Chapter 2 - Section 2: Bandit Fort Part II

"Bolt x2"

With that single incantation, the rescue operation began.

Released from his hands two small bolts of electricity arced through the air moving at a speed imperceptible to their target's eyes.

Both guards standing at the entrance of the cave convulsed as the electricity surged through their bodies until they dropped down foaming at the mouths.

But not for long,


A pair of blades followed soon after ending the pair's lives in an instant.

These were thanks to the pair of Kobold summons Ruby and Kurama. who now stood in place of the guards one arm each raised holding a rope formerly held by the guards while their blades had buried themselves deep into the necks of the recently deceased guards.

The rest of our party approached wary of the surroundings.

"So they had proper alarms set in case of assault"

"Yeah carelessly take out the guards and they'll let go of the rope, which will set off alarms throughout the network allowing preparation to repel the invading force or for everyone to get a head start on running away"

[But since I'm a summoner, or at least going to become one I should fight like one, and besides what group of humans would have the pride to allow them to run away from monsters?]


increasing his current summons to their maximum all at once, the entrance to the cave was now filled with a company of goblins,

Even after having merged a lot of my cards the number of cards I've got is still quite large, and since the people of this world don't seem to be at that high of a level this should be enough for the job, plus who'd run away from goblins right?

Worst case I can just respawn them or increase the war potential into orcs of golems.

"Don't harm any captives, but otherwise kill them all"

[Since coming here just like in the game my unnamed summons respond to conflict in the same way they only attack things that are viewed as enemies so if I see them as bandits even if they hide among the captives they'll still be taken down same for if the captive respond with violence I guess but, what captive won't be bound?]

His command was made as the company started to move into the cave, from within his mind he could watch their progress on the minimap.

Occasionally a single goblin would be felled and need to be respawned, but it didn't have long to go to rejoin the others as Satou and company were following relatively close behind, checking over the bandit bodies that the goblins killed.

"Another one huh?" Primrose

"Yeah that's almost half of them now"


"We started to notice this a while ago but most of these bandits here are knights of the meritocracy"

"So knights have abandoned their honour and thrown their lot in with bandits?"

"Maybe, it's tough to say since till we find their boss we won't know"

"Oh 4 goblins were just killed at once, guess a stronger one has appeared, Summon!"

To replace the four goblins that were lost four orcs materialized and headed off deep into the caves.

"MMMrrrrr, wanna have fun too!" Kurama

"I know you do, but we have another job ourselves leave the combat this time to the others ok?"

"Hmph fine"

"I share her sentiment, as much as I want to save the captives, I also want to boost my level to become even stronger"

"One should not rush into combat little one, death lurks where you least expect it, probing the enemy like this causes us no harm and should a foe we cannot deal with appear, we can escape without them knowing we were even here, to begin with"

As the discussion continued more orcs were summoned to take the places of the felled goblins.

"Hm even a couple of the orcs have been killed now, guess it's your turn then"

"Summon Hogaan"

The Large orc-sized goblin appeared dressed in full plate mail.

"Join the rest of our forces and defeat whoever stands in your way, I give you command Hoogan"

With a simple bow, Hogaan the Goblin paladin took off to join the fray.

"It's kind of boring though isn't it?"

"Well I mean sort of but that's the roll of a summoner, I'm meant to be like a commander, no need rushing to the front line like a dumbass summoner from some lightnovel or manga who rushes in to the front wielding a sword when my specialization is support, and magic."

"Magma? Well either way do the people of your world really want someone with your power to be a frontline fighter?"

"Well maybe it's just to build up hype since reading a story about someone who never fights for themselves would be pretty boring"

"Exactly, and it's not like you cannot fight, and could even use some practice from time to time"

*Nudge Nudge*

"Fine, lets go to the front, but remember to not engage unless you're assured of your win"

With that Satou's group moved from their safe position up into the central cavern where the main battle was happening right now, between the human forces, and Satou's Orcs forces lead by Hogaan the Goblin.