First and Only Gift!

Sevarian begins to run down the hallway with Ashley as they try to get out of the school, no one knows how to react. This situation is slowly looking worse and worse.

Slowly the creatures or mobs as Sevarian knew them as, began to enter into the school. Blood began to fill the halls as these monsters tore through the students.

"Oh my god.." Ashley says as tears run down her face.

"Ash we got to go!" Sevarian shouts while pulling her along.

It wasn't time to stop, there was too much happening right now for them to waste time watching. All of the students were running for their lives as the mobs tore through everything.

"I need to get home Ash, are you coming with me?" Sev asks while running with Ashley.

"Y-yeah I'll go with." She stutters to answer at first.

Sevarian didn't waste any time once she gave her answer, so the two of them went through a back hall that most students avoided. It was in the middle of construction at the time so it was the easiest way out.

Not everyone would've thought of it so that's the exact way that he decided to take her.

"This better get us out of here." Sevarian thinks to himself while climbing down the somewhat built stairs.

"Sev I hear them coming." Ashley says with a bit of fear in her voice.

"Just come on. We'll be okay, we just have to keep pushing ahead." Sev replied while trying to keep calm.

Many things were going throughout his mind right now since everything just changed within an instant. The world he knew was gone and now everyone was dying before him.

"Come on, I see the entrance is clear for the time being. Let's go!" Sevarian shouts while helping Ashley down.

They both began to ran for the entrance and just barely managed to avoid any encounters with these mobs.

"This is crazy Sev, what is happening right now?!?" Ashley asks while terrified.

"I don't know." Sevarian responds while running.

But this wasn't the worst scenario for the world, some people would be given a gift while others would have to find a way to survive in this new world. Just like adventurers did in the world of the games that Sevarian played.

A lot would change for sure but it didn't matter to those who received gifts, in time you'll understand I'm sure.

"I see my house ahead. A little further." Sevarian says while looking ahead at his house.

The closer he got, the more he noticed that something was waiting for him ahead.

Some creature wearing dark robes with a skull mask covering its face. The being didn't seem to have any weapons on it but was waiting on Sevarian to react.

"Are you here to kill me?!?" Sevarian asks in a panicked tone.

The being didn't respond and only handed Sev a mysterious box.

"Sev please tell me you aren't going to open that." Ashley says with a worried tone.

"I don't know what'll happen if I don't so I'm going to do it." He replied while opening the box.


Everything went bright white as the area blinded everyone except Sevarian.

"Hello User, you have been granted a gift." The Voice says.

"What are you?" Sevarian questions while looking at the new screen before him.

"I am a system who is here to give you the information needed. But first, do you accept this gift?" The System asks.

Sevarian took a moment to think but then decided to accept, he didn't know if it would be bad for him to decline. So he took the risk.

"I accept the gift." Sevarian responds.

°Chaotic Mob System Received!°

"Chaotic Mob System?" Sevarian questions to himself.

"Now this will be your best chance in the new world. Use it wisely, level up, become stronger and you'll see how great it is!" The System Says with an excited tone.

"What does this do?" Sev says while pushing a button.

•Switching Perspective!•





What is going on? That's weird but I guess I don't have much of a choice but to accept this whole system thing. It reminds me of the game I was playing before school.

"Alright, it seems we're all situated. Good luck Sevarian!" The System Says before disappearing.

The light had faded away and so did the being who was here to hand me this box. Nothing was left inside the box or was there never anything in it in the first place?

But something new was in my sight still, a little symbol. Similar to that of a U.I in a video game, but what is this going to do exactly?

I focused on the little symbol and a screen appeared before me.

{Stats} {Skills} {Inventory} {Level 5}

Hmm, so this is real. That should mean that these work a lot like a standard games menu then?

I tapped the stats indicator and another menu opened up before me.

•Intelligence Level 5

•Agility Level 5

•Reflexes Level 2

•Strength Level 3

•Endurance Level 2

•Mana Level 1

Other Stats are currently unavailable for viewing.

Guess I'll see more as I go along but for now that'll have to do.

I'll check the rest out after I make sure Mom is okay inside. She's more important than figuring out this whole thing.

"Mom!" I begin to shout as I open up the door.

Ashley was still behind me but I guess she didn't see what happened since everyone was blinded around us.

"I'm upstairs Sevarian, what's going on?" Mom asks while speaking up from upstairs.

"Didn't you feel the strange rumbling Mom!?!" I shout while heading upstairs.

~Quest incoming.

What? A quest?

~Access your skill tree!

Ah, the skills tab from before? That can wait till I talk to Mom. She needs to know that it's not safe to go outside.

"Yes, I just assumed it was an earthquake." Mom says loudly.

I'll have to explain what we saw.

"Let's go Ashley, I'll need your help to explain." I say while approaching mom's room.