Chapter 1 - Section 1: Village Negotiations Part I

We arrived at the village of Ilinto yesterday and after performing a brief tour around the village with Primrose while our other travelling companions were securing a place we could stay in the meantime, while we were walking around Primrose was blown away by just how different life in the country was to the life she had known and then the one she transitioned to living in hiding in the city. While she was busy exploring this new world.

I overheard the many adventurers in the village complaining, and talking about the increase of monster domains as a direct result of the actions taken by the Kingdom of Mire which was responsible for abducting me into this world, the village guardians on the other hand were all speculating about how this was a tactic to weaken the local defenses as a precursor to invasion. So in order to investigate these rumors I ordered Shenron to depart from us for a time to scout out the situation in Mire to ascertain whether there was a credible threat to us choosing to hide out here.



The red headed young lady wandered her way into the kitchen dressed in some of my homemade 'comfort clothes' which are more like a pair of western pajama's, I who was working away on the morning chore of making breakfast with my trusty kitchen sidekick Kurama from the outside it would look like a brother and little sister cooking together. Today we're cooking from our stocks we had obtained from our foraging and hunting whilst travelling to the village.

"Smells sooo good in here"

Her eyes gleaming as she wandered up and hugged Kurama from behind while providing a compliment.


Seeing this action Ruby, who is Raisa's own Kobold summon tilted her head a little bit in frustration due to jealousy at Kurama's ability to perform dexterous task since evolving from a standard Kobold into a variant affected by my Class Rank up.

"Hope you both are hungry, we've got Omlette's, Bacon, and Tublars (Potatoes)"



"And Prim? Is she awake yet?"

"Nope and judging by the look on her face I'd say she's gonna remain asleep all day"

"Well no helping that, it has been a pretty long week for her so we'll forgo punishment for slacking on chores or duties for a couple day at least"

Providing a joking response as I started bring serving bowls and plates out of the kitchen and setting them onto the center of the table.

'Clink shwsh'

The houses front door opened and a large man's figured entered this was technically an artificial man who I had summoned by use of my Gamer skill otherwise known as an NPC or Non-Player Character.

"Welcome back!"

"Thank you, and greeting to you as well Sir Satou"

"You are just in time for breakfast"

"I humbly accept your offer"

As the last of the food made its way to the table and everyone took their seat not one person made a move to take any food. This too had become a new occurrence for us since during our travels more information had been shared between the Earth party, and the Terran party which was widely adapted by Raisa, and Prim who are native Terrans. So prayers before any meals became almost mandatory, each of us I'm sure prayed to different gods, but the common element was that I am positive all the gods prayed to were Hellenic.

Once the prayer session ended, everyone still did not make a move to eat which also came as a shock to me but it was later explained to be common sense for this country which advocated the Master of the house was the first to receive food all others would only eat after the 'Master' had received his fill. Thankfully this rule didn't mean I had to eat till I was full before anyone else could eat it just meant I must dish up my own plate before anyone else would do the same.

Not wanting the food to get cold I quickly dished up a heaping plate of food for myself and the other members all joined in once I was done. Heracles helping Kurama, and Riasa helping Ruby since both are not large enough to reach the serving dishes at the centre of the table without standing on their chairs which they had already received reprimand for last night during dinner.


"Young Miss it's not proper to speak with your mouth full"

Raisa, and Ruby inhaled their food, but Kurama loved to praise me since she usually received counter-praise in return which she loved, but in this case I agreed with Heracles that table manners must be upheld.


"So what are your plans for today Satou?"

"Hmm well I was thinking of taking another look around town, seeing what materials are in ample supply at the vendors and shops, and then a trip to the adventurer guild to see what quests there are since I might as well earn some points towards my next rank up."

"I see well I'll join you around town if you don't mind? I was thinking of setting up a temp stall or shop while we are here so I could sell the goods you produce, and we could help support the local economy by helping out the other adventurers as well, frontier town generally have really expensive wares due to limited access to artisans and craftsmen"

"I see well that should be fine for me. How about yourself Heracles got any plans?"

"Well with your permission Master Satou I was hoping to have a meeting with the Village Chief to allow us to create a shrine in or around town to honor the gods, Lady Primrose had expressed interest in the negotiations so we would only head out once the lady had finished resting"

"Permission granted, if the locals take no issue I do not mind you spreading religion on your own time, just make sure to protect Prim when you head out. Oh and also try not to go too overboard if you receive approval for permission to construct something in town."

"Certainly Sire, should we receive approval in town I shall defer to you for plans on the temple's construction"

"Alright well Raisa you should get changed if we are going to go out"

Stated whilst taking off his apron which was worn throughout breakfast after clearing the table. Looking down at her attire Raisa's face blushed before she rushed back to her room to change Kurama and Ruby followed after her most likely to also change into street clothes since both were wearing more 'Around The House' style of clothing.

I on the otherhand was already wearing my day clothes consisting of a pair of brown long pants, and a black long sleeve polo collared shirt, Leather boots, and the Magic bag we'd found in the dungeon slung over my shoulder.

Raisa and the others emerged from their rooms all of them dressed in relatively similar attire, not exactly eye catching clothing for young ladies to wear but I kind of figured that was the general idea since the village was filling up with rather crude adventurers and accosting nicely dressed women occurred hourly.

"Is that all you're wearing?"

"Am I missing anything?"

"Well if you don't go out armed with some kind of weapon however will you protect your favorite ladies in town?"

She's right of course if I go walking around like I am, there's going to be little to no deterrence upon appearance for anyone who'd approach to take the girls away from my side.

So with her advice I pathed through my inventory and equipped my longsword, at my hip as well as a dagger on the back of my belt, adding to my attire I also chose to equip a black robe, and my gnarled staff to increase the idea that I am an adventurer and a mage at that which should work wonders to deter possible troublemakers.

With my changing completed our party waved goodbye to Heracles who remained behind in the house as we headed outside to the village. Outside a familiar site greeted me as I looked out at the other houses on the street that looked identical to the one we had chosen to rent, the houses themselves weren't anything much compared to houses in the city but for a frontier village a 3LDK house was relatively rare but the construction used was standard earthenware construction after using a basic wooden frame mud and clay was piled up and dried to form walls, and a thatched roof placed atop.

The streets are just dirt paths lined with small stones and rocks, beyond those defined barriers are the lots of houses and later on the shops and other buildings of the village. Our party carried on walking in a 2x2 formation with Raisa and I in the lead Ruby, and Kurama following behind as we left the residential district behind and made it onto the main road.

It was still early morning but the main road was already bustling, dozens of armed parties were walking around heading into and out of various shops, frequenting stalls, restaurants or sortieing out of the village on missions.

"Well since everyone is already here should we start with the information collecting?"

"Lead the way"

Offering up her arm as she said that, which I took leading us on into the street. Raisa never once looked in my direction as we walked along arm in arm, to engrossed in her duty of investigating I suppose.

Our investigation of the various stalls/stores revealed just what you'd expect from a frontier village at the edge of the country, food stalls was pretty basic with only rabbit or rat meat available, fruits were rare and expensive being imported from the other towns, and the typical staple bread was widely available but also came with quite the cost which I assume is due to the fact the fields are located outside the wall and subject to raids by monsters which could disrupt a stable supply of wheat.

Weapons and tools were almost none existent and when we did find some the cost was 5x that of other locations, which means there is no local blacksmith in town. Local artwork was composed of various forms of pottery.

The rest of the information we managed to collect was from discussions we had with the shopkeepers, villagers, and other adventurers. We managed to find out the common monsters that reside in this domain all of which are G ranked creatures that pose little to no risk to anything, but due to the recent migration sightings of up to rank C monsters have been seen in the direction of the border, a large party of scout are further on sitting at the border and should be returning in a couple days with a full report as to the migration whereupon confirmation of the rumored Monster stampede should be completed.

Our little party parted ways after lunch which we tried to take in a local restaurant but our refined pallets were unable to consume the local dishes which if you ask me was worse than the travel rations you could purchase in the city. So after paying and excusing ourselves we had a little sidewalk picnic of purchased sandwiches from my skill.

Our party's joint mission complete Raisa, and Ruby headed off into the town to speak with the local merchants and commerce guild to further her plans of setting up a stall or store, she is a daughter of a merchant so her desire to do business is probably building, and building within. Kurama and I on the other hand are going to advance our own plans of going to the Adventurers guild to see what local quests are available which we can use to further our own ranks in the guild and give good excuses to head into the wilderness to collect materials for growing my skills.

The frontier village's adventurer guild was nothing like the guild building I had seen up to now this guild building looked more like it was someone's house with a sizeable shed or garage in the backyard, walking through the door the inside was just as disappointing. The quest board only had a few pages of paper nailed to it, and rather than a teller kiosk with attendants there was a crudely build desk with no one manning it.

"A very active guild I see"


Since no one was present we surveyed the posting on the walls, only 5 total requests were posted all of which were recurring requests that one would normally see at any guild for herb picking, or basic fur collection

"Oh my sorry about that I didn't hear you come in"

"We're newly arrived in town so we figured we should at least see what quests are available in the area"

"I see well sadly at this time of day their nothing really left, all the new requests are posted first thing in the morning and within an hour they're all gone with all the adventurers currently here"

"Oh no worries at all on that one, I am a solo adventurer and still a low rank so if possible I'd like to take all five of these recurring requests please."

"Oh my those ones, nobody ever takes those so if you're willing you are more than welcome, I'll just need your guild card to assign the quests to you"

Taking my copper guild card out from inside my magic bag and handing it over to the guild employee he took a look at my card before placing the card on the magic tool located on his desk.


With a low hum a small holographic panel displayed some information I assumed related to my guild card, but the middle aged man sitting at the desk sat there staring at the screen with his mouth hanging open.

"Is there something wrong?"

"Uh no no of course not, I wsa just shocked to see that you as an E-rank was a Dungeon Conqueror that shouldn't be possible…"


"Hmmm well you certainly seem to be a beginner like you claim with a reaction like that, before I explain can I ask if the dungeon was located near this village?"

"No it was not, it was located a day's journey from the city of Bobel"

"I see still for Bobel to have lost a dungeon will be quite a hit to their economy but at the same time it's worth it to have a Dungeon Conqueror in this country."

"Are dungeons that important?"

"Well a dungeon near a village or city can provide a great number of resources since adventurers who hunt will come back with all manner of drops from the monsters within, but a dungeon relocates after it has had the Dungeon Master killed solo, and the ownership transfers to the conqueror."

"So that means I'm the new dungeon master then?"

"That would be right if the histories are correct that is, I'd say it's never happened in my lifetime"

"Well the dungeon was unknown to the city, as we found it while performing a goblin village extermination, so if we can please ask you to keep it quite I'd rather not be the center of attention."

"No worries there young sir, the guild prides itself on its non-disclosure agreement, anything written on your card will only be known to employee's of the guild."

"Well that's reassuring, do you know if there are any dungeons around the area here?"

"Hahhaha, a poor village like this no sir not one we know of at least since if we found one we could easily jump start the economy and grow from being a frontier village to a Dungeon city in no time at all depending on what type of dungeon it is."

"I see so dungeons, are blessings to countries which explains why you were surprised before that one had been conquered since the chances are no country would willingly give up a dungeon by choice is that right?"

"And there we go, that's all there is to it the requests have been registered to you so you are good to go."

"One last thing before I go, aside from the requested goods does this guild buy anything else we might come across as well?"

"Sadly no, we're just a municipal branch office, and well the rumored stampede has brought in a crowd but within a month or two they'll all disappear so having a budget to buy and move items other than those for requests isn't something we can do"

"I see, well then we will just have to sell anything in town if it comes to that then"

Extending my hand out to receive my guild card back, I put it away before extending it a second time for a handshake

"Thank you for the time you've spent with us, and we will see you again upon our request completion"

With that Satou tapped Kurama's shoulder who had fallen asleep whilst standing due to being overly bored with the topic of conversation. Awaking with a start she stared back at me in surprise hands quickly diving towards her hips where normally her weapons would be equipped.

"Sorry to scare you but we are heading out, or I can send you home (unsummon) if you are that tired."

"Mnnnn No Stay with you!"

Quickly clinging to my side in protest. In response I just patted her head before placing a hand on her shoulder to leader her out of the guild building.

Outside we didn't dilly dally and headed straight for one of the gatehouses in order to go outside the village to start the work on the quests I obtained.


"Good luck out there, and you be safe little lady."


Raising her fist in the air in tandem to her response, I on the other hand was busy pulling out daggers, and equipment to hand over to Kurama now that we were outside the relative safety of the village, being as dexterous as she was she managed to fully equip herself while walking along by my side, there was only one change to her armament in that I added a mini crossbow to enhance her ability to attack from a distance before swapping out to be a close range attacker, allowing her to fulfill mid range combat so that I can free up the front-line for my magical summons to earn proficiency and hopefully rank the skill up.

"Kura, when we get to the forest I want to try something, and well sorry in advance but it might require you to be temporarily unsummoned"

"U~n… No wanna stay"

"Not even if it meant you could become even stronger, or even more unique than you already are?"


Both her ears, and tail shot upright in an instant meanwhile her face had a troubled expression like she was mulling things over for minute until finally

"Fine… Be stronger stay by massita side"

So her desire to get stronger is reinforced by her desire to remain by my side and be of use a bodyguard.

"Ok good, since we've never experimented with ranking up my summons you shall be my first"


"And well the reason I said you might have to be unsummoned is due to the fact that maybe unsummoned is the only way to rank you up"

Filled with excitement for what's the come Kurama took off at her fastest running pace towards the forest, I kicked off the ground following closely after.




Taking 100 Kobold common cards out of my inventory and holding the deck of cards in my hand I turned to look towards Kurama who was giddily standing there staring back at me with eyes full of expectation

[Monster Rank Up: Kurama]


The 100 cards in my hand exploded like a luminous hand grenade, but when the light dimmed I was left standing staring at Kurama who was still fidgeting around excitedly but her entire body was glowing white to the point I couldn't tell what color her Fur or eyes were anymore.

'Flash flash flash flash'

The glow emanating from Kurama started to pulse until it finally erupted in a solid bright light glow no discernible change occurred from what I could tell when the light finally faded she looked exactly like she did before.

Just like I was Kurama started to look around at her own body, hands, feet, even touching her face but it all resulted in her staring saddened down at the ground.


I released an exclamation when I saw the one thing about Kurama that changed, I hadn't noticed it until she became depressed at which point her tail had dropped down, but rather than a single tail I had spied two. Also confirming in my menu, Kurama's status had changed from a Common to an Uncommon Kobold.


"Kurama has two super fluffy tails now"

Chuckling a little to myself as I watched Kurama endlessly spinning around and around in circles trying to get a glimpse of her twin tails.

Letting this go for a little while until she finally accepted the fact that what I said was true when I stopped her and moved behind to pet each tail separately and then finally at the same time at first she didn't get what I was doing but once both were being petted simultaneously at which point you could say her mind was blown as the joy of being petted was doubled due to the sensitivity of her tails.

Due to this newest development I've unilaterally decided to refer to Kurama as a Two-Tailed fox rather than a Kobold since she no longer looks like any Kobold variant we've seen so far, and with the latest 'mutation' is different from even Ruby whom I'd call a One-Tailed fox.


"Yes congratulation on ranking up Kurama"

"Umu… hmmm Ruby too?"

"Hmmm not sure, I don't have enough cards to check right now, plus since it's Raisa who'd have to perform the rank up I don't know if she'd be able to, seeing as how you became more human when I chose a magic class, but Raisa is a Ranger without magic so even if she was to rank up she would probably only look like you do now…"


I hated dashing her hopes like that but I also don't want to lie to my trusted companions. So I ended this line of talks right there and refocused our attention on the forest spreading before us, our mission today is to collect 3 different types of herbs, and two different kinds of animal furs for the guild requests, along with any other things we can find in the forest.

Since we're in the forest I quickly used my magic summoning skill to summon my max remaining number of beast summons thanks to ranking up to lvl 2 before arriving in the village I could now summon Rank F beasts, or insects. But since we're needing speed and power to defend while in the forest I chose the Rank F beast: Wolf at that moment of choice 6 blue magic circles appeared on the ground and a pack of wolves rose up from them, the 6 wolves looked at myself and Kurama sitting in a line waiting for orders.

As soon as the summon was complete I could feel and upwelling of strength within myself which was a lot stronger than before when I'd summoned the Rank G wolf pups, confirming in my status my Strength stat had increased by one rank which from experimenting would last so long as my beast summons remained.

Ok guys we're going into the forest, be on the lookout for small animals or even migrating monsters. But keep your distance from other humans no sense picking a fight with any of the adventurers from around here.


With that the wolves uprooted and took off running into the forest, Kurama and I chased after but our target was herbs and other plant material we could forage from the forests bounty.

The pair of us explored gathering as many herbs, mushrooms, and other plant fauna we found thanks to my skill I managed to double the collection since I could collect both the physical and digital drops all while increasing my exp for my Herbalism profession.

Every so often a wolf would return with a Rank G monster dead in it's mouth, when they'd return I would stop collecting and quickly setup to skin the monster, and burying the remains storing the pelt and meat into my inventory. This pattern continued on for quite a few hours until I was starting to think about heading back home.


I stopped what I was doing to see Kurama running full speed through the forest towards me calling out 'Master' the whole time

"What's up Kurama"

Answering her whilst waving my hand to reveal my position

"Massita, Come, Help hurt!"

Only stopping in front of me long enough to give this brief report before launching off back in the direction she came from at full speed.

Interpreting her report to mean she'd come across someone or something that was hurt in the forest I packed away what I was doing and followed after the trail Kurama left at my maximum speed, leaving behind quite a divit in the forest floor.


I only ran at full speed for about a minute before I came across Kurama crouched down on the ground staring at a small blue… thing.

I stopped running and closed the remaining distance by walking when I got right behind her Kurama moved to the side revealing a baby bird that was completely red with just a little bit of yellow coloring on it's wingtips.

"It hurt… Massita hewlp?"

"Don't worry we'll help it for sure"

Reaching into the satchel bag at my wait I quickly pulled out one of my minor potions of healing unstoppering the cork and dribbling the red potions liquid onto the baby bird, as the liquid landed it quickly was absorbed and a confirming glow shone which meant the healing was successful. Scooping the bird up in my hands I looked around to see a nest located up about 12 feet in the nearest tree.

"Hmmm that pretty high up, and I can't jump while holding this little guy what should I do"

Stopping to think about what to do I came to a quick conclusion, opting to dispel one of my wolf summons somewhere in the forest.

[Summon: Rocky]


A quick flash of light and the giant stone golem rocky appeared standing next to the tree

"Heya Rocky, sorry to bother you like this but would you mind lifting me up to that branch there?"


A light hum was the only response the golem gave but it still reached out it's stone hand allowing me to stand atop before raising me up to be over 10 feet in the air. No generally liking being at heights I quickly moved to place the baby bird into the nest as soon as I had placed it.

"Piru Piru"

A red bird with yellow, white, and blue feather tips came flying out of nowhere and began attacking my face, not enjoying being pecked I took out my staff and swung it around a couple times like a baseball bat to shoo it away. The bird flew away a bit into the sky, at this point I decided my rescue operation was over so it was time to depart.

"Ok Rocky you can lower me"


Slowly the golem started to move it's arm downward trying his best not to jostle me on the way down, but at the same time I spied the red bird making a frantic dive down from the sky in my direction but as I was lowered I lost sight of it behind Rocky's hulking form.



The stone golem tilted it's head in confusion from the sound that echoed into the tree's

"Uh Oh!"

Having made it back to the ground I leaned over to look around Rocky's body to see what Kurama was now staring at.


What I saw laying there on the ground flat on it's back was the red bird, according to my heads up display the creature was dead, it must've gone for a do-or-die attack on me only to change it's descent at the last minute and unable to stop crashing head first at top speed into Rocky's stone body, dying from the impact.

"We saved the baby only to accidentally kill one of the parents…"

Still staring down at the bird's corpse

"Uwa it went that way"

"Don't let it get away"

"Make sure you catch it alive!"

Looking in the direction of the voices I saw a party of four come bounding out from the bushes weapons held at the ready, and sweat pouring down all of their faces. Judging by looks this party is composed of two male warriors, a female archer, and a female mage. Upon sighting me the four all stopped and their gave dropped to look at the creature at my feet.

"Ah man this old guys got it before we could"

[Old… what the hell I'm only 27 and here my age is set to only 21 in my status!]

"Now we'll never complete that request!"

"It's all your fault for letting it get away!"

The party members all started squabbling amonst one another, the priestess all the while was clutching to one of the warriors arms. I didn't really care about their fight so instead turned my gaze to the bird at my feet.

Apparently this bird's race is my display showed the bird is a Rank D difficulty to defeat but the description showed it's actually a rare monster since Seeker's are collected due to their ability which is a grand asset if you manage to tame one, Seekers are able to locate rare or hidden treasures using this ability kind of like a drug-sniffing dog but for other things. Since I already recovered the digital drops provided to me by my skill I don't exactly need this things corpse for anything so…

"You guys can have this thing if you need it"



"Yeah I mean we didn't exactly mean to hunt it so it's no harm to us if we give it over to you since it seems like you need it for your quest."

This sparked a whole new range of infighting as the males didn't want to accept my charity while the girls all said it should be fine since I didn't seem to care even the littlest bit about it.

"Thanks mister we've chasing this seeker for days so to finally get our hands on one is a blessing"

The female mage stepped forward away from the others who are still squabbling. She looked like a 16 or 17 year old girl, slim with nice facial features and hip length purple hair, her attire was similar to my own in that she was wearing a robe with cloth clothing underneath her color scheme was red with white accents, and finally her choice of weapon was a white 1.5 meter staff with a sizeable red gem mounted atop it.

"No need to worry about it, My name's Satou and I'm new in town so I don't mind helping out others while im here."

"Well you score points in my book Mr. Satou, my names Julia and as you can see I'm a C-Rank Fire Mage"

Twirling her staff in hand as if it was a baton.

"The rest of my party there are also grateful for you helping us out"

Stopping her twirling to point the staff back at the rest of her party who had noticed the conversation occurring only to bow slightly in thanks.

"No worries at all"

"Do you control that thing mister?"

The girl dressed in all white asked her eyes wide in astonishment staring at Rocky's looming figure

"That's right this Stone Golem is mine"

""Wow a real golem master""

No not quite but not like I need to explain things to them either.

While I thought that Julia approached closer before scooping up the Seekers corpse before retreating to stand amonst her party members

"Thank you very much"

The four of them gave one final bow before setting of back into the forest, I assum heading for town.

"Well I was thinking of heading back soon anyway since we'll have to get started on supper once we are back."


To my side I could hear Kurama's stomach rumble.

"Ok thank you very much Rocky I'm going to dispel you now"

With that a small light flash and rocky disappeared. Kurama and I waited for a little while I mentally sent a command to the other 5 wolves still somewhere in the forest, until all 5 returned once they had I collected the prey they'd acquired before dispelling them all. Quickly dismantling the additional pair of horned rabbits and disposing of the remains before the pair of us raced off towards the village.


"Good haul out there?"

"Yes! Got lots and lots!"

We were processed through the gate in no time as the gatekeeper made friendly conversation with Kurama, at the speed we were moving I'd wager we'll beat that party of kids by an hour or so but for us first things first is to turn in the five requests we took today, after which we'll head home for a good rest.

The number of people once again peaked on the mainstreet as the majority of adventurers had returned for the day and were walking around shopping or hunting for their evening meal. We just worked our way through the crowd beore arriving at the guild building, walking inside we spied the same man from this morning furiously working away at some paperwork on his desk.


Announced once we stood in front of the desk, which startled the man deep in thought

"Oh my back already, are you abandoning the requests?"

"No to the contrary we are actually here to turn them all in"

With that say so I reached into the bag at my side pulling various bundled herbs and pelts out from within.

"Oh my to have found so much Spirit Grass, and Moon Weaver in only half a day is simply amazing, but I can confirm that all your taken requests have been completed if I can borrow your card I will record it right away"

Handing over my card the clerk quickly imprinted the completion before handing it back to me once again.

The pair of us waved goodbye after being handed a small satchel containing our reward money.


With our work done Kurama and I walked home, once again worming our way around the crowds on the main street and walking down the dirt lane that led to our rented culdasack reaching out and opening the door.

"Welcome home master"

Upon entering we were greeted by Heracles who was wearing his butler armor clothes, Primrose was off to the side doing what looked like some sort of cleaning. While Raisa was working away at some paperwork on the table.

"How was everyone's day?"

"Very well milord, we managed to secure permission to construct a shrine or temple of our choosing inside the city, so long as we purchase the plot of land from the elder"

"My day went well as well, the market is wide open so I was able to find a couple different locations I could rent to open a temporary store, but I settled on one in particular with a really good deal"

"My day was busy! Whoever thought a commoner would have to work so hard just to live a single day"

Pretty sure prim's just exaggerating since only Heracles had work to do and even that was just meetings and negotiations, however when compared to life as a noble negotiations about building something would almost never happen for a Count ranked noble.

"If I could bother you sir I would like your assistance to construct a temple for our use, since we've managed to secure a plot of land inside the village for our purposes."

"And I'll help!"

"As for me, if your still good for it I'd like you to make me more potions that I can sell since I'm thinking the store will be an Alchemist workshop, clothes and the rest are needed but with all the adventurers around potions will sell in no time and we can make a killing, and well if you need it the shop I've selected to rent also has an attached smithy so the forge is all yours to use if you need it."

"No worries at all guys I'll help however I can with everything, we're planning on taking it easy tomorrow so no quests which means I'll have all day to help out"

"Well if you've got time I could use your help on a store name, I was thinking Raisa's Miracle Concoctions"

"Even though I'm the one concocting? ….. Hmm well for an alchemist/potion maker how about "Something's Brewing"?"

"Ooo that sounds so good let's go with that"

The rest of the night was a flurry of activity as Raisa and I both worked our inscription skills to the bone drafting store designs, lists of items to sell, materials needed for productions. On the other hand I also took it upon myself to start designing the basics of a Hellenic temple for this village along with the interior and how I was going to design it. I had to veto most of Heracles's idea's since he wanted something that would work in a capital city but wouldn't fit for a frontier village, like a Solid Gold statue of Zeus, or a 100ft tall colossus.

The plans I made were based off my memories of temples I'd seen while on vacation in Athens of course rather than this being a temple dedicated to a specific god or goddess but the pantheon as a whole there were a number of changes made to not exclude and allow worship of all within without the appearance being overbearing or oppressing.