We'd successfully conquered the instance dungeon and returned but after taking a look around it seems our companions had moved on, as there was no sign at all of the battle that once occurred in these tunnels.
Kurama with her newly upgraded looks thanks to my recent rank up happily toddled by my side as we made our way out of the cave system.
Along the way, a thought did occur to me which was to find out what would happen if I were to use a card to summon a creature rather than dismissing it back into its card form but instead release it.
Would the creature fade away like they do in the dungeons or would it remain but no longer bound to my will, or possibly a third further option?
So as a test, I summoned a single goblin and tried.
The goblin was summoned in the normal light, and then I selected to release it, once it was released it still just stood there in front of me, but not choosing to attack.
Within my menu, a new tab had been unlocked though just like when I first learned magic, this tab was unknown to me but its title revealed the potential.
It seemed anything not in my book that was released became a minon to me, and equal to it I had gained a new skill as well
As we walked on I continued to test it out, summoning and releasing a company of goblins next using the Minon tab I could see an overview of the minions
50x Goblins [Common]
Seems there wasn't a limit to the number of minions I could have as unlike my summoning skill this one didn't show a 1/81 nor does it use up any of my summoning slots to keep them in the world.
Under the minions tab, each goblin had its own commands there were only 4 choices I could select at this time, but when this skill levels up, it more surely would be unlocked, or the goblin's rank determines their commands so as a test and to protect his goblins Hoogan the dark knight was summoned and released.
Minion Commands;
Goblin [Common] Gobin [Epic]
Gather Resources Learn
Gather Food Command
Fight Fight
Standby Standby
After having released my most advanced summon I compared their commands within the menu, the number of commands was the same but the commands themselves were different.
Whereas the common goblins had well-common tasks, Hoogan meanwhile had more intelligent options.
Through testing these I found that selecting to learn would make him pull a book out of thin air and begin researching a subject of my choosing which was split into three categories for now.
Utility, Combat, Resource.
Taking these to heart I'd assume it was a buffing skill to those he'd wind up commanding or fighting alongside.
Since learning would take him out of commission I tested the fight and command instead since standby would just make them stand around and walk around like a toddler without anything to do.
Command broken down seemed to turn him into a foreman of sorts wherein the options the common goblins had would be chosen in accordance with my desired goal.
If I wanted a large sum of minerals, Hoogan would lead the goblins to a suitable area before giving all the commons the gather materials command.
Further to this I could group the commons into their own parties,
So for now I set up a 10 person er goblin party to gather food, while the other 40 were set to gather all sorts of materials.
Hoogan would be left in command mode for now.
Choosing to leave the goblins behind to live within the mountain we exited and started heading down towards the nearest town which would've been our first destination after getting rid of the bandits.
It's only been a month our friends should probably still be waiting for us here.
Secondly was something I had noticed in my status after checking it over since the testing of the minion skill was added to my status and that was that there was a glowing 1 next to my unique skill, as we walked along I tried to figure out what this meant, did my Unique skill level up?
But if so why is it not 2 instead of 1? or did it start at level 0?
I had exhausted everything until I finally tried just tapping on the glowing 1 itself and when I did.
A new menu opened up atop the status screen
Please select DLC;
I stopped in my tracks.
[What's this? DLC]
So just like the game itself my unique skill was prompting me to choose a new DLC the game itself when It was first released allowed players to run around a single world that was unnamed at least during the time i had played and later on the developers had released multiple DLC's allowing the created characters to venture throughout the Asgarding relams walking across the surfaces of all 10 realms and the regions between.
But though in my life on earth their had been 13 as of yet released DLC's i could only select 3 for my skill upgrade, and what was strange these weren't the DLC's first released for the game.
Midgard for example was Earth, since everyone playing the game already was from earth the developers fealt it was needed since why bother brining in earth components to a fantasy game, which made it wind up being one of the more recently released DLC's
Perhaps this just grab a select of three at random to choose from.
Well my choices now are to access the realm of Humans, Light Elves, or Death
Well death might be going to far since Niflheim is a dark world of mist and ice, once ruled by the Goddess Hel it's the gateway world to the Region of Hel itself where the cursed dead reside.
For my character build type Niflheim would be my go to choice but still Midgard calls as i could gain access to goods and foods from home.
Having resumed my walking while pondering this i finally made my decision since first and foremost needed to survive in this world, i could always rank my skill up once again.
Having decided i pressed the button locking in my choice.
Satou (Kokei) Ekiken Age: 27
Race: Human Level: 38/45 (Lvl: 98) Class: Warlock summons 81 max
Title: From Another World, Dungeon Conqueror (54-Pale Grotto), Dungeon Master (54)
Health C Mana B
Strength D Dexterity E
Vitality D Intelligence B
Agility C
Unique Skill: Gamer [Yggdrasill] - DLC:
Minion Control (1)
Magic Hand (2), Fire Magic (1), Lightning Magic (1), Dark Magic (3), Light Magic (3), Deception (1), Mana Sense (2), Mana Manipulation (4), Mana Vision (4)
Summon (4)
Beast DEFG
Insect DEFG
Bird DEF
Grass DE
Stone D
Alchemy (3), Blacksmithing (2), Cooking, (2), First Aid (4), Herbalism (2), Leatherworking (2), Mining (1), Scavenging (4), Skinning (4), Tailoring (2), Treasure Hunting (2)