Chapter 9. Her Promise

Three of them ran downstairs, cautious of their surroundings. While Hades grasped Vionna's wrist tightly, Sean at the back was more than ready with his gun. "This apartment has a backdoor. It'll be a good use for us right now." She suggested. Striding towards the restaurant, Hades took a hold of his stinging wound. Sean seemed hesitant at first, but he followed anyway since she knew better. People saw them rushing to get inside the kitchen. "Miss Vionna, what brings you here in a hurry like this?" The head chef questioned. She rapidly responded, "Oh, sorry. We're in the middle of an emergency. Can you lead us to the back door?"

Finally seeing the alley wall in front of their eyes, Sean picked up his walkie-talkie. "Code B, need shuttle from St. XXX alley right behind the apartment." Another man from across the line spoke, "Roger that. Vehicle three on its way."

With a shock, they heard men running towards their alley. Hades pulled the girl, hugged her, and concealed themselves amongst the trash bins. Sean's instinct also told him to hide with a prepared gun just in case they are completely cornered. He muted all of his devices.

"Don't worry, I'll protect you. I'm sorry. I'm sorry…" The mafia boss embraced Vionna tightly, afraid of losing her once more. With gentle pats on her hair, he made sure she would feel secure inside his arms.

The sound of screeching tires became the sign of rescue for Hades, but also a sign of another defeat to the gangsters. Sean led the two inside a bulletproof black SUV. With the blink of an eye, they were lost from sight. It was the time to catch relief. To be grateful for the fact that they are still alive.

"Hey, are you okay?" He held her cold hands. She was awakened from her empty mind, staring blankly at his eyes after slowly turning her head. It took her a few seconds before answering, "...oh, yeah yeah. I'm just kinda tired… And surprised." She then realized Hades' condition. Even when he already tried to forget the pain, the wound was still there, bleeding. "Oh my God, hang in there. Sean! What're we going to do?" She panicked. The man in front gave an instruction, "Just make sure he's aware until we arrive." Vionna obeyed, doing all she could to keep him conscious.

While her thoughts were inside a state of confusement and unable to think straight, the SUV had arrived. "Where are we?" She muttered. "A hell-like paradise." With the help of a house employee, Hades took her inside and his bodyguard parked the car. The front door opened, greeted the girl with a view. A vibe like home yet so empty. This beautiful deserted house was only used whenever there was an emergency to the main house and was first built to give comfort to whoever rested at that place. But now, anytime Hades stepped inside, solely unpleasant memories remained. His younger self came there just to wait until every chaos went back to normal, no difference this time.

Inside the classic main bedroom he laid on a red leather couch. Taking a hold of her arm, Hades was pleased to see her by his side again but conflicted at once. Such affairs had brought them to the point of endangering both of their lives. Is Vionna really fine? He questioned.

"I love you," he has never had a more serious tone.

But his words were greeted by silence.

Her stare went blank for a while until she pulled her arm slowly.

"Why don't you say that to the woman in your office?"

The wounded man felt heavy listening to the reply Vionna gave him. Along with a sinking heart, he hoarsely spoke, "I don't understand you."

"Me too, Hades."

"No, but what do you mean, Vivi?"

"Don't call me Vivi like you're that familiar with me. And stop acting clueless."

She composed herself while preparing the aid for his opened wound. The man contemplated things that affected her to act this way. The world has told her to stop developing feelings, to not fall for sweet words like the one she just heard. He then had a flashback.

Couple weeks ago, right in his very own home office, "Now tell me how do they know?"

"Pardon me Sir, but I seriously have no idea."

"A lot of my men died! And our guests got injured!" Hades yelled in a voice he will never show to the person he loves. "You, Carole Laurence, are the only person I trusted my schedule with. So how come, hm?" He pushed himself closer and closer to the secretary. His body radiated a dark aura while his pose asserted intimidation. "But Sir, I'm not the only one-" Two hands inside his pockets, face inches away from hers, until both heard a sound of knocked wood. Of course the noise itself made them swing their head towards the source. Almost losing his concentration, he ignored and continued to daunt the woman with the beige blouse. Now Hades realized what it was. A mere misunderstanding.

"Do you believe me now?"

"I'm not sure if you're telling the truth or not."

Gazing their eyes at each other, "I know it is selfish for me to say this, but please stay, Vionna. Be by my side for a few nights and you'll see how sincere my feelings for you are."

. . .

What Hades said came true when he saw her lying next to him in the morning. Her face looked so tired, hair and clothes disheveled from taking care of him and working. But sad to say, the happiness did not last long as a commotion started forming outside his window. An incoming call can be noticed from his phone screen. "Sean? What happened?"

"The attackers came again, Sir. Please secure yourself in the urgent room."

Inside a small concrete room full of emergency equipment, almost half an hour Vionna and Hades had waited. Since they were unable to hear anything that came from outside, they cannot help but to feel worried. Also considering Hades' state where he was still in a healing period, the man needed to be careful of what was to come.

A sound Hades was already familiar with, yet still traumatizing for Vionna. Gunshots. No matter where they came from and to whom they were directed to, one thing for sure, it all cost people's lives. Consider it as good news if the bodyguards could handle the mobs with no trouble. The mafia boss will be more than pleased to see his trusted Sean reports relating to how everything has been cleared. He grabbed a walkie-talkie from the storage, "Main unit, Sean Cadby, report to me! Over."

Nobody answered.

Accompanied by silence for more than fifteen minutes, "Main unit, Jonathan Blake reporting. Sir Hades, I'm clearing your way to the ga-"

At the moment, Hades was more than worried. He was anxious. Plus the responsibility he had to bear in protecting his beloved. Jodie's line was cut off. Sounded like he dropped the device, only statics remained.

"Main unit! Jodie! Answer me, where's the others? Jodie!"

Vionna took a hold of his hand. "Breathe in, breathe out. Hey, you're with me. It's not safe if we're going to check upstairs. Just, wait a little bit longer."

"Vivi, I'm sorry." He hugged her delicate figure. She knew the guilt that always burdening him even up until now. She wanted to become his medicine.

"There, there. I'll be with you from now on, Hades. Always."