Tales by her

Chapter 1.

Difficult times they say does not last but mine felt like it had several chapters of it. A naive girl who nearly died during delivery but was still brought into the world premature.

  My poor mother in the hospital bed weak after delivering her first child daughter through a surgical operation, finally got some time to rest from the delivery.

My sweet father, whose memory will forever remain in our hearts, running helter-skelter, trying to assist the doctors in whatever way he could to ensure the save delivery of his dear wife and loving daughter.

  My mum told me it was like our village people didn't want me to be born, they tried all they could to prevent me from coming to the world. But God in his infinite mercy prevented their evil plans from taking place. He has always been there for me since the day I was brought into the world, pampering me like his very own. You can as well call me God's Very Own.

  The power supply (NEPA) went off as soon as they started the surgical operation. The doctor whose name I don't remember now calling for the generator man to put on the Gen. Musa! Musa! Where could this man be? But Musa was no where to be found as at that very time. My Dad went to meet one of the nurses to show him where the Gen was. He offered to put it on. Upon all his force to put on the Gen, himself and some other male nurses, it was all to no avail, the Gen just refused to come on. After all the efforts in putting on the Gen, my Dad suggested they did the operation with a lantern,at least that was what my mum called it. So yes they brought me out using a lantern.

  After the operation, Musa came back from where he went to have lunch, he tried to put on the Gen and the Gen cooperated with him also the light came on. See what my mum meant by my village people were after my life during child birth. I was kept in an incubator for days, I looked so small, before my Big Daddy suggested my parents took me to Abuja for a while although he was the sponsor to their trip. 

  Several months after in Abuja, my parents came back to Lagos then everyone was amazed at how big I had become. Some of my Dad's friends and relatives still wonder and look when I pass around at how I survived despite being so premature. My maternal grandmother said they were all instructed by the Doctor not to bath me until I had grown bigger a little, but she careful bathed me before my parents left with me to Abuja because according to her it was not proper not to bath a newly born child. 

My mum said whenever she breast fed me, the milk came out from various organs of my body, my nose, my ears even my eyes. She said I could not talk properly till I was like Four years old, all I did was make small peh peh sounds and I did not even cry loud like other infants, that I was as little as a doll, that I was different.