Chapter 1 - Section 6: Interlude POV?? - New Hero Arrives

"You have been selected my good child to be the hero of a brave world wrought with sorrow and strife, your talents as a warrior from your previous life will serve you well as against the forces of the world you will stand alone"

Awaking in a pitch-black room a voice that sounded like it was coming from the lips of the world's highest-class prostitute tickled my ears, but that shouldn't be possible, after all, I'm dead, condemned to die and executed by my own nation for doing the job they paid me to do over the countless long years.

And boy did I enjoy every single minute of it, the thrill of the hunt, the joy of watching the light from someone's eyes going out as they stared back at you almost asking why they had to die by my hand.

As I ruminated these thoughts I noticed the room had gone silent

"Ready to continue are you?"

The voice sounded once again, and this time I opted to just listen surely if I was dead this would be what came next, and if I wasn't then I would only wake up to my own execution anyway.

"As you stated previously you have not died but also are not to be executed, leastwise not yet or not unless your future actions require it, I have summoned you here from the Earth to serve as my champion, I will give you powers and send you to a world that I govern to save my children on the surface below, oh but not all of them you will, of course, be free to act as you please, but know that nations other than the one who will summon you will be coming as the continent itself will be embroiled in what you might call a world war"

Perfect is this real this is just perfect, I get to go to another world where I'm free to kill, and best of which is a world beset by a world war.

"Since your previous life was full of experience I am able to convert that experience into a form of points if you will that will allow you to be afforded certain rights and privileges before I complete your summoning to the lower world"

So a power boost from all those people I've already killed, to bad I couldn't have killed more to get more of these points but oh well

"As it stands now you will be given 5,000 points to distribute as you wish you may mould yourself as you wish in this place as time is stopped so no need to rush"

This was the last I heard from the voice as it felt like whatever it was left the room... err space I was in, in her? place a holographic window appeared before me, asking me to enter my name.

Simple, click click click

Next, it asked my age, presently it displayed my current age but a + - button on either end indicating I could increase or decrease my age as I wanted, tapping it a few times I learned that I could gain points by making myself older, but to make myself younger would cost me points.

Hmm well I want to be active as long as I can in this other world so I reduced my age by ten years, it hurt to watch my points drop so quickly scaling up the cost each year that was rolled back.

Next, it asked me for my chosen race, human cost nothing but there were options for a;

half-elf 20 Points

elf 100 Points

high elf 1000 Points

fairy 750 Points

dwarf 75 Points

dark dwarf 450 Points

elder dwarf 800 Points


The list went on and on, and as I scrolled it the cost continued to climb exponentially as well.

In the end, I chose to not be human once again accepting the cost of a large number of my points to change my race to one better suited to a world of war.

Next, it showed me my physique page, where I could modify my converted to a new race body, and increase or decrease my height, muscles, hair, and eye colour.

Getting to the last entry it requested me to choose my gender, which I opted to leave as male, some of the other choices might have been good I was more used to assassination than fighting on the frontlines.

Once I'd chosen a new choice appeared.

I stared stunned it wanted me to select my **** length...

Oddly unlike the rest of the entries, this one did not record my previous bodies but instead was blank.

As I pursued the options this was the most gruelling task of the entire creation and as I mulled my options I swear I could hear numerous women's voices giggling up a storm behind me.

Anything over 4" would cost me a great number of points, each more daunting than the last, but going smaller than 4" would give me something other than points in return.

4" as a selection would get you a Rare skill plus a rare weapon

3" as a selection would get you an Epic skill plus two Epic Items

2" as a selection would get you a Legendary Skill plus 4 Legendary Items

and lastly, 1" as a selection would get you 4 Legendary Skills, plus a full set of Legendary items.

This was the option I was most stuck on, sacrificing my manhood would give me power from the off, but perhaps these skills and items weren't really worth what would be taken away in return, if I was to select 1" and then go there to find that everyone had Legendary skills and items I'd be so pissed I'd come back to kill those goddess women so many times over.

In the end, I dedicated myself to my choice, I wasn't going to this other world to make a harem, find a lover or anything like that, my desire lay In a battle for that reason why do I even need a **** but even with that mentality I could not for the life of me press the 1" option and instead selected the 2" maybe knowing someone out there might be smaller than me left my psyche intact.

With all my options set, I was then allowed to choose the skills I had acquired at the cost of my shrivelling manhood.

A new scrollable list appeared with 10 skills to choose from, opting for the most battle-oriented one, i was then allowed to choose my 4 items, sadly there were no guns, so I went for a greatsword, and using the remaining 3 choices to acquire armour that would boost my strength and stamina.

Once the selection was made the window disappeared and a glowing orb of blue light floated towards me before piercing my chest, afterwards a pain so intense I'd swear they were carbonizing the very marrow of my bones, and yet I did not pass out, the pain continued to increase as I could feel my muscles tearing, bones breaking and skin being peeled off of my body.

This continued on for what felt like hours until finally, it receded, but when I looked down I could tell I was different from before, but while I was getting the first glimpses of my new body the space that was black as a new moon night was now violently assaulted with a light so bright it could sear your retina's

As I raised my arm to shield my new eyes, it felt as if the floor under my feet gave way and I fell, until I landed on a new surface but the acceleration I gained from the fall dropped me to one knee and when I raised my head I was now in what appeared to be a great hall surrounded by knights in full armour, on one knee appearing to bow before a pudgy man wearing a crown atop a throne.

So is this were I'm meant to serve? or where I'm to begin carving a new swath of destruction in this new world of mine.

"Welcome Hero from another world to the Kingdom of"