
Thank you so much for taking your time to read to the end. It means alot to me. I know alot of people might have experienced much more difficult times than this, but these periods were trying times to me, they were indeed difficult times. My parents facing divorce, trying to cater for I and my siblings and my Dad's death later, it was all truly traumatizing, but God knows best.

Dr Apena, one of the privileged doctors that helped treat Dada, who also happens to be our family doctor, informed us that Dada died of lung cancer some months after Dada passed away. He told us how Dada got transferred to different hospitals, what tests he had been going for and the several operations he did. I and my brothers thought it was Pneumonia he had before that and prayed that he got better.

He battled with cancer and did not inform neither me nor my brothers about it. Mum had no idea too, only my uncle and Aunts that were at the hospital with him knew and he told them not to tell us he had cancer, so we won't get scared and worry.

My only regret, not being understanding and not being there with him enough.

I am really grateful and thankful to God for all He does. For also enabling me into dedicating my time into completing this book.

I also got inspired by the story of Carley Allison who died from a rare cancer case and from the movie Kiss and Cry.

I know people out there are going through much worse difficult times but I want you to trust God and his plans for you, He is with you at all point in time, He is always a step ahead of us and He would never let His own down.

If there is something about tough times, it is that it moulds us into becoming the best version of ourselves.

Tough times don't last only tough people do(The Reverend Robert Schuller).

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Difficult Times. Difficult Times. Difficult Times. Difficult Times. Difficult Times. Difficult Times. Difficult Times. Difficult Times. Difficult Times. Difficult Times. Difficult Times. Difficult Times. Difficult Times. Difficult Times. Difficult Times.

Difficult Times. Difficult Times. Difficult Times. Difficult Times. Difficult Times. Difficult Times. Difficult Times. Difficult Times. Difficult Times. Difficult Times.





   Difficult Times.