I want to marry this girl. I have to do what's best for the pack and the future of it. Which means I need to have a son." I growled. "And we need more space to run. This treaty will benefit both the pack and coven."

"You're taking her away from her chance at happiness." Jack said. "Don't treat her like she isn't losing anything. And for fuck sake be at least at little warmer to her."

"I know. I will at least try to ensure she makes friends here." I bit my lip as I remembered my mate and how cold and alone she must have felt. I reached for the bottle of pills on the right side night stand and dumped them on the surface. I began to place them back inside one at a time, counting under my breath as I always did when I felt lost or overwhelmed. I should get rid of the expired medication but I couldn't bring myself to do it.

"You should get rid of those." Jack said gently.

"I can't." I admitted sadly.

"How many times have you counted them man?" Cal knew already. I couldn't tell you the answer to that question but he could.

"You tell me."

"799,857 times." He sighed heavily. "This can't be healthy Drake. Get rid of them. Or at least stop carrying them around." I hated that pity gentled his tone. The pills had become a safety blanket for me. I still broke down for no reason at all. I would be at training and suddenly I would be a sobbing mess on the ground, shaking and rocking like Maranda had just died. The sharp pain in my chest never seemed to go away.

I took a deep breath and put the bottle of pills in my pocket. "She'll be here soon." I stated. "They just passed the border. Bring my bride straight here and I will meet with the high priestess in my office."

"Are you sure?" Cal asked a little taken aback.

"I want to talk to them separately. I need to know that this was her choice."

"Yes Alpha." Jack said and walked to the front drive with Cal. I took a moment to compose myself and walked to my office. It didn't take long for Cal to lead the high priestess in and a conversation to begin.

"Alpha Cold. I hope you understand that I am entrusting you with the care of...Sister Rosemary. Should any harm befall her you will feel our pain as we rip your world to shreds." Her cold voice told me that she could and would do it. She was clearly not accustom to making empty threats. It struck me that she was not using the royal we. The entire coven would lash out and rebel against the pack for this Rosemary.

"I understand, high priestess. I hope you understand that I don't take kindly to threats." I growled.

"I hope you understand that I don't make threats." She snarled back. "Rosemary is my only daughter and I would like to meet the man she is to marry right now."

"You already met him. She will be my wife and Luna of my pack. I will see to it that she is well cared for." I could understand the need to ensure the safety of a child. I had lost the chance to ever feel like that.

"See that you do." She hissed venomously.

"Just assure me that she is here of her own volition."

"She volunteered to do this." She paused as if debating wether or not to tell me something. "Do you know what a soul bounded is?"

"Is it anything like a true mate?"

"It is your one true love. The other half of your soul."

"Then yes. We call them mates."

"Rosemary lost hers five years ago." A sad look came over her and I stuck my hand in my pocket as I waited to see the look of pity on the woman's face. "I just want you to know that so you know you aren't taking her from someone else." With that she signed the treaty and left. I would sign the treaty as well in the morning but I had to speak with Rosemary.

I made my way to my room absentmindedly. What was I going to say to her? I didn't want her to mistake my understanding for pity. She was probably sick of those looks as well. I took a deep breath and opened the door to step inside. No sooner than I had, I caught the scent of sorrow fern and heard a soft voice singing a familiar song.

"Five hands a fist full of sorrow.

A sprig of thyme and a bundle of sage."

The pain hit me like a freight train and I crumpled to the floor unable to breath as I curled into a fetal position and clawed at my chest.