Damage is being dealt but this thing does not seem to be done fighting. That's when it slashed down towards me once again and I realized that I couldn't dodge it in time.
Nothing I can do but try to block against it with my sword, might have to put my power into my blade to withstand this once more.
~Health Dropping again. Current HP: 3,500 Remaining. Avoiding this attack would be advised.
I know but I don't have a choice.
"Sevy!!!!!!!" Rika shouts as she looks towards me.
I'm not going to die here, not when there's so much left to do. I quickly channeled my power back into my sword once more and began to block.
Smash!!!!!! Clang!!!!! Our weapons clashed and I thought for a moment there that I truly was going to die.
A shockwave went throughout the area and created a giant cloud of dust. Before my eyes I could see the Titans giant Axe up against my blade.
Seeing that I actually blocked against the axe surprised me because of how strong this thing is.
Crack. Crack. The blades both seemed to be cracking from the pressure of us both pushing against one anothers weapon.
My sword was giving a lot faster than his was but I won't lose here. Slow your breathing, don't focus on the pain and push harder than ever before.
I'll push myself to my limits.
Would it be possible to use my own life as power?
~Yes but are you sure you want to risk that?
~Then you've been given access to do so.
Even worse pain surges throughout my body as I begin to use my own life to infuse more power into my blade.
~HP has dropped to 1,500.
I could feel my body getting weaker but my blade of as starting to push through the Titans axe with each second till finally it gave way.
Shatter!!!! The axe broke apart in front of me as my blade slashed through.
I'm not going to just stop there. I pushed myself off the ground onto its arm and began to slash up its arm. Still infusing my life into the power of my attack while slashing up it's arm.
"Ahhh!! I'll fucking kill you if it's the last thing I do!" I shout while running up its arm.
~Sevarian your hp is going to hit critical levels! Be advised. HP: 400 Remaining.
The arm began to fall apart as my blade followed behind me. One more direct attack to the chest with something else I wanted to try.
Fwooooosh! Pierce!!!! I kicked off what remained of its arm and stabbed my sword right into its chest. Now this is quite a risk but I'm already on the edge anyway.
King's fireball. Boooooom!!!!!
I gripped my sword as I got sent back away from the explosion but forgot how high up I was from the ground.
But as I fell back I noticed a giant hole within the Titans chest, it was also starting to fall backwards. Did I finally manage to kill this thing?
~Titan has been defeated. Critical HP Levels detected. Fall detected. Brace.
Thump. Tumble. Tumble.
I rolled for a bit after hitting the ground and began to lose a bit of my sight. It was all getting so blurry all around me as if I had opened my eyes underwater.
~Curent HP: -5. Potentially fatal outcome can occur.
Everything began to fade as I laid back on the ground looking up at the sky. I can't die here but yet everything is slowly disappearing with each passing second.
"Sevy!!!! Sevy!!!" Rika calls out in the distance.
The Titan was defeated at least.
"Sevarian!!" Elizabeth shouts out as well.
The two of them have both been here but I know Elizabeth doesn't always know how to attack. She's definitely powerful but she doesn't show it very often.
{Kallista's View.} Not far off from the fourth gate.
"You think the others found the fifth gate?" I ask while keeping one hand on my blade.
You can never trust anything in a world like this but I do wonder how Sevarian is holding up with everything that happened.
"It's possible but I think we're about to find the fourth gate." Onyx responds while staring ahead.
He was right because I could sense it, ever since I became a hero as I'm called now. I've definitely become a lot stronger since then but I can't lose sight of my goals.
Taking out the gates then the Monarch is my main goal no matter what. That'll avenge the people I love and will bring about peace to any other worlds.
"You think Sevarian is good?" Onyx asks with a bit of a serious tone in his voice.
"He seemed okay." I respond with a bit of uncertainty.
"No, do you think he's fighting to save everyone or for power." Onyx asks with a serious tone.
Sevarian doesn't strike me as one to only be fighting for power but I wonder what has Onyx thinking about that. Does he know something that I don't?
He's not the type, he has saved us all from so many different things. I could've died the day we fought but he didn't attempt to kill me in any way.
"I think he's fighting to save everyone." I reply with confidence.
Onyx didn't seem to have any issues with my response but he was observing how I answered. I could see it in his eyes but I trust Sevarian.
"Sevarian is fighting to save everyone for now but it doesn't hurt to keep everyone on the same mindset." Onyx says before bringing back his usual smile.
He's always been such a smiley guy since joining us, even in the toughest of times. I'm glad to have him with us.
That's when I saw the gate before us once more, it was engraved like every other door.
{Sevarian's View} Back at the entrance of the fifth gate.
I was laying in my blood once again.