The Collapse

Crumble!!!!!! The ground suddenly caved in all around us.

"Everyone brace yourselves!" Kallista shouts before falling.

It seems that the mobs caused a collapse within the area but we should survive as long as the fall isn't too far down.

~You and your party will survive but it will be pretty risky considering the fall is decent. Damage estimate in progress.

Oh shit, shit, shit!

~Health remaining after will be 3,459.

That's a pretty big amount of damage, how in the hell?!?!

Crash!!!!! I hit the ground and could hear all the rubble around me falling and hitting the floor.

Before I could react, a piece of rubble fell on top of me.

~Woops I didn't calculate that.

{HP: 2,245 remaining and dropping.}

I could feel the pain going throughout my body while blood began to drip down my face. My vision was slightly blurry and a little bit red.

"Fyahh! Come on!" I shouted in pain while trying to lift the rubble off of me.

It was beginning to move but not fast enough for my health to recover.

"I got you Sevarian, just give me a second." Rika says before lifting the rubble from the other side.

She lifted the rubble off of me and I could at least stand now but for some reason there was a sharp pain in my stomach.

{HP: 1,350 remaining and dropping.}

As I stood up I could feel something dripping down my stomach. It didn't take me long to look down and realize that it was blood because I had some piece of debris stabbed in me.

~You should remove it so that you can heal.

This hurts like hell right now, is it really the smart choice to take it out?

"Sevy are you okay?!?!" Rika asks with a worried tone in her voice.

"I'll be okay." I respond while grabbing the piece of debris.

Taking it out will allow for me to heal but I'm not entirely sure if it's the best choice, it could result in a critical right? That happens in games so it could happen in this instance to.

"Ahhhh screw it!" I scream while beginning to rip it out.

The pain was like stepping on glass repeatedly but then I felt it come all the way out.

Drip. Drip. Clatter. The debris hit the ground as my blood began to drip onto it. I could feel my wound healing already though so maybe it's not so bad after all.

{HP: 850 remaining.}

The pain is resonating all throughout my body but I managed to survive once again after all of that.

~Slime tree hidden passive unlocked. {Health regeneration has been discovered}

{HP: 1,000 remaining.}

I'm very grateful for my system, especially after seeing things like that.

"Help...." Elizabeth says weakly nearby.

{Sense} My surroundings were scanned and I could see where Elizabeth is.

"I'm coming Elizabeth!" I shout while heading towards her.

She is in a lot of pain and seems to be crushed by some of the debris. I'll save her and anyone else in my party no matter what.

~Quite the hero aren't you?

Shut up! Obviously I'm going to save everyone if its possible.

My skills are still active so it's still possible to save her from being crushed completely. Like that I began lifting the debris off of her with ease.

"I'm here to help too." Rika says while helping lift.

5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

Heroes aren't always going to save everyone.

A voice was echoing in my head, counting down and then saying that phrase. Who is saying this?

"Who cares if she dies." Kallista speaks up with a serious tone.

My heart sank after hearing those words and all I could feel was the aura change. Kallista was giving off dark vibes, something she never really gave off until now.

"What the hell are you talking about Kallista?" I ask while turning around to face her.

The debris was off Elizabeth but now my attention was on Kallista who just switched up her tone out of nowhere.

"She's just a pawn of the monarch who could be playing us for fools. You might even be working for him." Kallista says with a serious tone in her voice.

"What's gotten into you all of a sudden?" I question while trying to keep myself calm.

I am trying my hardest not to lose my shit with her since she's been part of the party for a little while now. A dear friend who I hope is not going to just betray us.

Maybe she hit her head on the way down and isn't thinking clearly.

"I'm a hero and have been a hero for a long time before even coming to this world. I think I know a lot more than you do." Kallista says while drawing her weapon.

The intent to kill was all I could sense from her now and I wasn't sure what to do in this situation.

Heroes are smart, they know what to do.

"Gah, my head." I say quietly while grabbing my head.

The room around me was spinning but I couldn't let that hold me back or else I could die here. I don't want to leave this all to Rika since she wouldn't hold back in this situation.

"Sevy what do we do?!?!" Rika asks with a confused tone.

I'm just as lost as her, everything feels off right now.

~Maybe this was destined to happen from the moment you two met.

No it definitely is not destiny! Will you just stop worrying about what's happening.

"We will just have to knock her out or something until we can figure out what's going on." I suggest while drawing my sword.

I won't kill her, she's still my friend.

"You act like you can do that, I'm a lot stronger than you think." Kallista chimes in while slowly moving towards us.

{Level Check}

Kallista {Lvl ???}

I can't see her level...