"Sorrow is like a storm. It rages for a time but all storms pass." High priestess Sage


I was exploring the pack house as I tried to avoid another confrontation with the alpha. I had spent the night in the twins room and they had been gone when I woke up that morning. Now I realized that I had become lost in the labyrinth of hall ways and stairs that made up the expansive mansion. "I wonder where everyone is." I mused out loud. "Figures when I need him, Drake is nowhere to be found."

A loud shout of surprise sounded just around the next corner and I rushed to investigate. The twins were standing outside an unfamiliar door and Drake was rocking back and forth on the floor with his head between his hands. "What did you do?" I demanded of the twins as I rushed to help Drake.

"He deserves it." Damien grumbled.

"Damien!" He looked shocked that I could tell them apart. "What could possibly have made you two do this?"

"He made you cry." Damien responded matter-of-actly. I heaved a heavy sigh.

"Damien. It's not your place to fight my battles for me. Nor should you and your brother feel you have to." I gave them a sad smile as the door opened and Calvin stepped out.

"Oh there you are Luna. Drake was just looking for you. Why are you on the floor?"

"Your children are psychopaths." Drake growled as he glared at the boys. "Right." He got to his feet and glared down at me. "You clearly don't understand how our society works. I am your husband and that means you sleep in the same bed as me, Rosemary."

"And I suppose you would sleep next to someone that terrifies you." I glared back. "Drake you may be the Alpha here but that bullshit isn't going to fly with me. For my part in our argument I do apologize. I spoke with out thinking. But you scared the hell out of me last night and I refuse to share a bed with someone I feel is a threat to my safety." He seemed taken aback by my words.

"What do you want Rosemary? A fucking parade?" He snarled to cover his surprise.

"How about I just go home and you can find someone else to get pregnant! But I guarantee that it will not be a witch and that treaty will not be worth the paper it's printed on." I snarled back.

"Okay! This has gone far enough. Both of you need to back down!" Calvin snapped as he pushed his way between us. "For now I think it's best that Rosemary has her own room."

"Why would she have her own room?" My mother asked as she approached with a large duffel bag.

"If they share a room right now they might actually kill each other." Calvin growled as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "Jack why don't you find her a room."

"Yeah that's a good idea beta. Luna follow me." He motioned for me to follow him and I turned to go.

"I refuse to speak to you again until you apologize, Drake." I spat before I followed Jack to my new room.



I couldn't believe I had started another fight with Rosemary and now my wolf was shouting in rage. "You won't be the only one." I hissed under my breath as I turned to Calvin.

"The fuck was that?" He demanded angrily. "You need to make nice with her or you will kill this pack! Is that what you want? Don't forget why you have to do this!"

"Then what?" I asked pointedly. "You heard her! She feels like I'm a threat to her safety!"

"I happen to agree with her. You need to swallow your pride and give her a genuine apology. Then you both need to sit down and talk on neutral turf so you can fix this." He went into his office with the twins and slammed the door in my face.

"So much for helping." I grumbled as I shoved my hands in my pockets and started to walk without seeing where I was going. Perhaps Calvin was right. I thought back on the events of the night before and the more I thought about the worse I felt as I realized it had been my fault we had fought.

I wasn't watching where I was going so I was shocked when I heard Rosemary speaking. "I did apologize for my part in all of this. He needs to learn that he can't play big bad alpha in our marriage."

"He's used to being completely in charge, Rosemary. This is as new to him as it is you."

"It's no excuse mother! I stand by what I said!"

"I'm sure he regrets the argument as much as you do. Just give him a chance to explain -"

"He kicked me out of the room mother!" Rosemary snapped. "I won't stay where I feel unsafe!"

"I suppose you're right on that matter."

"And now he expects me to just come back to that room and play the happy couple so he can save face for the pack? I don't think so!"

"What do you want from him Rosemary? What would fix this?" The high priestess asked pointedly.

"An apology would be a nice start!" Rosemary snarled.

"Then what darling?"

"I don't know." Rosemary sighed.

"How about a discussion?" I asked as I rounded the corner to the kitchen.

"Are you here to apologize?" She crossed her arms over her chest and glared.

"Yes. Partly."

"Well go ahead. Apologize."

"Rosemary I didn't realize that you felt threatened by my actions last night. And for that I apologize. I never should have kicked you out of our room. And I'm sorry that things got out of hand in the hall." I looked her in the eye as I spoke. "I was worried when you didn't come back."

"You... were... Worried about me?" Her arms dropped as she spoke and she looked confused. "Why?"

"Because I didn't know where you were and that you were safe. Believe it or not but that is one thing that both your coven and my pack has in common. We worry about the people we care about. Beyond reason or understanding."

"But we just met last night." Rosemary pointed out still confused.

"Yeah well I can't really explain it. My wolf is pissed that I kicked you out of the room." I scratched the back of my neck. "I honestly didn't think you would vanish on me and I needed some space to cool off."

"Fine but I'm not coming back to that room." She said stubbornly. "I know what I want from you now."

"Fine. If it means we can put this ugly business in our past I'll do what it takes."

"I want a real courtship." She said with a smug smile as of I would go back on my word and demand another bride.

"Werewolves have what's called mate play. It's a courtship ritual. Mostly used to get to know each other and learn to trust each other. If you're interested we can try that."