Days have passed since our return to the city, I've been cooped up in my room the entire time since the morning after we returned I was told by Raisa even the mansion may not be a safe place for us.
So to prevent any issues we've not ventured out instead having meals brought to us and keeping the curtains drawn to prevent anyone from seeing into the room.
Kurama is fed up since the only fun she gets to have is when Ruby stops by for a play date, I on the other hand have plenty of things to keep me occupied since I've got all the materials from the forest, dungeon, and village to help me raise my levels, and on top of that now that I've got my magic class I can start thinking about acquiring the magical professions I couldn't obtain before, and lastly further investigation into my new skills learned from my rank-up.
Sadly though since I'm trapped in this room I cannot learn blacksmithing yet to start utilizing my rather abundant stores of ore, instead I continued to work with the sewing kit I had along with the night wolf pelts in my inventory to start working on my leatherworking skill.
Raisa stopped by to drop off the other leather goods we'd left at the warehouse to dry along with a delivery of cloth that I had requested to increase my material stock so the production could continue uninterrupted.
And so the one man sweatshop furiously worked the skill system to the bone crafting a mountain of simple leather goods, and various articles of clothing, and cloth armor.
After a solid week of being trapped in doors I'd run out of things to make with the goods I had on hand unless I purchased more from Raisa's family, thankfully my proficiency rose quite a bit
Satou (Kokei) Ekiken Age: 27
Race: Human Level: 1/30 (31)
Class: Conjurer
Titles: From Another World, Dungeon Conqueror (54-Pale Grotto), Dungeon Master (54), Muscle Memory (Skinning), Novice (Alchemy)
Health E Mana E
Strength F Dexterity F
Vitality F Intelligence E
Agility E
Skill: Gamer: Yggdrasil, , Magic Hand (1), Bolt (1), Deception (1)
Summon (1): Beast G, Insect G
Professions: Alchemy (3), First Aid (2), Herbalism (2), Leatherworking (2), Mining (1), Scavenging (1), Skinning (3), Tailoring (2), Treasure Hunting (1)
The other thing I managed to do was confirm another thing about my summoning abilities.
While my monster book summons are strong and can remain indefinitely and gain skills (If they are named, and not killed), they are different from my spell
Simply put my magical summons are capable of filling all the roles of a party on they own, additionally they don't "die" when lethally hit like my monster book summons do, instead they regenerate and I lose mana instead and as an added bonus when they are summoned I receive a buff to my attributes since Kurama was already summoned I tried summoning 4 DPS magic summons and 4 cub like wolves appeared, not very lethal compared to my other summons I could call on but for each one that appeared I gained strength meaning my own attacks would become that much more dangerous.
Using my Heads up display I could analyze the wolf cubs and the monster details were displayed, the stats were all G except for Strength at F but what differed was where my other monsters had ages, and even classes there was only one line that indicated rank which for the cubs was listed as G which I've taken to mean that my magical summonings are limited to Rank G creatures.
The summoning system didn't work like this in the game so perhaps that's the way summoning works in this world instead, but until I level up the utility of summoning small fries like these pups isn't worth it.
But I really want to get out there and level up to test my theory since if I level up I think I'll get more powerful summons, and their buff's to me will increase as well but so far the skill rank hasn't increased with the experiments i could conduct trapped in this room.
First of which was thinking like my professions it depended on the number of times i performed the spell, but after hundreds of summoning and dispels the rank didn't increase.
Second was thinking it was experience or combat focus so, a series of the cutest little death matches took place, since I'd learned I could shut off the summon regeneration by denying mana flow once they were summoned at which point the creature would just break up into particles of light "dying" until it was resummoned.
Perhaps i need to have then kill something that grants experience for defeating at which point i can increase my skill level.
"Then the time will be upon us to summon forth the legion and bring death to all the lands mwahahaha"
Chuckling as evilly as I could to myself, Kurama meanwhile just sat on the edge of the bed in her newest outfit shaking her head back and forth.
This had become a regular thing since being trapped here, as my thoughts drifted to dark places since the only reason I was trapped in here was because of the stupid nobles and others in power who just wanted to take Shenron or even me for that matter as a symbol of the nobilities own power.
"No do bad thing"
"Yeah yeah I know Kura I'm just playing around, blowing off some steam and frustration"
During the time since the system was doing all the work for me on crafting I took it upon myself to educate Kurama her speech was still broken but we'd filled in enough words to have broken conversations.
"Go outside soon?"
"I sure hope so, Raisa said she'd be dropping by today so hopefully we'll hear something from her, and well if it's not good news we'll start prepping to leave instead ok"
"hmm… ok"
Her response downcast since she didn't want to leave her only friends in this world, but conversely didn't have a choice since anywhere I went she was forced to go unable to be in a different zone than me.
'knock knock'
"C'mon in"
The door to the suite open just enough for two figures to make their way into the room before closing the door once again, the rooms interior was dim with only a few candles lit to provide the minimal amount of light required.
"Yeah I'm here, waving a hand slightly from the sofa I was seated at"
"Why is it so dark in here?"
"Huh oh sorry about that [Photosphere]"
A ball of pure light the size of a basketball was projected from my hand and floated up towards the ceiling in that moment the darkness was chased away and the entire room was illuminated in a bright light.
"Woooow…. Hmhmph sorry about that I didn't know you could use magic other than summoning Satou!"
"Well I've been trapped in this room for quite a long time and ran out of materials to craft with so… I decided to start studying"
This of course was a half lie since the stories and books I've read since being confined indicated that skills and spells in this world take years to learn unlike for me they appear in my menu as soon as I level up or rankup.
Raisa knows about my skill but even still I can't reveal just how broken my skill actually is.
Though it's not one of my listed magics in my status it instead is a magic gained through my gamer skill, it's a pretty useless skill designed to provide illumination in place of a torch freeing the caster up to utilize both hands in combat.
"Well i'm glad something good has come from all of this"
With a great sigh she collapsed on the sofa across from me.
"Honestly if I had a choice I'd be the one confining myself to a room, haha everyday more and more people try to crash the gates to supplicate themselves before you, demand patronage, or even demand you enter their family service. Even though there's no real evidence that you are even here in the mansion to begin with, and worst of all are all the proposals that are coming my way… bleh they are only interested because they see an in road towards a connection to you, or the Raisa branch of the Salide Company which has historic profit margins thanks to all your excellently crafted goods."
"hehe I see.. That sure is rough sorry to have caused such a ruckus… perhaps it is best we leave and start over after all, we could even go the extra mile and fake my death."
Ending my apology in a whisper but the ever vigilante Raisa heard everything straightening up in a shock.
"Leave! No you can't ever leave!"
'Huff huff'
"At worst the only thing you're allowed to do is that face change thingy you did before, but even then Kurama would have to stay here since you'd be found out seeing as the only two tamed kobolds in the city are yours and mine"
"That's true I suppose, and well Kurama is Kurama so unsummoning her is unthinkable so my only other choice left would be to just leave then…"
"Urk… well let's hope things don't come to that"
"So what's the reason for your visit today? Alfred already came by and collected all the Armor, Clothes, and Potions we'd created, and well not to be rude but it doesn't look like you've come bearing new materials for us to continue working."
"Well… uh actually it's something of a bother for you, you see…"
"Uh ok how so?"
"Well you see Count Farvenall has summoned you, and um since it's a direct summon from the count himself we can't refuse him, and neither can you since to refuse would be tantamount to a crime which would give them reason to storm the mansion to arrest you for treason."
"Ugh fine... when exactly am I supposed to meet this noble man?"
"Tommorow mid-day"
"What tomorrow! Such short notice. Ok well if that's the case I need you to get me some things, first a few bolts of black silk, then some crimson fabric, along with spools of black, white, and silver thread, after that I'll need to know everything you can teach me about this Count and Joquets court etiquette nobles from my word are fickle creatures so best to learn the tricks of their trade to prevent further upsets"
Quickly receiving the order Raisa dashed from the room leaving Ruby behind to play with Kurama, while I waited for her return I watched the game the two were playing. Sort of a word game with playing cards fashioned from wooden cards.
[I think Kurama is trying to teach Ruby how to speak, while increasing her own vocabulary at the same time]
30 minutes quickly passed by before Raisa rushed into the room without knocking arms loaded with materials, dumping her haul onto the coffee table between us she once again took her seat.
As I manipulated the menu and activated my Tailoring skill to start fashioning clothing for myself to wear to this meeting I sparked the heart of the discussion.
"Alright so this Count Farvenall what sort of a man is he?"
"Well as you already know the Meritocracy is a country that favors those who have achievements and merit, but the count well he's yet to achieve anything since taking over the title from his father, so this meeting with you is most likely going to result in his demand for Shenron from you, or your forced employment to him so that his house can use you to gain achievements since all merit earned by ones subordinate is transposed to ones Master."
"Mhm just as I suspected, so let's say I refuse outright to everything he asks for, what's the worst case scenario?"
"Hmm well the only real crime would be to refuse meeting with him, to refuse his demands, or offer of employment wouldn't be anything worse than a slap in the face to him, and his pride which he won't look to kindly at you for, but legally speaking he wouldn't be allowed to 'Do' anything, but being the person he is, I would suspect him to act irrationally. Though even with that he's unlikely to breech the world laws set by the gods, but the local laws on the other hand he would do without hesitating"
"So basically keep my guard up at all times, and expect for things to get out of hand quickly, but under no circumstances let things escalate by assaulting the Count, or his guards who will most likely end up targeting me during the discussion"
"That is paramount, the Count would have the power to cover up his own actions but anything you do would be exaggerated, even if you do nothing I couldn't deny he wouldn't go around spreading false rumors to lower your popularity"
Our discussion carried on for quite some time while I finished assembling and then modeling my new luxury clothes for everyone, Kurama at the same time was provided formal wear by Raisa for the occasion since her attendance would also happen unless she was dismissed, which she fervently denied.
The following day I and Kurama boarded the Salide carriage lent to us inside the garage and closed the shutters before we were jostled about a bit by the sudden launching of the carriage by the coachman setting off.
Kurama sitting across from me in a pink ruffled dress with red cherry blossom embroidery that I added to the simple dress Raisa had lent look pretty nervous, her hands inside the elbow length white gloves were balled up into fists.
"No need to be nervous Kurama you're too cute to look nervous"
The nervousness melted away and a wave of embarrassment washed over her, haha this is like watching a child receiving a compliment from their parent, but I'd think she would be used to this by now since Raisa calls her cute almost ever second word.
"Master look good to!"
Struggling to get out her reply, I received the compliment since this was my first time wearing fancy clothes made by my own hands, but I had modeled the design after the clothes i wore almost on a daily basis back on earth.
Looking down at my own handy work, I was wearing a three piece black suit along with a crimson red tie, and a long black overcoat, the fabric I'd chosen was silk and the stitching was almost invisible.
The lining i'd chosen to use was silver thread to accent the all black choice.
When I'd seen myself in the mirror back at the mansion I thought I looked slick but now that I'm stuck with my choice.
I'm worried about my choice of color since an all black appearance has a sort of harbinger feel to it, but since I'm trying to get rid of this Apostle of the Messenger title I did go overboard on the anti-holy vibe by choosing as many non associated colors.
The carriage came to a halt after only a short journey from within we could head the coachman dismount place something on the ground outside the door, before finally opening the carriage door itself letting the high noon suns light pour into the darkened carriage cabin.
As per etiquette we were taught, Kurama was the first to step off taking the coachman's hand for assistance since the Most important person was always the last to leave a carriage, which was polar to my opinion since I'd say the ladies should be the last to dismount since they may require assistance stepping down with all those fufru dresses one couldn't possibly see where the stepping stool was, but this is instead delegated to servants.
After we dismounted a large blue carpet with a recurring coat of arms stretched on before us, ushering us on a path forward was an attendant dressed up excessively, he never once spoke to us as he guided us along the path and up a length of stairs towards the main doorway of the huge mansion which served as the main residence and office for the running of the entire province. Upon reaching the main doors they swung open with our approach and a series of butlers, and maids were lined up to greet us.
"Welcome Honored Guests!"
Finishing up their greeting with a bow, a pair of them attempted to remove my overcoat but I brushed them away, everything I'd made was lightweight so I was not affected by the temperature.
After which the head butler led us on further into the mansion until we stood before a massive double door.
[Heh a door like this reminds me of being in the dungeon all over again]
[[Indeed Master, though I imagine a place like this is more dangerous than the dungeon]]
The door slowly began to open into the meeting hall.
"Presenting Sir Satou, Acolyte of Eella, Goblin Slayer, and Champion of the people"
[What the hell is up with all those titles… I mean goblin slayer sure but the rest are you kidding me, and at what point did i become an apostle of the Water Goddess!]
As I mechanically walked my way down the carpeted isle through the room, multiple flags and banners hung from the columns lining the walls, a series of chandeliers hanging from the ceiling to provide light in the night, at the forefront a middle aged man wearing gaudy red robes, ten golden rings on all ten fingers, a golden scepter with a relief of the Goddess cast on one end and to top it off a mid-sized crown atop his head.
As I approached his posture never changed remaining slumped over the side of his 'throne' a look of annoyance on his face as he glared at me, his retainers and guards beside and behind him remained neutral for the most part except breaking character once when Kurama came into view, thankfully it wasn't a hostile look they gave but instead one of curiosity.
[Who does this guy think he is, I mean I know he's a Count, but he's totally dressed himself up to look like a King]
Finally crossing the full length of the room and coming to a stop where I was told to by Raisa's teachings I bowed forward at the waist.
"Greetings Count Farvenall many thanks on this day for the honor of your summons towards our humble personage"
Behind my Kurama did her best to perform the hastily learned curtsy but keeping a tight lip not to say anything.
As we were warned she was to only respond with animal calls if prompted since our situation would become even more tenuous if it were know I had a beastkin summon that could speak.
"The hour is quite late for frivolous talk commoner! Multiple times now your presence has been requested only to be refused out of turn!"
Casting an arm to the side, indicating his retainers, my eyes panned over and saw the gangled man from before with a vile sneer on his face.
"Apologies I've but met your man but one time and was weary from our travels, and was not in a state which could be present to one of such a high station"
"So you say, but we've been calling on you all week already! But only been turned away without your response!"
"Huh… I know of no such calls, I've been staying at a friend's place since coming to the city but nobody informed me of any messengers who had come calling?"
Again I played to the script I was given, let the blame fall on the Salide family since, technically they did no wrong as they were not the ones who were summoned and by not telling me i also could not be found at fault.
The counts power could do relatively no harm to their merchant family without causing great calamity to his own province.
"Enough! I tire of your excuses you are present now which is most important and we have things we must discuss!"
That was sure an abrupt change of topic.
"Key among which is that you will hand over the Divine Beast!"
"Such a thing is not something I can hand over since it is not my possession to begin with, furthermore I know not where the Divine beast has gone too, during our mission the beast flew off into the sky"
"Silence you Cur! We've received report that you called out to the Divine beast and made it appear before you, cease you attempts to deceive us and bring forth the beast!"
[Wow he's going to play hardball pretty quickly huh, but at the same time how does he know i called out Shenron in the first place only Raisa saw that happen, the others only ever saw Shenron following us and then later on just me]
"Did you not hear us!"
"No I did, but it is just not a command to which I can perform so I patiently await here for the axe as it was for failing to heed your all powerful command"
Stage 1 provocation started, a person such as this will boil his blood and explode before too long with my direct refusal and instead mocking of his 'fine' personage.
"SCreee…. How dare you!"
Turning red in the face and gripping his hands into fists, until his chief retainer approached and placed a hand on his shoulder calming him down.
"Fine we must believe what you say then, that you have no control over when this beast will appear again, but in that case then you shall enter into our service so's that when the beast returns it does so in proper company."
"I humbly decline your offer Count, since a commoner does not belong in such a grand place such as this nor in the service of such high ranking nobility, my talents are best served as I am with the others in the adventurers guild"
His face becoming even further red faced this time with veins bulging out of his forehead.
"You dare refuse our offer we can give you money, status, even a noble title and you would throw all of that away to go play in the mud with the rest of the rabble"
"It is as you say My Lord since all you have to offer is far above my station and I am unworthy of being their recipient"
"Slaves then I'll give you a company of slave which you can do with as you please they are all of fine stock and could serve you well either in combat or your other avenues as you please"
[Slaves huh, I know slavery is legal in this world but the concept of owning a person seems so very wrong to me thanks to my earthly morals at least the method of slavery here is far more acceptable until I actually see it in practice I cannot get behind it]
"Again I must decline your fair offer since I have not the means to house, or care for any such gifts, nor would I feel well of receiving property or means atop the gift, since to receive a gift only to be able to accept another gift would be quite vulgar of me"
Again the head retainer approached but this time whispered something to the Count.
"What if I was to offer you my Daughter's hand in marriage? Huh pretty tempting offer you could join my family, of course not the main line since another will become head of the family later on, but this much should be more than an honor you cannot refuse"
"Alas such is a very tempting offer but again I must refuse since my heart is already set on another and I could not bear to betray the feelings that I have for her"
This time I deviated from the script only because no one had expected for him to offer up one of his daughters in order to chain me down, of course this is likely to come back to bite me since as far as anyone is concerned the only girl I'm close to in this world would be Raisa. Fingers crossed this lie doesn't cause to many problems.
A very disgruntled growl escaped the counts lips as he continued to fume atop his throne, the head retainer this time did not step forwards having accepted by this point nothing could make me accept the requests put forth.
"So you're opposed to owning multiple slaves because you have not the mean huh, in that case I shall gift you but a single slave, that much isn't too much seeing as how it would be little more than taking care of that thing behind you as you are already"
"Since you won't take her hand in marriage her usefulness to us is at an end, so I shall cast Iliana from my family and strip her of her nobility, then using my power bestowed to me by his majesty she will become your personal slave… without restrictions 'wink'"
[What the hell!! This guy skipped blowing his top and just progressed straight through to insanity offering to not only cast out his own daughter but then force her into slavery to a complete stranger]
All around the various guards and retainers finally reacted to this final desperate offer all with gasps and looks of shock written upon their faces. This vile count even had the gaul to end his proposition with a smirk.
"To have such a thing done to another I do not even know is not a thing I would ever wish so again I must refuse, her ladyship is best reserved to remain a part of your family Milord since her use in political marriages would still remain."
Everyone except the count gave looks of relief, meanwhile the count was bordering on having a temper tantrum.
"All my generous offers you refuse the gall you have to spit in my face. GUARDS!"
The retainers all now carried worried looks on their faces even more so than during the counts final offer, meanwhile the guards very slowly approached wary of my actions since they had heard of my exploits and possibly feared my power, and what I would do in the act of self-defense.
"A simpleton like you dares to resist my power, arrest him and lock him away, let's see if after a few weeks of our hospitality he changes his mind!"
Offering up no resistance I allowed myself to be captured and then shackled by the guards, as soon as the clasps were sealed around my wrists Kurama vanished in a flash of light.
[Huh going all out with magic sealing restraints, this might be trickier than I thought but not impossible]
Once I'd been bound and restrained I was led away into the basement before being chained to a wall unable to move anything except for my head.
"Really going so far as to prevent every joint from having motion, just how strong do they think I am?"
Time passed rather slowly with nothing really to do while chained up to the wall, as the suns finally set and the moons light shone in through barred window. My only method of entertainment was to continue my search through the gamer skills.
[Good thing I've still got access to my menu otherwise I'd probably be singing showtunes by now]
[[Please don't master, were that the case we might receive the death penalty for attempted murder of nobles]]
[hey my singing's not that bad… but still just how much longer should we wait before we break out?]
'Step step step'
The sound of soft footfalls on the stone stairwell leading into the dungeon echoed through the hallways all the way to my cell.
[Hmmm just what new development is this?]
The footsteps continued until the stopped moving before the bars of my cell thanks to my restraints the most I could move my head offered but a sliver of the person to whom had come to visit me.
A soft floral scent wafted into the cell pushing away the dank moldiness that had assailed me all afternoon.
"I… I'm sorry about this sir" ??>
"huh. Why did you come to kill me?"
"Wha, What no of course not, I would never even think of such a thing!" ??>
"Oh well then what have you got to be sorry for? You've never done anything to me so far as I know so there's really no need to offer up any sentiments"
"But it's because of me that you wound up imprisoned here, if I were better you wouldn't have refused the offer and accepted me" ??>
[oh I get it, this must be Iliana but man does she have a misunderstanding about the situation I refused for her sake not my own reasons.]
'sob sob'
"Hrk I, I'm sorry I'm not good enough to be worthy of you Sir!"
"Hey now stop your crying you aren't the reason I refused the offer, It was the reason behind the offer that made me refuse the Counts request"
Having taken the time to let her emotions settle down and read into what I had said I started to regale her with my tale of the events in the 'throne' room.
This of course sparked a short but intense round of back and forth as she refused to believe my claims but finally she came around and accepted what we'd said to be the truth since it wasn't so outlandish for her father to do something like this and considering my present circumstances it's not like I had reason to lie.
"We need to get you out of here immediately then!"
"Well that's my plan but if you're here I cannot do anything, since you'd be implicated your Ladyship actually thinking on it even your being here makes things more difficult since if I escape now you'd receive all the blame since everyone would assume you provided me the means to escape…"
"Oh my now I'm causing even more problems for you!"
"It's fine it's fine, I think I have an alternate solution, that gangled man is the one holding the keys to the bindings correct"
"Huh oh you mean Mr. Slipwich? He's the one I saw receive the keys yes, but why does that matter?."
"Good then I have a favor to ask of you, can you take a pair of my summons with you through the manor to Slipwich's room, after which they'll hide and you can go about your day like normal."
"But they said you were sealed here so you cannot use any mana?"
"Summon: Beast, Summon: Insect"
Two small blue magic circles formed on the ground at my feet, and a small black wolf cub, and a praying mantis emerged.
"Wah! But you were sealed how did you just use magic?"
"But this isn't magic, this is my skill"
This much is the truth but since I am sealed if they receive any damage they can't regenerate until I've been unsealed since my Mana is locked away at the moment, and I cannot perform any summoning from my monster book, which I found weird since summoning, and maintaining those summons did not cost or drain my mana at all so it must be less than a single point of mana so as to not reflect on the mana bar in my menu.
"If you let them follow you and show them where the keys are they will steal them and I'll make my escape"
"Would you take me with you when you do?"
"I mean… it's clear from your account that my father meant to dispose of me and well if he tried it once it's bound to happen again so if that's the case I might as well leave on my own terms right?"
"Uh well I mean that true but if you leave with me I'll be branded as a kidnapper, it's best if you hold off for a few day then we can meetup in town, and if you'd like I can give you the perfect disguise so you don't have to ever go back?"
"Uhwa really"
I can see but I'm pretty sure her eyes are shining right about now.
"By the way just how old are you Iliana"
"Hmph such a rude thing to ask a lady you know, but I guess if that how commoners are I should get used to it if I'm going to become one."
"It's not really like that, I just need to know so's I don't inadvertently break a world rule set by the gods for helping you, So…"
"Hah fine, I'm 16 years old!"
"I see and that would be yet another reason why I would've refused your father."
In this world you come of age as an adult at 15 but even still there's close to a 15 year age gap between us so no chance would that deal ever have gone through! Even if through use of my items I had since changed my age down to be a younger 21 year old.
"If you could gaze upon my majestic beauty you wouldn't be saying such things"
Wow someone is certainly full of themselves like their father.
"Uh huh, oh I might as well say this now, but you might want to think about how you want to look in a couple days when we meet because everything about you will change got it?"
"Yup so better choose what you want every part of you to look like including hair and eye color cause if you don't you'll wind up with a totally random look"
"Wah I need to go hurry and study then so I can become even more perfect than I already am!"
With a dash she raced off, the pup with the mantis riding atop following in close pursuit.
[Well here's hoping she doesn't forget the task she's got to do first, this would've been so much easier if no one had approached me then I could just used a summon to pick the lock, escape on my own and no one would be the wiser, sure the Count would be pissed but he'd have no ammunition to come after me, short of lies which would probably plunge his domain into factions and civil war, but this way works for me since I can steal the keys and place the blame on that rude retainer of his instead.]
Hours of solace passed once again in my relative solitude as I continued talking to my counterpart which was almost no better than conversing with myself really until finally my summons returned but at a snail's pace.
It can't be because the keys are to heavy they must be moving so slowly in order not to make a sound from the keys jangling on the large key ring once they entered the cell Shenron uncoiled himself and floated down to retrieve the keys, and unlocking the various shackles restraining me once the ones one my wrists were removed I could feel a rush of cool water flowing through my body.
[Huh I guess that means this must be my mana then]
As I walked forward doing some stretches to loosen my stiff muscles which had been locked in place half a day Shenron proceeded to unlock the main cell door leaving the keys in the lock.
Dispelling my summoned beasts after providing a quick thanks to them for a job well done, Shenron once again returned to his hiding spot, after which he performed a new spell he had learned called Concealment, a spell of illusion which can disguise someone, so I had him disguise me to look like one of the guards in full plate along with the helmet, the biggest drawback to this illusion is that it's just that an illusion so compared to the other guards my steps, and movements do not produce the sound that a guard in full plate but after only getting lost once or twice I made my way outside and into the city streets.
"Exfiltration complete, please dispel the illusion Shenron, and change it to something more common until we get back to the mansion alright?"
[[You know Kurama is going to be angry whenever you finally decide to summon her back right?]]
"I know I know but until this situation blows over its better if I have freedom of movement right now, or are you saying you don't mind being trapped in a single room all the time?"
[[hmmm I guess we'll just have to prepare to weather the storm when it comes]]
The rest of the return was fairly uneventful except for a simple tactic we deployed to confuse everyone, since it wasn't quite too late I made my way to the main gate had the illusion dispelled and left the city, then once out of range had the illusion recast and walked back into the city under a false name, using my regular id but with an illusion cast upon it thanks to Shenron.
[There now if anyone asks around I (Satou) will have escaped from the Count only to vanish after having left the city, meanwhile the new me should be free to roam around the city as long as I want under a pseudonym]
[[Well thought out plan, but we must be wary since anyone who can detect magic or has a skill to see through it would learn the truth rather quickly]]
[Hmm that is troublesome so, perhaps a short term appearance change is in order just to make sure. It's a good thing I'm not hurting for money since those orbs cost a friggin fortune, but the saddest part will be that I cannot operate as an adventurer for the time being since even if we illusion the card when they scan it to update the records they'll see the real results pop-up…]
As we made our way through the city back to Salide mansion I continued to wallow in the woes of my new found life hiding in the shadows.
In an attempt not to cause a scene when I got close to the mansion I had the illusion recast but took the form of Lord Salide instead and just strode right on through the gate, the guard only bowed and did not stop me at all.
Reaching the front door and opening it, the first person I came across was one of the maids who was rushing around, but upon seeing me she stopped dead in her tracks her facing turning white while glancing at my face and then back to where she'd just come from.
Dropping the tray she was carrying and letting loose a scream, a series of servants came rushing into the room, along with the Lord, and Lady everyone present bore a look of shock as everyone including the lady did a double take upon seeing me and the lord together in the same room.
"But.. wha, how can this"
[OH **** Shenron did you not dispel the illusion after we entered?]
[[You did not command me to master?]]
[Ugh well do it now! Before things get any worse]
A quick sparkle of light coated my body as the illusion was dispelled until only my suited up normal self was standing there, course I didn't look as I did when I left since my overcoat, pants, and suit jacket all had dusty marks in the shape of chains all over.
"Sorry about that everyone, I forgot I still had my spell active"
Silence continued to fill the room as no one person chose to comment on what had just transpired.
'clomp clomp clomp'
The sound of heavy footfalls could be heard coming from the second floor and then Raisa came into view.
"SATOU!, Ruby said she smelled you it's about time you came back!"
Having descended the stairs before stopping to look around at everyone else who was still stock-still
"What happened to all of them?"
"Oh uh well I caused everyone a bit of fright when I forgot to dispel some of my magic when I entered."
"Haha sounds like something you'd do" >
"Sir Satou, but how? We'd received word from the Count that you'd accepted his offer of employment?" "Huh, uh no that's the complete opposite of the truth, what really happened was I refused so he locked me up in the dungeon, I didn't like it there though so I broke out and returned here" "Broke out…?" "Oh and you don't need to worry anymore as far as anyone's concerned I left the city right after so the trouble I've been causing everyone should subside rather quickly" "Uhm I see" "Cmon Satou you've got to tell me all about it" Being pulled away from the crowd of people by the sleeve I was basically dragged back to my room, where I deposited myself onto the couch Ruby, and Raisa took the seat opposite me before I received the first expected question.
"Where's Kurama?" "Well she got unsummoned when they slapped magic sealing chains on me, and well for the time being in the city it's better I don't re-summon her since it'd reveal that I'm still here" "areee"
Ruby let loose a downcast yelp as if she'd lost her friend
"Don't worry Ruby it's not like you'll never see each other again" "That being said though I would like to know just what magic you used to scare everyone in the hall like that?" 'Sigh'
"Shenron if you would" 'Sparkle'
In a flash her father now sat opposite her.
"Bwa" A very unladylike gesture shot from her mouth until I sparkled again releasing the illusion.
"I figured it was the only form we could use to enter the mansion without getting stopped, since only my appearance changes not my voice so if I changed into anyone else and had to respond I'd be found out immediately" "Oh I see, what frightful magic though" "Huh, but it's just a simple low tier illusion spell though" "Wha… uh I know you're new to this world but I've never heard of this Illusion magic before" "Hmm… ok starting to get a lot more of an idea why even after revealing myself everyone looked even more shocked." Our talk continued for a while as I explained all the things which had been offered to me, which Raisa took the opportunity to grill me for the final two since she'd decided they weren't offerings but rather demands and also chose to switch the orders around in her head so it seemed like I'd asked for the countess as a slave first, then a wife second.
Talking to her removed the last of my dwindling mental stamina so I ushered the pair of them out of the room and went to sleep before she could launch another attack.
After crawling into my bed I then realized I had forgotten the most important thing to tell her, which was what most likely would happen regarding the countess and her desire to run away.
"Well that's a worry for tomorrow at least this craziness has ended for today"