Chapter 4. Bitter Blue Encounter

Seeing his damaged Rolls-Royce, Hades shifted his gaze facing Vionna. "Don't worry, Sean. Let me handle this one," a smirk formed on his lips. Stepping closer, the captivating richman offered a deal. Drawing out a fifty dollar bill from the same leather wallet used to pay for the coffee, he spoke slowly "You see this cash? This won't be enough to pay for reparation, isn't it?" The girl could only nod. "Replace the nominal with your phone number. That should be enough." Without thinking twice, she accepted his offer. The fact surprised Kane. "Are you serious, Vivi? Trusting a stranger?" The look on his face shows concern. "A phone number won't hurt," she patted his shoulder.

Giving Hades the dollar bill she had modified, both the boss and the bodyguard entered their defective car. When the sound of the car engine started to move away from their location, Kane sighed with relief. "Thanks for saving my back." he stared at Vionna. "Sure, now let's get back to work." And they both returned to the counter, doing their own job, serving customers.

. . .

On his way back home, Hades was both pleased and confused. She was just a normal barista in his usual coffee shop, a girl who can attract a mafia leader's heart. What makes her special? Maybe because of her appearance, he thought. His interest made him want to find out more about that woman. "Vivi… That's cute," he said to himself, keeping an eye on his phone screen that shows her number.

"Welcome home, Sir Hades." A woman with formal clothing greeted the man who just stepped out of the car. People called her Carole. Full name, Carole Laurence. Known as Hades' main secretary. Walking towards the big bedroom, she followed behind while reading his schedule. "Sir, at 10 AM, the cartel wants to hold a treaty meeting. 2 PM, Mr. JC from the south district wants to submit a direct report. After that you will have a few hours until the dinner invitation from-" Hades raised his hand, signaling the secretary to stop. "Send the printed format to my desk, I'll read it later." He continued to walk upstairs until he got inside his room.

Sitting on his bed, feeling empty, he questioned himself. Why does he have everything, yet still unhappy? A part of him was still missing. After his parents' death, he was given the responsibility of being the successor of their business. A dirty job that is not for those with weak minds. Love, is it the thing he's craving? At that moment, everything felt so quiet. The atmosphere shouted loneliness.

It occurred to him to call his secretary using the phone beside his bed. "Carole, cancel all plans for tonight. I'm going to the usual place." Soon after hanging up, he sent a message.


"Hey it's me, Hades. Are you free this evening?"


"Ohh hi, my shift ends early. So yeah, I'm free."


"Great, I want to invite you for dinner. Come to St. xxx Number xxx at 8 pm."


"Noted. See you then, Hades!"

For someone who is blindly enamored, she quickly shared this good news to Kane. "Why're you disturbing my nap, Vivi?" He answered her call with a raspy voice. "I'm going on a date!" A vibrant voice can be heard from across the line. "I've never seen you with someone other than me. Who is it? Don't tell me…"

"That guy from our workplace!"

"Wait, that handsome man with a bodyguard? But you just met him, now you're going to have a date? That's really stupid!" Kane scolded the girl.

"A funny advice from a friend who stupidly threw their bottle and broke someone's car not long ago," her tone was definitely sarcastic.

"Well, but I mean… Do you really just trust a man who you just met this morning? He could be up to no good."

Vionna reassured him, "Trust me, I know what I'm doing."

"I'm not trusting you at all, let me go with you just in case something happens."

"Ahhh, whatever!" With that, the call ended.

The sun settled down while the moon replaced its elegance. Full of mixed feelings, Vionna braced herself in front of the hanging mirror. A man just stood there, waiting for his friend to be ready. Convincing a woman regarding how good they look is quite a struggle. At last, the two of them hopped on a motorcycle. Dusting off the streets, the girl's hands gripped Kane's shirt tightly.

Arriving in front of a five-star hotel building, they were deadlocked in quiet amazement. Kane nudged the lady beside him, "Are you sure this is the right place?" "He gave me this exact address, it can't be wrong." Trusting the information, they entered the place while Vionna reached Hades via text message.


"I'm here. Where are you?"

"I'll be in the lounge with a friend."

No answer from the awaited person. Sitting for hours, boredom finally strikes. "Hey, I'm gonna take a quick look around this place. You wanna come?" Kane mumbled. "I'm good," says Vionna, declining his invitation. "Okay then, catch you later! Good luck with your man!" Taking a few steps back, he sneered.

Kane has been gone for a while. Strolling here and there, the man discovered a door. A luxurious corridor with giant mirrors as its wall greeted him behind it. Carefully, he entered the hallway leading to an elegant casino. Classic interiors, golden trim around the ceiling, such a sight so movie-like. People dressed in expensive attires surrounded the Roulette tables. "Wow! This is so sick. I have to let Vivi know," Kane informed Vionna right away.


"Vi, you won't believe what I've found."


"What is it, Kane?"


"I accidentally uncovered a huge casino here at the hotel."

"Come and take a look!"


"Wait, I don't remember coming across a sign indicating any existence of a casino."


"Because it is hidden!"

"The entrance is just a suspicious door with no description whatsoever."

Inside the Casino, Kane was having the time of his life. Standing beside a Baccarat table, he put a bet on the Banker side. "Woah!" throwing his hands in the air, he yelled. The card score strikes to nine. Kane believed Lady Fortuna was on his side. Not so long after, everything turned upside-down. Bang! Bang! Bang! Sounds of gunshots and commotion filling up the whole room. Guards ready with their pistols while some of the guests were protecting themselves below the tables. A man who Kane suspected as the leader shouted, "Where is Mr. Hades?"

Trying not to be involved, the barista planned to let Vionna know and drag her out of the building. Too late, a fight already occurred and it was blocking the only entrance and exit. Men in black rushed downstairs, declaring a fight with the gangsters below. Kane saw Sean leading his comrades in the front line. Without moving a muscle, he observed. Seeing an acquaintance being cornered and beaten up, no bullets left in hand, Kane decided to assist. After giving a wave at the struggling bodyguard like nothing happened, he knocked three individuals at once. Slamming, smashing here and there, Kane managed to put many people on the floor. The same thing goes for Sean. Unfortunately, Kane's left cheek was scratched by a dagger carried by one of the men he attacked. No need to worry much, only a few inches scar. Near the end, a gratitude was finally being spoken by Sean. Kane nodded, he answered, "You look disheveled." "You're no better. Let's go and find your friend and my boss first."

. . .

Driven by weariness out of waiting, as soon as she received the text, Vionna left her chair. She strode towards the door Kane told her beforehand. Fingers hugging around the cold door handle, thuds and knocks can be heard vaguely. Turning her head to the right, it would be unimaginable for Vionna to see her 'date' being assaulted by a group of thug-like men before. But in that moment, her attention was locked at Hades who was involved in a dreadful affray. Dragging a heart full of doubt, to hell about anything else, she followed him.

Feet getting quite tired, she inadvertently stumbled past a corner, revealing herself as an eyewitness to the chaos. Four of the attackers pointed their guns at the girl. Body as stiff as a rock, she can't help but raise her hands in surrender. She knows, wearing high heels to run was not the brightest idea. Hades saw this diversion as an opening for him to bring down some fellows. Covering her ears to the sound of gunshots, Vionna saw the man who was supposed to be her date stained his hands with his enemy's blood.

Few guards came to save their superior just to get wrecked by bullets. The remaining gangsters kept on pushing his limit, Hades yelled, "Vionna, run! You can't be here! I'm sorry." But the girl sensed heaviness in her shoes. Wanting not to leave him alone and vulnerable, "What if he didn't make it," she thought. A loud stud was heard before finally all the foes were silent on the worn carpet floor. Hades pulled his grip on Vionna's wrist. Running in the hotel corridor, he tried his best to avoid any incoming threat. "Are you okay?" The man asked.

"Yes, how about you?"

"Just a scratch. Shit, you're bruised. I'm sorry." he kissed the skin on her hand.

But Vionna is not weak, she reassured, "Don't worry about me. Now let's get somewhere safe first." And he loves every ounce of strength inside her.

Their guard was down, what a huge mistake. "Watch out!" was the last phrase Vionna beckoned before grasping Hades, protecting him from the mob's gunfire. An ammo crashed to her left lower abdomen. Frustration washed over him as he catched the falling body. Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Hades fired the gun eight times, with each shot becoming the vent of his anger. The enemy dropped dead, how can he not?

Disinterested with the approaching volley, he whispered, "Hang in there, please. You can endure it, right, Vivi?" Sweats falling on his fine features, hiding his sorrow from the girl in his embrace. Someone called, "Sir Hades!" One was louder, "Vionna! Damn it we're too late." Sean and Kane rushed over to the wounded young woman. Everyone was putting on a worried face. "Hades, glad I met you," she caressed him. Accompanied by a smile, it was the time everything went dark.