The endless swarms of kobold miners crashed upon our party in so many waves, countless wounds riddled my body only to be healed by potions or Shenron's magic, before jumping into the fray once again, each felled opponent sinking into the dungeon floor creating fresh footing for the next kobold to take position, surrounded on all sides the fight truly was one for our lives.
Our new tanks in the form of the goblin paladin and iron lizard acted as our shields halting the kobold advance so that Kurama, and I could attacking using hit and run tactics, but with all the numbers pitted against us we alone were not enough, so i start performing mass summonings of goblins from my surplus of goblin monster cards.
I was still limited in the number of summons I could control at a time but as the battle wore on the number did increase and each time a goblin died another would spawn to take its place in our guerrilla defense.
The endless swarm finally ended after wave upon wave crashed on our swords, and barriers like water upon rock, as our ragged selves collapsed on the ground, well I'm sure everyone was just copying me since I was the only one out of breath or looking disheveled, my status menu informed me that i had the abnormal status condition of potion intoxication.
This was a system put in place into the game to prevent players from endlessly spamming potions in player vs. player matches since the fight would only end once ones inventory ran dry, but short of raids endless uses of potions was not required, since my stat ranks were still low overall my stamina ran out rather quickly when engaged with hundreds of opponents.
Littering the ground surrounding our warzone was the items dropped from the miner's we'd defeated. From the distance and lack of light it was simply just a field of pebbles and small stones.
Deciding that I'd deserved a rest seeing as we'd fought for our lives all the way through the night, I pulled a sleeping pill out and proceeded to consume it while leaning my sweat drench back up against the cool stone wall with my eyes closed.
Sending a command to Shenron and the others to collect the drops for me while I recovered, just before slipping off into dreamland i sent a final "sorry for leaving this task to you" out to my summons.
{{Master, apologies for waking you but the collection has been completed}}
"Wuh, oh ah, ahem yes thank you for that"
Dusting myself off and rubbing the sleep from my eyes I got to my feet, pulling up my inventory I pathed to the new folder created for the items Shenron collected, and started to peruse my newest inventory;
Collected:[[Iron Ore 754, Copper Ore 548, Silver Ore 356, Gold Ore 287, Mithril ore 122, Orichalcum ore 32, Adamantite ore 7]]
"Whoa those mine is amazing, not only for the sheer quantity of ores we got but to think we also would get three of the top rated fantasy ores all at the same time!"
""It certainly is surprising but given the numbers we'd faced the chances of rare drops happening does seem quite fair, that being said it is good to see that even when faced with such numbers you did not relapse into your possessed stated like before Master""
"Quite right you are Shenron, though as excited as I am for the new ores, for all I know these ores are actually that rare here, for all I know their actually common I mean I only have knowledge from fantasy after meanwhile this is a whole new world"
"Whoa you can talk common Hogaan!? That's awesome, but yeah I do agree when we get back to town I'll look into it for sure, and worst case it'll be useful for me to grind levels in blacksmithing myself"
"Ara Aroo"
""Agreed, now we should continue our search of this mine shaft, since our only options still remain to proceed forward or turn back Master, and with Morning well underway prolonging for too long will surely bring you Lady Raisa's wrath when we finally emerge since, even if you send further messages delaying longer will increase her ire""
"Haha right again, let's hurry our way through to the surface then, as scary and harrowing as the fights down here are a greater evil is building on the surface"
With that our party gathered together and advanced down the winding dirt pathway into the darkness of the mining tunnel.
Descending down into the darkness, or rather that's how it should've been but luckily with Shenron nearby we had ourselves our own light source, since the light he emanated illuminated a 5m circumference.
The journey down the shaft carried on for quite a while until we reached the lowest floor where a single tunnel entrance led into a new dungeon corridor, where me and my summons carried on with our dungeon clearing with a smile on my face as the sheer number of drop items was fit to bursting.
Seemingly endless numbers of ores were jutting out of the walls of the passages we walked down, occasionally there was an earth type set of monsters but our experienced party waited no time before disposing of them and continuing on.
Collected:[[5,826 Iron Ore, 8,699 Copper Ore, 5,264 Silver Ore, 3,647 Gold Ore, 1,822 Orichalcum Ore, 844 Adamantite Ore]]
"Hoooo with all this I should be set to become a Master Blacksmith in like no time at all, hah hah nothing like a bit of grinding in a Mine Dungeon, not sure what mineral ranks are in Terra but Mithril, Orichalcum, and even Adamantite that the fantasy threesome for rare and epic metals"
""Master I am pleased you are thrilled with the result of our hunting but I need to inform you we seem to have reached a dead end""
Looking at the path ahead I saw what Shenron was talking about a downward slanted concrete pathway with unlit stone torches lining both sides, and next to those giant polished stone pillars that rose up to the roof, at the end of the path was a gigantic 10 meter tall Black glossy metal door with a sizeable crimson red jewel that was pulsing an ominous glow.
"… is this.. Could it be the boss room? I mean there was a similar door before the floor boss right?"
""Mmm that is a logical assumption Master""
"Strong Enemy Ahead?"
"That's right guys but with it being a boss I think we might need to change the line up a little. Being a boss and all I think it's best if I replace Gojira with Rocky creed Creed since we'll need tanks to absorb the boss's hits and Gojira's defence rank is lower than the stone golems."
"Don't be sad Goji you've helped us out a lot already, I just need to make sure you won't get hurt in this fight"
"Alright good, Dismiss Gogira"
Whoosh a fading light from Gogira's form drew itself back into me.
"Next up Summon Rocky, Summon Creed!"
A quick flash of light and the Alabaster stone golem appeared in front of me.
"Ok so same battle plan as usual Shenron you're our Rearguard. Kurama, Hogan, and I are the attackers, then Rocky and Creed we'll count on you to pull aggro. The plan is subject to change so be prepared for new orders once the battle gets underway"
[Then let's get this over with, if it's like dungeons in the game then we should either be sent to the beginning when we win the fight, or should unlock a transport gate or something that we can use. Worst case scenario this is just another floor boss and not the actual dungeon boss after all]
With that declaration within my own mind we advanced up to the door, when we'd approached the crimson gem proceeded to beat faster and faster until the beating ceased and the light remained constant at which point the door phased fading away into nothingness.
Not fazed by this in the slightest I mean after all since coming to this world my common sense has been obliterated things like this seem to happen all the time.
Once we'd passed by the barrier into the boss room the door released its phasing and once again became a solid object the pulsing gemstone returned as well once again beating crimson light like a heart this time though joined along with a thrumming sound in time with the light pulse.
The inside of the boss room itself looked very much like the inside of the roman coliseum I'd seen in movies back on earth, the floor was sand and an oval of stone acted as the walls.
No visible source of light but the entire room was illuminated as much as if I was outside standing in the shade.
"Ho to think a mere human would dare to think himself grand enough to stand alone before the might of the guardian. Such ignorance against the Grand Empire you shall pay for the crime of your ignorance and suffer dearly" ????>
"Huh alone… wait do my summons not count, I mean if that's the case then I suppose I am alone… wait hold on whose voice is that, also the heck is the grand empire we're in the meritocracy aren't we?"
"I present to you challenger the greatest creation of the Grand Empire! The Immortal Elite Titan Minotaur bwahaha tremble in despair!" ????>
The voice resonating throughout the arena faded away as the figure across the way stood up from its crouching posture after having dropped from somewhere above.
"Whoa that things huge!"
Standing before us now is a beast that certainly deserves the title of Titan Minotaur, it surely is titanic in size, standing on two legs the Minotaur standing before us is easily 20 meters tall dark brown fur covering its entire body, hooves for feet, glowing red eyes with inverted iris's, in one hand gripped a massive 15 meter tall great sword.
With a great cry out the Minotaur pulled it's blade up from the ground and taking a stance.
"To lift that great sword with only one hand that things strength must be herculean… we might be in trouble here"
""Do not lose heart Master we all shall succeed"