Defender of the Fifth Gate (1)

"I can sense the gates. They opened up didn't they?" Rika questions with a serious expression across her face.

"Yeah they did." I answer without any hesitation.

Sometimes I forget that she can sense the gates because of the connection they have to her home world. At least that's what I can remember but I have a bad feeling about these gates.

The fifth gate is opening but what's the point of the key then?

Wait, maybe there's something within the gate that the key is used on. That makes a lot of sense because each of the gates have had something unique about them that makes them stand out.

This key is tied to the fifth gate for a reason.

"Then we should probably begin searching for the fifth gate." Elizabeth suggests.

"Agreed." I say while beginning to walk.

We needed to find this gate since the others were looking for the fourth gate. This is an opportunity to knock down two gates which will leave us with three remaining.

It'll be the fastest way to saving the world and killing the Monarch.

A few hours of walking go by as the party searches for the gates.

We wandered around for quite some time before finally reaching a strange area on the outskirts of the city. It wasn't a town of any sort since there weren't really any buildings around us or even in the area.

Lots of burned trees, strange fog, and even some old bodies sitting in puddles of blood. A massacre seemed to have happened here but what matters is how it happened.

"Isn't that the gate?" Rika asks while looking ahead at something in the distance.

I shifted my gaze from the bodies to the distant door ahead of us. It didn't take long to realize that it was definitely the gate because of the unique carvings and symbols all over it.

None of it was stuff that I could read or at least that I could read at this point in time but luckily we haven't needed to understand the symbols entirely to get through it.

Stomp! Stomp! Giant footsteps began to head towards us, immediately interrupting my thoughts about the carvings and symbols.

The enemy was heading towards us and I needed to prepare for whatever was next. Without any issue I drew the blade of Zenfiel which was my highest ranking weapon at this point in time.

I'd use this to secure my victory alongside the fireballs that I can use but I'll burn through my power if use too many. I'm still pretty powerful with my other skills but I can't burn through everything.

"Oh my God. That's a Titan, how could he get such a powerful thing to defend a gate." Elizabeth says with a shocked expression on her face.

I stepped back within moments of it appearing before us just in time to avoid it's attack.

Smash!!!!!! Pieces of the ground flew everywhere as it's giant axe slammed into the ground in front of us.

{Lvl Check!}

Titan (Lvl 235) (Fight should be avoided at all Costs!).

Holy shit, how am I supposed to compete with such a big level gap. No I can still do this, nothing is impossible.


[Party Leader]

Sevarian (Lvl 142)


Rika (Lvl 197) (Passive Active)

Elizabeth (Lvl ???) (Status: Retired System Manager)


I still can't see what level Elizabeth is but Rika can definitely help make a difference in the fight against the Titan. Elizabeth might even be able to do such a thing but I just can't see her level to say so.

"We can do this Sevy! Just need some of your blood!" Rika shouts out to me before dashing over.

"You already know you can have some. Need you at your maximum strength for this fight!" I shout back at her while staying out of the Titans range.

This Titan was huge, bearing a stone like appearing with all sorts of different symbols across it's body, it was definitely one of the more intimidating enemies.

But it wasn't the height, the level, or even the giant weapon that made it terrifying. The dark red eyes and the menacing grin across it's face was what made it a truly terrifying enemy to be facing at this point in time.

"Here I go." Rika says as she bites into my shoulder.

Barely even feel the pinch from her bites anymore but that can be blamed on the amount of pain I've gone through. She immediately gained her strength and I watched as her gauntlets formed immediately.

"Fight at your max Sevy. We will kill this thing." Rika says with a serious expression on her face.

Her intent had changed and I could sense it, she was more than ready to kill this titan.

{Activate Demon Blood}

{Activate King's Strength}

{Activate Borrowed Power}

~All are active.

Good. Let us begin.

Gripping my sword tight I dashed in with my speed while avoiding it's slam down attacks. Rika dashes from the right while I was on the left and we made our way towards it's legs.

Elizabeth was in the back getting her own attack ready I believe so it was up to us to take the main attention since she seemed to use some sort of magic or power.

Smash!!!! Slam!!! One attack after another would hit near me, then near Rika and it kept repeating in that order. Getting faster with each swing as we began to attack.

I will try with my sword before anything else so that I can conserve my fireballs for whatever else may appear. We've been surprised attacked so many times that I've learned to expect it.

Bam!!! Fwooosh!!! I could hear Rika's punches impacting off the Titans leg and her dashing around it repeatedly.

It was my time to try and slash away at this enormous enemies leg that was right before me.

As I swung my blade it lifted it's leg up like it was nothing and the last thing I could see was it staring down at me, smiling.