Chapter 4 - Section 3: Escape Plan Through An Escape Hatch

The alarm was rising up all over the district as various bells started ringing out in succession.

The general people started glancing around more and more, as they rushed past more eyes fixed on them,

[Damn so the map wasn't kidding the entire capital is hostile cause of whatever it is that Herc has been doing this last year]

Darting down a dark alleyway

[Summon Grass E x20]


In a quick flash of light, his grass E summons that appeared started to grow, until seconds later the entrance to the alleyway was covered entirely by a thick hedge you couldn't see through that rose up to be in line with the height of the buildings on either side.

Now entrapped within the alleyway but unable to be seen by the mass of prying eyes.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"This way! They were sighted going this way!"

"Get those bloody heretics!"

" Kill all non-believers!"

"Move aside citizens, we are here for your protection"

"It's the white knight's! the goddess blessing be with you"

"Eye-witness report that the pair asking about The Accursed Hellenic priest were last seen going into this alleyway here, and that right after this green wall popped up"

"So elves then? that's new isn't it captain? they would be among the last species I'd think would throw their lot in with these new gods"

"Not sure we'd just about stamped out the whole sordid lot from the capital and reports coming in from other towns are saying the same, but until we know the capital is secure the white knights cannot leave to deal with these rebellious elements"

"Kind of feel a bit sorry for em, most are just common folk who want to see if another path can provide for them since they feel the goddess has forsaken them"

"Keep speaking like that and I'll cut you down where you stand as just another heretic!"

"Sorry sir!!"

"We've got the plant wall down sir but theirs no sign of the pair, the man or the small fox-kin, and there are no other alarms being raised in the city as of yet so they've probably gone into disguises before climbing up onto the rooftops"

"I want that pair found! If we get them, we get The Accursed and can end this silly charade, as for you! Get me the gate guard who let that pair into this city NOW!"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

As the knights were discussing and trying to re-capture their scent Satou and Kurama had journeyed a great distance away but not in the manner the knights expected.

Rather than go up, instead they went down.

Using his Stone D summons ability they gouged a hole in the alley out before descending into the labyrinth of tunnels running below the capital city.

Though not exactly the most scenic route, sewers are and always have been the greatest weakness of cityscapes, a network of tunnels that almost everyone tries so very hard to forget because unless you have no choice you just don't go into them.

The trek through the river of filth running below the capital city, was fairly uneventful but even still Satou soiled his boots and pants whilst carrying Kurama like a backpack with her arms slung over his shoulder hanging off his neck.

Even though it's the capital city thanks to it being a neglected part of the city there were monsters present, in a way you could say they live in a symbiotic relationship with the rest of the city.

These monsters found in large numbers below the capital streets are slimes, they can feast upon the hundreds of thousands of residents' waste every single day slimes in this world are just like slimes you read about all the time in light novels they multiply once they've taken in enough nutrients compelling them to multiply.

As they rushed through the tunnel, Satou ran with both his arms extended a pair of longswords clutched in both hands, running while just letting the swords pass through the slimes without resistance slaying hundreds per series of steps.

Slimes in themselves are not remotely dangerous, well not normally, their specialized and evolved states can be more than you bargain for if you are unlucky enough to encounter them without preparations beforehand.

The other time is something unique to this world, call it a quirk placed on all monsters by the god who created the monsters, a phenomenon known to this world as Sin, similar to building aggro in games when all the monsters focus or hate is centers on whoever has dealt the most damage, but sin is accumulated when you kill too many of the same monster in a short span.

With his longswords effortlessly cutting through the slimes he ran through the amount of Sin he was generating by the merciless killing of thousands of slimes.

Having noticed the change happening around him, as he ran through the sewer systems he could only stare in wonder as the formerly blue slimes swarming the area had turned blood red, and rather than just sit there and accept death as he passed by were now actively jumping at him attempting to bump into or tackle him.

But even still at this level they are not a threat, not unless they can all merge together and come after him.

Alas that time will not come, at least not anytime soon as their journey through the sewers has come to an end, according to his map they've reached their destination, or rather arrive directly below it.

Using another pair of Stone D summons he first cuts a hole in the ceiling before jumping up out of the sewer depths, before the second activate sealing the floor back up.

Having arrived but not understanding the room he breached looks very much like it was simply a barfront but without any patrons, it's evening now so they should be packed yet not only are there no patrons but there are no employees either.

*Thump Thump Thump Thump*

Heavy footfalls can be heard slowly descending down the wooden stairs behind the bar.

Kurama having been let down from his back stared at the stairwell with her head slightly tilted to one side, while Satou merely cracked a sly grin.

"Good to see you Herc"