Chapter 5 - Section 6 - Interlude: Heroes Have Arrived!

My name is Kei I'm a normal high school student, but not the one you're probably thinking of, I'm that kid who sits at the back of the class and isn't noticed by anyone.

Oddly enough my best friend at school is the class president whose super popular and is wanted by every girl in the school.

Today is like any other day except for the fact that I was invited out on a double date by Shun but as we were walking along down the street heading towards the movie theater for our date both girls are endlessly fawning over Shun, pretty sure if I stopped walking they'd keep on going not realizing I wasn't there anymore.

Damn normies why is it even when I'm on a established date things are like this, or did they set this up so that I'd be present to watch as this happens in front of me.

As I lifelessly plodded along following closely after the pink-misted threesome in front of me, a man trying to walk the other direction made a break to separate my 'Date' from Shun's arm to get by since they were walking in a line taking up the entire sidewalk, as he was making his move the ground lit up like someone had turned on a mega spotlight and a blueish-green circle covered in symbols appeared spinning on the concrete beneath our feet for a moment before a blinding light flashed in front of my eyes.


"It Worked, Oh Thank The Gods you came when we called we've prayed day and night for so long thank you for coming you four brave and honorable hero's of legend… wait… 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Why are there five?"

"Quickly get the Temple Master, and bring the Oracle Stone!"

One of the beleaguered priests breathed out heavily

I heard all this as my hands furiously rubbed my eyes still blinded by that intense light.

Once I'd pulled my hands down I like my classmates was dumbfounded we were standing in the middle of a Marble circular ceremony hall surrounded by many men and women wearing white robes, they look like Shrine priests or maidens you'd often find in church.

But the woman who spoke first is still gripping her hands tightly in front of her chest… and oh my what a chest, those things must be at least E cup if not bigger, what I wouldn't give to get my hands on those…


An older man in red robes drew my gaze away with a start after he clapped his hands loudly above his head, Shun was standing tall facing the man, while the girls are cowering behind pressing up on his back while gripping his arms.

"I do apologize for this inconvenience; I am Temple Master Gligir Kez"

"Yeah cool story bro, but where the hell is this"

He responded nonchalantly

"Urk… We are in the Grand Cathedral of the Kingdom of Mire"

He responded his tone much deeper than before.

"Mire huh never heard of that one before, is that even a country of Earth?"

"What is an Earth?"

He responded questioningly.


Bursting out laughing at Gligir's question.

"This dude doesn't even know what planet he's on"

The girls meanwhile joined in and giggled a little stifling their desire to also join in laughing at the old man.

"You sadly are the ones who are mistaken this is not Earth as you called it, you stand upon the world we call Terra!"

He exasperatedly answered

"We called you here to this place by way of an ancient ritual we call the 'Hero summoning'"

"Dude we've totally been isekai'd this is lit!"

Unable to hold back my excitement at the situation.

Meanwhile the two girls hesitatingly looked around their eyes wet like they're about to cry.

"Ca… Can you send us back to our world?"

She squeaked out a tiny voice.

"Sadly no… we only have the power to summon, but our record show that once your task has been completed in this world you should be given a choice by God to remain or be sent home"

He responded, a sly grin creeping across his face.

"Now the ritual should only summon four heroes yet five people we have before us, thus we need to examine you all to determine which of you are the hero's and then get you an audience with the king right away"

[If it follows the trope of Isekai Anime, and Novel's the old dude is the non-hero which mean the four of us are the hero's if that's the case I can finally get what's mine so to speak. Girls on earth didn't much care for me, but here on Terra as a Hero I'm sure they'll be falling all over themselves for me. Mmmm endless waves of pretty ladies wearing costumes, their soft skin, plump lips, voluptuous.. Huh?]

The elder priest taps me on the shoulder breaking me out of my day dream and motioning me towards the Orb on a pedestal before me.

After placing both my hands atop it as instructed, a green light projects onto the solid white wall my 'Status' seems we all have 'Classes' Shun's was Hero since all the other priests are rejoicing and excitedly speaking amonst one another.

Staring at my own status my class is shown as 'Sage'.

[Huh a sage, kinda feels like someone is calling me a nerd here, since all sages i know are bookworms, who are associated with multiple classes of magic]

After I'm shuffled away so the girls can have their turn at getting checked it's reported Kame is a Saintess which is apparently some sort of holy magic user, and Aneko is a Sword Master I guess you could say our orientation is the ultimate party, we've got a healer, vanguard, hero, and me who's probably a support/distance attacker.

After we four had been checked the elder priest motioned for the old guy who'd had his face scrunched up for a good while now approach the orb.

As soon as both his hands rested on the orb the stone itself changed color, where is was green when idle and luminescent green when touched by the me and the other's now it was a Muddled Red, almost like blood was flowing from within the orb, after a few seconds past.

"To change an oracle stone, is it corruption?"

"Perhaps it's a source of immeasurable power?"

"It's like blood maybe he's actually a demon?"

The priests, and priestess's near me are all speculating what's going on, since apparently this was not normal behaviour for this stone thing.

Almost a minute passed before the projection was launched that was also different from us, our project was immediate, so maybe he is a superpower stronger than a hero?

As I thought that a Red Status Screen shot out and displayed itself on the wall.


All four of us let a quick laugh escape our lips before reaching up to keep our mouths shut.

[We're in another world after being Isekai'd and he's got the Gamer skill with the class of Novice, and here I thought my Sage skill made me a nerd, that means this old guy is even worse off than me bwahahaha]


He slowly sounded out the old man's skill with a questioning look on his face.

"Hmmph well regardless sorry my good sir but it seems like you were not a hero we meant to summon, as you are now we cannot possibly use you to save our kingdom, if you were to try and go with these youth's you'd surely only get yourself killed"

"Oh that's no worry sir, but I must ask since this isn't our world any chance I could be given a modest sum to allow me to live comfortably here for a while until I can find myself a job? When the 'Heroes of Legend' over there defeat the demon lord, or King I should get the same chance to return but I wouldn't want to slow them down since their already so totally swole and the like"

[Seriously it's like he's picking a fight what did we do to deserve that]

Shun on the other hand is clenching his hands into fists barely holding back from lashing out.

"Oh but of course"

Taking a coin purse out from under his robes and tossed it over to him.

"This should be more than enough for you to live quite well for at least a month or two here in the capital."

As the head priest as the old guy keep on talking the rest of us as being pushed from behind out of the room.

After we were rushed out of the summoning room, Shun and I were shoved into a different room from the girls, pretty much as soon as we got into that room a gaggle of pretty maids came bustling out from a pair of doors at the back of the room.

Separating Shun and I, before vigorously tearing all of our clothes off.

[Whoa! Watch where your hands are…, Oh wait that hand can stay right there]

The moment passed in what felt like the blink of an eye, the next thing I knew I was standing in front of a full length mirror wearing extremely gaudy robes.

The fabric is really soft and comfortable but they just aren't me, what's with all this bright coloring I feel like I'm a damn butterfly.

'Clank Clank'

Turning my head to the side Shun came out from behind the divider flushing furiously.

Seems he got the same treatment I got, I just hope my own face isn't that flush.

But what the hell is up with his outfit, here I am in a full length robe with a skirt that goes down to my ankles, meanwhile Shun is wearing a full set of plate mail that looks like it's made out of gold, with a flowing golden cape, with a longsword strapped to his hip.

"Heh in this getup I kind do look like a hero don't I?"

"Nah more like a dork cosplayer trying to lose his virginity!"

"Bwahaha you're one to talk dude, what are you even wearing is that a dress?"

"I have no idea, I mean the thing said I was a sage, but isn't that like a librarian or something couldn't I at least get a suit at the very least"

"True dat, though the one good note will be can you imagine what the girls must look like now?"

"Well I mean a saintess is probably gonna look like that woman with the jugs from before? And a Sword Master prolly would be fully suited like you right?"

[No matter what I say in my head here I can see the pair of them being outfitted in bikini armor, that's so tight and small it'd almost like they were wearing anything]

"Nah nah nah, you gotta dream bigger dreams buddy, think of like Bikini armor and see-through silk materials. Ero is Justice after all am I right!"

[Sigh same old pervert like usual, this guy he's so broken I swear he has every single fetish possible but no shame to withhold speaking outloud about it]

'Knock Knock'


After the door opens a drop dead gorgeous attendant in really tight fitting clothing that really shows of her curves rushes over to Shun.

[He's a good guy but god I hate him, what is it that makes every woman gravitate to him I'm a summoned hero too you know they said it in that other hall before, sure the guy's got the class but I'll show them!]

While I was stuck in my own head again the attendant gripped my hand and almost dragged me out of the room while Shun is in the lead.

As we're walking along down the hallway the attendant is saying something but I can't hear it, all I can hear is the swaying of her ample round back end as it's swaying with each step she takes.

I was so engrossed I almost didn't stop when she and Shun did.

From the other door emerged another attendant who looked identical to the one I was just molesting with my eyes, behind her came Aneko, and Kame.

Sadly Shun's wish and secretly mine as well were dashed as both emerged fully clothed.

Dressed up almost identically to how we were, The sword master rather than a longsword though had a broadsword mounted on her back, and rather than golden armor is was more of a dirty orangeish color plate mail, The saintess on the other hand was wearing almost painfully white robes, and clutching a staff with a symbol and rings adorning it, something like a nun's habit perched atop her head.

Now our reunited group continued walking down the hall twisting and turning. I purposely dragged my heels to wind up at the back of the pack, a picture of perfection as I had four ladies in front of me to watch, I wish that moment could last an eternity. But sadly it did end and quicker than I'd ever hoped for.

We stopped before a pair of giant golden colored metal doors with many things engraved in it, before I could really get a good look at it the door swung open and our party started walking into the room.

Flags hung down from walls, clear glass windows let in natural light from every direction.

At the end of this room seated high on a stone stared platform sat a overly obese disgusting looking man, fanned out behind him sat 8 supremely gorgeous women in low cut dresses, atop the man's head was a very over-sized crown that made me want to laugh upon seeing it, since he's clearly over compensating, the women behind the 'King' must be his queen's or concubines because they all are wearing tiara's, perhaps even princesses.

As our party reached the foot of the stairs, the attendants separated from us taking places along the walls, in front of me, lined in a row of three the Girls and Shun all took a knee.

Reflexively I also took a knee, perhaps I should have been listening after all, should I be in line with them?

"Oh Heroes from another world thank you for heeding our cry for help, these are troubled times.

We the Mire kingdom desperately need your help, our kingdom is surrounded by enemies on all sides.

The Demon Lord is at war with, us pressing our forces in the north, and Cultists have taken to being active in neighboring territories and we've heard their convinced to attack us while our forces are occupied. We humbly implore you to help us and our people"


[Seriously what do you expect us to do, we're all kids]

"Please young Heroes you must help us, our people are starving, our fields are turning fallow, the treasury is empty and we're out of options, should you abandon us our entire nation will be slaughtered"

The Lady seated on the right hand of the king spoke up tears streaming down her face as she pressed us.

"Oh my how terrible!"< Kame>

"Shun you'll help then won't you?"

"Yes Shun is a Hero he can save them like a real hero of legend!"


"You honorable majesty it seems me and my companions cannot turn a blind eye to your nations, and peoples suffering so we would be honored to take up the call and defend them from any harm that would come calling"

It's been a few weeks now since we got here, after that meeting with the king we never saw the royals again, we were quickly shuffled off to the Royal Army barracks where over excruciating workout, and training sessions took place every single day.

While we were there, all the female knights approached Shun trying to earn his favor offering to teach or train him, but as usual I was ignored and left with the feeling like I was invisible.

My time is coming, the research I've been doing in the Royal Library is going to come to fruition soon.

But sadly I'll be forced to put my plans on hold for a while since we've got an outing scheduled alongside the 2nd knight order for real combat training and to gain experience to level us up.

Since we're only level 1's ourselves, heroes though we might be we still routinely lose against the regular knights since their stats are higher ranks than ours due to the level gap.

This world is like being in a video game.

The training has been setup in the north of the kingdom the order was issued from the king to assist the front-line forces engaged with the demon army by exterminating the monsters that are threatening the supply lines.

The journey will take over a week to travel that distance by cart, since we are slowed by the advancing pace of the Knight order who will be marching behind us.

Safety is very reassuring since we won't be alone but instead alongside close to five-thousand well armed and trained men/women.

The journey itself could only be described as hell, have these people never heard of paving roads, or suspension I can't recall how many times we all got motion sickness from the swaying, bumping and jostling we all encountered in the carriage.

The worst of it though was the food, at least at the castle we we're given bread, and watery soup to eat, but now in the field all we're given is rock hard jerky that tastes like nothing, and enough water for a single mouthful.

The location they've setup camp in the middle of a windswept field, as our group along with a few squads of knights departed what could only be described as a hastily built military encampment.

Our quota for the day is to raise our level at least once or twice, from the way the knights have been talking it sounds like they plan to power level us, by targeting and wounding monsters themselves without killing them before allowing us to have the killing blow without putting any of us into harms way.

Days have passed now and it's the same old thing we wake up early in the morning, endlessly killing all manners of beasts that the knights bring to us, at first the girls were mortified, but now they've become so numb to it they almost look lifeless as they go through the motions striking down anything that comes within range.

"heh heh heh, it's all coming together"

"Got another one coming your way sprout!"

A knight calls out before dropping a purple looking fuzzy monster at my feet.

"I call upon the power of the hearth, come to me power of Iganionis and burn my enemy to cinder and ash: Fireball!"

Manifesting a fireball in the palm of my hand before whipping my arm forward and launching the floating flame into the face of the creature.

It attempted to roll away while its face burned but couldn't since it was still pinned on the ground by the knights spears.

We don't know for sure but I'd say over these last few days I must be at least level 10 by now, every so often after killing a monster I get a wave like a cool breeze that washes over my entire body, after which I feel like I'm lighter I've attributed this to leveling up, since I can't learn more spell chants here in the field, I'm left with the basic magic I managed to memorize back at the castle, and all these muscle brains here don't know a thing about magic so I can't learn from them.

Though a problem has arisen, our strategy to get stronger is starting to work against us, we were supposed to stay here for three weeks, but it hasn't even been one yet, and the number of monsters they've been bringing to us has decreased more and more day by day.

Today I only got to kill 4 myself, that first day I put down over 30 of these things.

Perhaps their fears to the supply lines were unfounded and the perceived threat isn't actually all that bad.

The Commanders have been called together for a meeting; I hung around outside the tent for a bit until I was caught and hauled away but it sounds like they plan to abandon the camp and instead move us to some sort of a dungeon where the monsters are guaranteed to appear in ample supply for our purposes.

"Hey buddy been a while since I saw you, these knights are crazy right all that training and even leveling and I still can't beat them"

"Was gonna say the same to you Shun, it's been almost three days since I saw you last"

"Ha ha really that long huh, well they invited me to go out on the hunts since we've gotten stronger right, and it's getting harder and harder to find monsters"

"Yeah I've noticed the trend I'd say our time here is almost over, the hunting ground is almost empty"

"How're the girls doing? I saw them for a little bit but they seem to be having a hard time huh, this all must be really traumatic for them, not just the otherworld kidnapping but then having to kill creatures one after another"

[Good he has no idea, the girls I'm surprised nobody has noticed or maybe they just don't care. But hidden in the Royal library I found a special book hidden within another book, which was the answer I was looking for as soon as I knew my Sage class was a magic using class. Ever since I've been perfecting my casting techniques and bit by bit the girls started to empty, as they are now I've almost gotten them to a possessed state, only a little longer and they'll be like wet clay waiting for me to mold them into any form I want.]

The following day the orders came down from on high we're high-tailing it over to some dungeon, though the force is going to be split, only about 50 knights are going to stick with us the others are being sent to the front to rotate out another Order, and refresh their supplies.

The new journey is going to take a couple days since we've got to walk not having a cart since the supplies are all being taken away by them to the front, the few knights keep us students separated forming new groups with one of us in each, my plans have been stalled a little but while we're slowly marching on, I can start weaving a second web with my newfound strength I can keep my concentration up and silently chant casting my spells on the move.

[This new world is perfect, I level up and gain more strength and with that new strength I can form new chains, and from those chains I can gain my own freedom. It won't be long now before this world gives me what I'm owed, the earth didn't give me anything but here, even if anyone won't give it up, I'll just take it instead. Survival of the fittest after all]