Otreg took Liga flying for a short time that night, giving her the exhilaration she craved and the air she needed to be free, but cut it short because of how cold it was. She didn't complain. She seemed grateful for the time he gave her. She also seemed relaxed and with a clearer head when they landed in front of the castle. Otreg walked her to her chambers and made sure she found her bed before leaving to find his own.

The next day, he woke early and went to Zargis's office, needing advice from his best friend. But the king was in a mood. His amber eyes were dark with anger while his body looked ready to go dragon at any moment. Otreg paused with his mouth open and ready to speak of his needs, then he closed the door and crossed his arms. "What did you two fight about this time?"

Zargis deepened his glare, but Otreg was not scared. Zargis, no matter how pissed off he may get, would never hurt those he cared for. Not after doing so once and it almost cost him the one thing he cared for most. "She is being stubborn, that's all!" he growled.

Otreg raised a brow. "About what?"

"Me!" The king rose and went around his desk to pace the room. "Apparently, I am too hard on some of the advisors! I need to see their sides of the situation and not dismiss their concerns. No matter that they would have left her and Jose to die had I not taken action. No matter the cubs would still be in enemy hands if we had not stepped in to do something."

Otreg furrowed his brow. "Wait, I thought she was with us on wanting to get everyone back: cub and adults alike?"

"She is. But she thinks everyone deserves to have an opinion on how to save everyone."

"What options did they give?"

Zargis paused his pacing and closed his eyes, as if praying for the strength to remain calm, or as calm as he could be right now. "To go to war or leave the dragons be. They think the Dragons will find a way to escape and make it home. They believe the cubs will reject whatever lessons the nappers will force upon them and come home when able to fly."

"And Thelia thinks this is a good plan?"

In a soft whisper, Zargis says, "No. Thank Korgenyegia for that. But she believes they should give their opinion, back it up with whatever they think will help, and that we should show our trust in them by considering it."

"Hm." Otreg leaned against the wall and crossed one foot over the other. "Don't get upset until you hear me out."

Zargis opened angry eyes on him. "If you are about to say that we should do just that, then I have no idea who you are and what you've done with my friend."

Otreg smirked. "No. I was going to say that maybe listen to them, but instead of getting enraged for their opinions, tell them why their ideas wont work."

"I tried!" Zargis growled. He grabbed handfulls of hair and began to tug. "I began gentle and understanding, damn it! They won't listen!"

Otreg nodded slowly. "Did you remind Thelia of this?"



"She wants me to remain calm no matter what!"

A knock on the door made them check their body language, straighten their clothes and calm down a little. For Zargis, it was harder. Once the king was seated behind his desk, Otreg opened the door. There stood Noime and Liga. They both looked nervous, but as soon as the latter saw him, she relaxed a little. However, when she glanced at Zargis, she slowly went very still. "We can come back later," she offered and stepped back.

Zargis put on a forced smile and shook his head. "Please, don't be afraid to ask for something, Liga. What can I do for you?"

She hesitated some more, glancing at Otreg. He smiled and nodded. She glanced at Jose then carefully stepped into the room. "Noime and I were wondering if we can get something a little extravagant."

At this, Zargis raised a brow. "What do you mean by extravagant?"

Liga again glanced at Otreg, but said in a very small voice, "Exotic spices from Eclein and Zucron. They are quite expensive and very rare since they are only produced in those countries alone, but they would make the feast taste better. Noime also thinks there's a drink she can make if we can get other ingredients as well."

Otreg had to smile at her. For one who didn't want to spend much money, she certainly did like certain luxuries when it came to food. Though, perhaps that was because it was just that: food, which was her favorite thing. Cooking was the only job she enjoyed as a slave, which meant she would never slouch on taste even if it meant going to extremes. However, she was still nervous about asking for said food. He knew the food she made before had all been bought with her own money, or what little of it she earned, so he suspected LIga believed the same would happen here. It didn't matter if Zargis hadn't even paid her yet. She believed he would take it from her paycheck no matter what.

"Do you have a list of ingredients you require?" the King asked softly, being careful to not further intimidate the women, and – Otreg knew – to hide the smile wanting to appear on his lips.

Liga looked back to her friend and Noime rushed forward with a piece of paper. "If you don't have enough money, then don't worry about it," LIga hurried to say, Noime nodding her agreement.

Zargis took the list and read it over, then stood and went over to a bookshelf. He brought out a book and flipped through the pages, soon finding what he wanted. After a moment, he burst into laughter. The girls stared at him, not understanding what was so funny, then Liga seemed to believe the worst. She bowed her head and hugged herself. The king turned back to them with a twinkle in his eye, his mood seeming to have lightened with whatever information he found. "Noime, where did you learn to make Numb Riddles?"

"I don't remember. But I like the concoction."

Zargis chuckled. "Numb Riddle, if drank too much at once, can make a person turn loopy and a bit high. Are you planning to make the guests go crazy?"

Noime blushed. "I thought it would be a good idea for a toast, and maybe to give in case the bride is anxious."

"Jose will not be anxious, Noime. Trust me on that," Zargis informed. "As for toasting, I think it's a great idea as long as you make enough only for that."

Noime nodded. "I have a softer drink for the rest of the day. But I wanted the toast to be special."

Zargis hummed his agreement then noticed the meek Liga. "Why do you look ready to run away?"

Liga kept her eyes down. Otreg walked up and wrapped her in his embrace. He bent so he could rest his chin on her shoulder, and whispered, "Don't be afraid, Gorgeous. He is not at all refusing your request."

Liga glanced up at the king after Otreg's words, and relaxed a little. "I'm sorry, King Zargis. I-" Liga hesitated, then bit her lip. "I guess I'm not used to this."

Zargis softened his eyes further. "As I said, Liga. Do not worry about anything when it comes to paying for the food. I want to taste everything you have in mind with whatever ingredients that make your dishes the best. I do not want you to believe that I do not care. Please, ask for anything and I shall try to honor your request. If I can't, I will explain myself. But never believe it is because of price."

Blushing, Liga nodded. Otreg straightened then felt her press herself back into him, as if she believed he would move away. He didn't. He held onto her as she and Noime discussed a few minor details of what was needed with Zargis, and continued to hold her close as the discussion ended and they began to joke and tease around.