Chapter 5

When your dreams come alive your unstoppable

  Take a shot, chase the sun, find the beautiful

  We will glow in the dark turning dust to Gold

  And we'll dream it possible.

The lyrics to the song Dream It Possible, that my Dad used as his alarm woke me up. I don't know why Daddy's alarm is too loud, I said to Dapo. Yes, then he will keep his phone on the dinning to let it disturb us, Dapo said yawning. Every morning, after my Junior WAEC Examination, my Dad would intentionally, place his phone somewhere close to our room so his alarm would wake us up. As soon as he notices we were awake he would ask us to bring our maths textbook, practice some mathematical equations with Dapo and I before bombarding us with series of assignment questions that we must do before nightfall. And sometimes if he was not chanced, he would give each of us a book to read and summarize every chapter in details

 After every lesson, we would then prepare for school. I gave my Dad my assignment questions I did not understand in class to solve. He would solve them and give me new assignments to understand the topic better. I was in Art class which now is known as humanities, along with Kelechi and Samuel. Although we had new classmates but they were in sciences. I and my brothers spent the weekends at my paternal grandma's house because my Dad attended biblical school weekends and so after his classes on Saturday or sometimes Sunday, he would come pick us up. I was still the only girl in my class with the new students being guys so I became friends with Phebe, she was later made head girl when I was in Ss2, and also because she was smart. 

  However, in my church, since I became really close with Triplets, I became close to Perfect as well. He would help me with Holiday Projects given to me from school. During the long holidays, I volunteered to teach for summer coaching in the school owned by the church. I also did that as a means to be close to and get to know Perfect who I had a crush on at that time. My Dad would cook and dish in plates for my brothers and I to share with our friends as well during summer coaching, especially during the fourty Days Vigil that occurs yearly in Foursquare. I shared the food with Perfect and some friends. The first time I spoke to Perfect in person was funny sarcastically. Myself and Triplets were talking then this guy at first was parading around just for him to come to my hear to whisper the words you talk too much. WTH, why would you come say something like that to me when we barely talk. That's so rude. I tried talking back but he had left already. Don't mind him, that is just how he is, Bolu said back, trying to calm me. That is how he is jare, let's act like he never came, Ope and Pamilerin said too. 

  Teenage age set in with me being in senior secondary school. After baptismal and workers in training classes, which are Sunday school classes in Foursquare, I joined the Children's department as a worker. My Dad was a Sunday school teacher for baptismal class and also a participant in anchoring the Fourty Days Vigil.

 Whatever my Dad planned to do, he first discussed with I and my brothers. Whenever he planned to travel, some business plans and even his plans to remarry. I and my brothers sat in the living room watching tv one day when we heard a knock at the gate, so Dapo dashed out to open the gate. Good evening, is your Dad home, a lady came in with Dapo. Good evening ma, yes he is. Dolamu then went in to call my Dad. Daddy, a lady is asking for you outside. My Dad then introduced the lady(whose name I can't recall) to us. After that day, she would come sometimes to the house, cook and bring her financial problems to Dada. Until one day, my Dad came to meet me while I washed plates in the kitchen. Demi, that lady ran off with my money. She came to me to lend her some loan, promising to return it back. I even planned to give her the money and not collect it back from her, but she blocked me and has since then been avoiding me. I knew that woman was after your money Daddy, it's a good thing you were not married to her yet besides I never truly liked her. My Dad tried getting married to two other women, but it did not really work out. 

  The phone kept ringing but neither myself nor Dapo was willing to pick it. My Dad then came in through the kitchen door. Daddy, As Usual as been trying to reach you. As Usual, I nicknamed Mummy Teni because they were always on call with each other and she would call him each day. Mum Teni was a childhood friend of Dada and she stood by him till his death. I remember her bringing home cooked food to us at our house, cleaning the house sometimes and only she would notice when Dada was sick. Like one time when I was in Ss2, I woke up late at seven for school, I noticed Dada was not awake, which was weird cause he would have normally woken up at that time. So I planned not to disturb him and prepare something for my brothers and I to take to school that day. 

 My Dad came to meet me in the kitchen and told me to go prepare for school and leave what I was doing. I noticed he looked weak. Daddy you don't look fine. I'm fine, I slept really late last night that's why. Now go and prepare for school. Dada even took us to school that day. Getting home from school, As Usual had prepared lunch. Good afternoon ma, where is Daddy? Afternoon dear, your Dad is asleep because he did not get enough bed rest. Okay, I was already leaving for my room. Demi, do you know your Dad is terribly sick. He even almost fainted today. Sick keh! He told me he was fine this morning when I asked why he looked tired. Well it is because he did not want you guys worrying about him, but there is no need to think about it too much, she said because I gave her a worried look, I just wanted you to know that's all and you guys should try not to stress him. Okay Ma, thank you ma. I replied and left her. I will always be grateful for all she did for me and Dada, although since she became really close to him, Dada withdrew from telling I and my brothers whatever he planned doing.