Otreg slept with Liga that night, Rumbarth in a small crib Nallu provided nearby. When they woke the next morning, he explained he had to go see Zargis for a meeting, then, he wanted to train their cub a little. When finished, he'd come back and they'd start planning the wedding feast. Liga had nodded sleepily, but had watched him leave the room. Otreg felt her eyes watching him, and swore never to lose her trust again.

When he met with the king, he told of his plan with Liga, told the king too of his own secret. "I want to tell her, Zargis. I want to tell her who she is and why I can't look at another female."

Zargis grinned. "You sound like Kesar."

"I'm serious!"

"So am I." Zargis thought, then grabbed a book from the shelf behind his desk. "Give her this. Thelia read it when she first arrived, according to Cam. It should prepare her for that news."

Otreg shook his head. "No. I want something better. Something she can't dispute or contradict."

Zargis rose a brow. "There's many to show proof of your claim, Otreg. Thelia and I for one."

"I don't want a friend to tell her. She would think I made you to tell her a falsehood."

Again, Zargis rolled his eyes. "Fine. I know someone. But wait until she can move around, then we'll meet with them."

Otreg nodded, smiling to himself.

At the same time, Liga was eating, Rumbarth was playing around with a toy Nallu provided, when Juskah returned. She smiled, but Rumbarth gave a low growl. Juskah chuckled. "A good cub for wanting his mother safe."

"Rumbarth is a very good cub." She made Rumbarth stop then turned back to the former king. "What are you doing here?"

Juskah sat in the chair beside her bed and took out a photo. "I want to tell you a true story, Liga. I want you to listen carefully, and do not jump to conclusions. I want you to think about my story. Then, about Otreg. Understand?"

Liga nodded. "I can do that."

Juskah nodded and folded his hands together. "As you know, I was the king to Korgenyegia. When I was young, I was a difficult cub to control. But then, I went down to your lands and I met a beautiful woman named Nabla. She had Zargis's caring nature. She had beautiful long brown hair with green eyes to compliment."

Liga smiled at the description. "She sounds wonderful."

Juskah nodded. "She was. She calmed me down to the point I could rule this kingdom efficiently. Then, she gave me Zargis." He sighed. "He was just like me. He had my strength that needed controlling and the caring nature that needed someone to give it purpose. Then, a few years ago, Nabla and I were taken."

"By who?"

"Same as you and Jose and Thelia." He turned sad. "She died in her cell: beaten, hopeless, starved. I had started to be Kiev's I'd end up the same until Jose saved my life. Saved many lives." He sighed. "A dragon, Liga, is like a wolf: they, as many would say, mate for life. Wolves do not find another mate once theirs die. Neither do dragons."

"So, you will never find another mate?"


"But how did you know Nabla was your mate?"

He smiled. "That is simple. You see, while my dragon is a part of me, it is also separate. It tells the human who it chooses."

"How did Nabla learn of you?"

"Back then, humans knew of dragons. She knew who and what I was before I introduced myself. However, after some denial from me, some fighting with my dragon, and some truths, Nabla and I both knew we were not going to be with another." He sits forward and parts his hands. "When a dragon chooses their mate, Liga, it isn't subtle. The dragon will want to do everything in its power to keep that mate safe and protected, alive as long as possible. The dragon and the human parts will want to impress their mate, showing off their scales, flying the mate around, and caring for her; even if the human half isn't fully aware of what they're doing. Does this sound familiar?"

Liga swallowed a lump in her throat. "Otreg isn't my mate, Juskah. He doesn't want me."

Juskah shook his head. "Otreg is a stubborn male. But his dragon is what you need to focus on for now. Has he done everything I've just said?"


"Does the dragon like showing itself for you?"

Liga shrugged. "I don't know. I know that the dragon possibly got angry with Otreg at one point, and actually tried to comfort me once."

"Then listen to the dragon."

"But Otreg-"

"Otreg will come around if he hasn't already." Juskah stood and got closer, taking her hands in his own. "I know this isn't easy. It never is for Humans. Unlike Dragons, they don't have bonds between each other. But they do with Dragons. It's why, even after Thelia was hurt and feeling betrayed, she continued to fight for Zargis, why she gave everything to find true proof of his innocence. It is why, even though Jose didn't believe Kesar was her mate, she still went went to him for comfort and safety. It is why you came back, even though you fear Otreg will leave you to wander on your own again. You are his mate."

Liga wiped away the tears. "What if he avoids me?"

"I don't see that happening again, my dear. I see him being very attentive to you. He's learned his lesson."

"How do you know?"

"Because of what I saw yesterday."

When Otreg returned after training Rumbarth, Liga was quiet and shy. She knew what Juskah had said was true, but was unable to look Otreg in the eye because of it.

Otreg knew something was wrong with Liga, however, it didn't seem to be making her avoid him in a bad way. He saw the blushes on her cheeks. He saw the way her eyes would try to glance at him before skirting down to her lap again. He saw the small smiles she would make whenever he made a suggestion she liked. They were poorly hidden, but he didn't ask her anything about her reaction.

They talked about the wedding feast, writing down lists of different menus they believed the couple would enjoy, then Otreg played with Rumbarth while Liga watched. He felt her eyes on him, knew she would look away if he turned to her. But he wanted to see her eyes again. He wanted her to look at him, wanted her to stop being shy.


Otreg spun to see Nallu scowling at him. "What? I'm playing with my cub!"

"Not here!"

"But he needs the exercise of you want a peaceful night."

"Not. Here."

"Please, Nallu?" Liga said, coming to Otreg's defense. "Otreg isn't lying. Rumbarth really does get to be a pain if he doesn't play before sleep."

"Ms. Liga, I just can't have people playing about in my patient's room when it's supposed to be a resting place."

"But I need the entertainment, Nallu. I haven't been able to get up or love for days and seeing Rumbarth play is the only thing that keeps me from going insane."

Nallu scowled deeper. "Ms. Liga-"

"Fine!" Otreg interrupted her. Liga shot him a wide-eyed look, like she didn't want him to stop. "If you really don't want Liga happy watching her cub play here, then I'll have to take her somewhere else."

Nallu gasped. Liga smiled, bright and joyful. Otreg grinned at her. The healer sighed loudly and stalked away. Otreg chuckled while Liga giggled. He was mesmerized by her sweet laugh. "You might pay for that later," she told him, still giggling.

Otreg shrugged. "As long as you get your entertainment, I don't care."

Liga went quiet again, blushing. But she kept eye contact with him, giving him satisfaction. After a long moment, she sighed, though, and frowned, looking away. "I don't like being confined. I want to get up and move."

"Soon," he promised.

Liga hugged herself, seeming to shut Otreg out, for which he was disappointed. But she said, "I want to fly."

Otreg went over and cupped her face with both hands, a huge smile curving his lips. "And we shall! Heal, Gorgeous! The moment you are, we will go into the sky and fly for hours!"