Edwin looked at them and said," I would had loved to have you guys but as it stands now,am late. So please indulge me this once and from goodwill, toddlers aren't meant to do business but to bend down and study hard. I won't tell on you to your parents. Okay,now run along"and he made a gesture of sending away kids.

Kane was extremely aggrieved and felt like butchering someone. When has he ever been a push over in this school. Hahaha he laughed in anger. "Wow, this is a first time for me getting embarrassed by a boy like this. Well I will give it to you,you have guts but guts alone can't help you here. Guys, let's show him how to take down moral lessons after hearing a story".

"Well since you kids do not want to adhere to my plead, this daddy here will have to accompany you. Do not blame me latter", said Edwin.

Few minutes later,a young man was seen walking gallantly into the school while loud streams where heard behind his back. Kane in serious pain shouted," you better not leave the school vicinity today else you wouldn't like what will happen to you. You don't know who my Uncle is in this state but I will let you know for free,just you wait" and then he left with his crew. Edwin didn't turn nor did he give him any listening ear.

Back at the border,Michael with his team had penetrated the enemies fort and they disguised themselves with the enemy's clothes to get to their leader undetected but things doesn't always work as one plans them. Before Michael could know what was happening, they were surrounded. Michael stood still with his team.

"Captain Michael, the God of War. I just caught the Undisputable War General of all times. The "GOAT". What a glorified garbage? I don't know why but I feel like I caught you too easily or was it that my plan was too impeccable?"he smiled evilly from the darkness.

"Why don't you guess which it was?"replied Michael.

"Well I think it was my impeccable plan after all, am sure you do not know about my pawn within your so called blue eagle regent team" he answered. The team members looked at each other accusingly but still gave their back to each other because mere words can't get between them not to talk of Michael being with them. Then the enemie's leader made a hand gesture for Bella to come to him,so Bella did. At that moment,Lisa was dumbstruck and lost focus for a while.

"Lisa!!" she shouted. Bella turned and replied,"I'm sorry Lisa. l really had no other choice nor option,please do not feel betrayed".

Rhino,the enemy's leader laughed hard at their reaction and was indeed pleased.

"Well,that was indeed touching. I felt it too. The heart ache, the feeling of being stabbed at the back. Indeed,it hurts. Well Michael,I knew you were still single and a man of your status that is still very much single and celibate from young can easily be spellbound by the beauty of any woman not speaking of one with this docile and submissive nature. Men like you with strong personality and willful temperament like being dominate in their relationship thus I specifically chose her for you. You know the saying, never let in your neighbors dog into your house just because it is cute. I knew you wouldn't be able to take your eyes away from her once you set your eyes on her. So I sent her to infiltrate your circle in other to let me in on all your thought process and moves because I know that you will be the major obstacle for me to achieve my objectives and now that I have you in my web, finishing the rest is quite easy. You can already guess how you were caught in my web today right?,because I don't like people dieing without knowing how".

Rhino was still talking when he found out that he was surrounded and had so many guns pointing at his head. He froze up in shock as to how this happened? How was he ambushed without knowing?. Michael took a sit, sat down and smiled.

"Well what can I say,I am not really like you. I like people dieing without knowing how but l will make an exception for you today",said Edward as he came out to face him.

"You really did your homework in knowing Michael....but you made a mistake sending a woman not to talk of a beauty like Bella. Before you sent her, we already knew that a spy would be sent to infiltrate us during the recruitment since we are at war and defeating the God of War is defeating the army, so you would need information on him. Also,of all the new recruit...she was the most innocent but eye catching which should fit Michael's personality though at first, we thought her friend should be more perfect. In other words,we were suspicious. She was being surveyed with her friend all along and she only knows and sends to you only information we want her to know and since your whole attention was on Michael. Taking you unawares and disarming your men while you where rejoicing about getting Michael in your web was very easy. By now, you can already guess who made the plan and whose is an "impeccable" plan.