He was nowhere to be found in the dungeon here so maybe there is another one close by or something. I don't want to believe that he went into that place on his own of all places.
"We are better off searching around for a gate since dungeons aren't bunched up together." Elizabeth suggests.
Yeah they aren't bunched up but maybe he went a bit further this time.
"He could've just went to a dungeon that's further away from here." I speak up while holding onto my chest.
"Unlikely. He wouldn't go through the trouble of traveling that far just for a dungeon. His intentions must've been to come back but something changed." Kallista says while rubbing her head.
An educated guess like that wouldn't be terrible to think but I'm not sure what to believe right now. Though I'm able to sense a gate, it's not incredibly far from the dungeon but it'll still take a little bit.
"Did you figure something out Rika?" Elizabeth questions with curiosity in her voice.
"I sense a gate nearby. It's worth seeing if any trace of him is there." I respond while heading towards the dungeon exit.
I sensed him here briefly but it disappeared after reaching the entrance of the dungeon. There's no way he could just vanish into thin air or maybe there is?
He didn't have that kind of power before so it should be safe to assume he doesn't have it just yet.
"Screw it. Head for the gate." Onyx speaks up with a bit of anger in his voice.
Everyone's a bit riled up since we don't know what's happening yet. We've had people out for our lives so it's not easy to ignore the possibility of him dying.
"It's the best bet for now." Elizabeth says while walking alongside Onyx.
I was going towards it anyway but I don't know what everyone thinks is on my mind right now.
| An hour of dreadful silence later... | Just Entering Hazel.
The gate stood before us and it was huge with a bright blue light shining through the opening. Someone definitely entered it since they aren't opened right away, unless mobs have exited from the gate.
"Gates aren't usually open." Kallista points out while putting her helmet back on.
"Best to head in then." Onyx says while drawing his axe.
They all went in before me but it didn't mean much. It feels like a part of me is missing right now since Sevarian is always leading the charge, not Onyx.
We'll find you Sevy. I walked through the gate with that final thought on my mind.
The surroundings all disappeared within seconds before the new surroundings formed in front of me. Lush green fields and houses that don't look damaged in any way.
Immediately I could notice a smell that reeked of death and despair though. This place doesn't exactly say it out loud but it seems we are being deceived.
"Everyone made it?" Onyx asks while looking amongst the group.
"Seems so." Everyone agrees.
4 more brave souls enter a land in which they don't understand. A voice echoed in everyone's head but disappeared immediately after it finished speaking.
"Did you guys all hear that too?" I ask with a bit of concern in my voice.
"Yeah." Elizabeth replies with a scared expression on her face.
The other two nodded and then began to look around the area for any sort of clues that they could find. I know mobs are bound to be here somewhere so we'll have to be on guard no matter what.
"This world reminds me a lot of my old world." Kallista says while kneeling down.
I watched as her hand grazed over the grass but I can't share that same feeling since my world looked way different. Maybe it's because of the race I was born from.
No one was really normal in my world like the others are here. Curse of being part mob I guess.
"Yeah it is awful similar to mine too." Onyx chimes in while observing the surroundings.
"The gate makes sense now. It's mimicking everything, making a normal looking world." Elizabeth speaks up with confidence.
Maybe that's why she had a scared expression on her face before, she knew what was happening. It makes sense for the situation but that doesn't help us figure out if Sevarian is here or not.
"At least that helps us understand the situation here a little bit better." I say after turning towards the others.
The ground began to rumble around us and interrupted my train of thought instantly. It seems that we have company after all but what would we be facing?
"Undead knights are coming!" Onyx shouts while running past me.
"Let's get this over with quickly." Kallista says while following behind Onyx.
Yeah I agree with them but I'm lacking a bit of my power since Sevy isn't here to share some of his blood with me. I believe I have enough strength for the time being but I'll need his help shortly.
{ The perspective has shifted}
Sevarian's POV.
Floating within a dark abyss void of any sort of life I could see my arms out in front of me. I couldn't recall what happened previously to me but everything here is blank.
Can't see anything, my body feels as light as a feather, and I don't feel the pain in my chest anymore.
My U.I is also gone so what am I supposed to do here?
"You have been given an opportunity to see something no one else has seen Sevarian. Use this experience to help you make your decisions going forward." A woman's voice began to echo.
A small light began to brighten up the dark abyss I was floating in and people were in the distance.
What is that exactly? I began to extend my hand towards the light in the distance until finally everything changed around me.
"Sevarian let's get going before we miss out on the event." A voice calls out to me in the distance.