Infinity stones the infinity gems may very well predate time not only that the infinity gems may very well be the…

The cornerstone of all creation is that because each gem represents some facet of creation that the gems themselves are the source of power for these various forms of creation and that again that with all of the gems combined that all actuality all reality can simply be controlled what we see him doing is giving us again another explanation of the two Gems that he has he tells us that Warlocks Gem is the key to controlling all of the souls of sentient life.

We see him tell us that the power gem is the foundation the power gem is what is able to power the rest of the gems due to its infinite power and then we see that Thanos tells us that the gem that was in possession of the Gardner was the time gem.

And he tells us that the reason why the Gardner was able to manipulate his garden in such a way was that he was able to use the time gem to begin the process of growing his garden and then manipulate time to speed

his garden up to the point where the plants and the various life were able to grow to their adult phase or their fullest and then he effectively froze them in time so that they would never actually wilt.

But then we see that what actually happened here is that while Thanos is giving us this explanation that the gardener is in fact dead the

the gardener was killed and Thanos was able to do this by using the power gem to effectively speed up the power or to augment the power of the gardener's garden in order to move the garden beyond the gardeners' control to the

the point that he couldn't stop it from overtaking his body and in the foot this in point that he couldn't stop it from overtaking his body and in fact this is somewhat of a haunting image if you stare at it long enough.


3rd Person Pov.

As we see someone who seems to be a much older version of Kitty Pryde heading to some unknown destination in New York to meet with Wolverine along the way we learn a few things what we learn is that this future is very dystopian and it's very dark New York has been left in a state of decay and whatever event it

was that led up to New York being this way has also affected both Canada and the United States itself and possibly the world.

In addition, once Kitty Pryde meets with Wolverine we also learned that Wolverine is part of a group called the Canadian resistance army he is also supplying Kitty Pryde with a piece of a device of some sort in order to complete what is referred to as the jammer now we don't really know what the jammer does

or what it's for but we do know that it's important enough that Kitty Pryde was willing to brave these outskirts these derelict parts of New York outside of the safe zones in order to meet with Wolverine to attain it we also learned

from Wolverine that phase two of whatever plan it is they have created will begin.

In midnight but again we don't really know what this is and we don't know what phase 1 means from this point kitty Pryde heads back to her place of origin minutes to say the places she originally left to meet with Wolverine along the

the way we learn a few things about the structure of society at this point in time and what we learn is that there are three castes of people there are humans and these are baseline people these are individuals that have no potential for genetic mutation these individuals are allowed to breed now we're not really given any other information regarding these individuals.

We don't know if they're allowed to hold political office and we don't even know if there are political offices anymore the next group are anomalous humans and these are humans that have the potential for genetic mutation however these genes have not become active these individuals are not allowed to breed but we're not really told whether or not they have the

same rights as humans or if their rights are restricted to some degree aside from being unable to procreate.

The next group and the final and last and most despised group in this society are mutants and

mutants are either exterminated on site or are rounded up and placed into internment camps where they simply await termination at some future point in time.

Eventually, Kitty Pryde reaches the internment camp in the Bronx where she has been interred for about 13 years or so maybe 14 years and after going through an exhaustive and as she explains humiliating examination process she makes her way through the cemetery which is the first thing that you see as you enter the internment camp now this is a very iconic moment as this confirms that almost all Heros Villians or any superpower individual in the world that we have come to know and love have been killed Susan storm Johnny Storm

Cyclops Jean Grey Nightcrawler all these people are dead.

Now Kitty Pryde continues to explain to us that in this time of the original x-men there are only four that remain there are Wolverine Storm Colossus in Kitty Pryde herself in addition we also learned that magneto is alive although he's confined to a wheelchair and we were introduced to two new people we had never seen before.

the first is Rachel Summers A young beautiful woman with red hair and green eyes inherited from my mother. She is extremely beautiful with a perfect figure. She is the daughter of Jean Grey and Scott Summers who is a telepath and a telekinetic the next person is Franklin Richards who is the son of Reed Richards

and Susan storm from this point we learned that the device that was given to Kitty Pryde with regards to completing the jammer goes towards allowing the jammer to disrupt the

inhibitor collars that are on the necks

of these individual people.

And of all mutants who are in internment camps

and what we learn is that these inhibitor collars keep mutants from being able to use their powers and so they are basically just people who're not really able to do anything from this

the point we also learned that phase one involves Rachel summers by virtue of being able to use her powers due to the disruption of our inhibitor collar sending the mind of someone into the

past into their past body in order to warn the x-men of the impending event that's going to take place in 2010 that will cause the future to turn out this way we realize that the person whose mind is going to go into the past is Kitty Pryde.

As Rachel sat in the back of the much older version of Kitty Pryde who was laying down in front of her.  as both looked into each other's eyes and with a Nod, Rachel put her hands on the head of what was supposed to be Kitty. While she whispered.

Ratchel: "Hope you succeed Kitty as you are our last hope of changing this hell hole of the future." And with those words the glow in her hands got intense.

From this point, we jump in to see Kitty Pryde in the past and present, and at this point, the minds have not switched yet Kitty Pryde is still her younger self and the older Kitty Pryde is merit is presumably traveling into the past at this point we see that the younger Kitty Pryde has stumbled into the danger room of the x-men and the x-men are going through their drills they're practicing you know making sure that they are on par in terms of the use of their powers in addition to their physical capabilities as far as exercise and most importantly trying to forget about how the world had screwed there are gods who can end them without them even knowing about it.

The world had gone downhill since Darkseid had shown up and it's fallen into a pit after he had boldly tortured the USA politicians in front of the world on live tv while a whole country force isn't able to stop him and now the mutant Control Act had been presented however it's shot down bypass the Supreme Court.

But now in these times when it's been more than a month since Darkseid had shown up anywhere, the new temporary Government had started showing its fangs and in all their losses and anger instead, the administration reactivates the Sentinel program and they give the Sentinels an open-ended directive indirective way and what they say is that the job of the Sentinels is to Capture or destroy the mutant threat at all costs it's not official yet but the world knows the truth.

and this all happens because of all the anger and losses most importantly those who had set on the seat of power are one way or another related to all politicians who were now Parademons so they want revenge and this is the only way they know how. Even if it does more harm than good in this country that is weathering away. but they can't be too open about it.

So now few sentinels were running around as they didn't have many resources and they can't outright go on the war. But even then few sentinels are enough for the work. But their surviving grace again saved them. But how long even if it can save them forever it can't prevent direct human attacks as it is not allowed to infrared with human matters if they don't do any direct attack on the school.

And even then Erik's group Brotherhood of Mutants is becoming more and more impatient and they don't know how long before they snap and go full-on mudder mode. At least there are a few groups of humans who are taking mutants in but then again they are doing so in the name of Darkseid calling him a true God and on and so forth. It's all a big mess.

At that moment the minds of Kitty Pryde the future and Kitty Pryde and the Past switch and Kitty Pryde falls unconscious. when everyone saw this they sprint to help her. and with some help eventually she wakes up at this point, the mind of Kitty Pryde from the future is in the body of Kitty Pryde in the past at this point she's astonished to see that so many members of the x-men who had been killed are now alive Warren Worthington the third Nightcrawler she instantly hugs him with tears in her eyes.

And so for her is really kind of a shock but she immediately sets in with regards to explaining a set of events that would eventually unfold and lead to the future becoming the way it is in her time now at this point, she tells the x-men that they must leave and they must head to the summit the Charles Xavier and Moira MacTaggert are attending in which Senator Robert Kelley is giving testimony with regards to why the rights of mutants should be restricted.

and before they could tell her anything along the way with it she gives us the backstory in terms of what it is it took place what we learned is that in 2010 the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants assassinated Senator Robert Kelley Charles Xavier and Moira McTaggart at the summit that this x-men should instantly be handing at but again she didn't let them speak and continue her monologue.

And what we learn is that in 2010 a crazy rabid anti-mutant politician is elected to the position of President, he attempts to pass the mutant Control Act however it's shot down by the Supreme Court so instead the administration reactivates the Sentinel program and they give the Sentinels an open-ended directive and what they say is that the job of the Sentinels is to destroy the mutant threat at all costs.

But because of the fact that Sentinels are computers and computers are creatures of logic they deduce that the only way to do this is to take over the UnitedStates and North America as a whole and so that is the reason why there is no order government in the future that's the reason why there are no police there's no standing army because there is no human government anymore there are simply just the Sentinels they rule everything and all forms of society exists below them.

From here we also learn that when the Sentinels went on a campaign to eradicate mutant crime they simply didn't just stop there it wasn't just the mutant threat it was any kind of super-powered beings and that's the reason why Captain America is killed why Spider-Man is killed they are not mutants but they do have superpowers.

And so they were viewed as a threat by sentinels and they were eradicated just like everybody else.

Now eventually we jump back into the future again and what we see is that Kitty Pryde is unconscious at this point the younger mind of Kitty Pryde is in her future body but her mind is in somewhat of a comatose state and so she's not able to really contribute to what's going on we also see that Rachel summers Colossus Wolverine Franklin Richards Marwan went blank for a second Franklin Richards and everybody else are heading through underground tunnels in order to get to the Baxter building.

Which was previously the home of the Fantastic Four but is now kind of the central core of the Sentinel operation we also learned to think we may have actually learned this previously before the world had become fearful of The Sentinel campaign in North America.

And so the rest of the world had more or less kind of threatened that if the signals had left the United States if they had left North America and exercised their campaign across the rest of the world, the world would retaliate with nuclear strikes,

And as a result, The world itself would fall into a state of total nuclear destruction now we realize that this is kind of the timetable that's been provided here for the future group must take some sort of action to stop the Sentinel threat otherwise the world as a whole will be destroyed and so we see them heading toward this patch to building in an attempt to stop the Sentinel program.

But along the way, Franklin Richards, killed by the group, continues to move on, and eventually, they make their way to the Baxter building now eventually.

we pick back up again in 2010 at the Danger Room Kitty still didn't stop telling her story and hurried up before its too late the whole group is trying to tell her but she didn't give them any chance to speak and some hotheads have enough of her but before they scream on her to stop and listen to them.

But out of nowhere She stopped with wide eyes she was looking in front of her at the entry gate as everyone also looked at what stopped her and we see it was none other than Charles Xavier and with him is Moira McTaggart.

She was shocked to know that they were still there then she looked around and saw most of them trying to tell her something while a few even glared at her but she ignored them and started to look around as she was confused dose she comes in the wrong time.

Hours Later….

As we see in the same meeting room we had seen many times the same people we had seen before  Logan, Scott, Jean, Rogue, Kurt, Alex, Ororo, Bobby, Hank, Magneto, Toad, Blob, Pyro, Avalanche, Black Tom, Mastermind, Mystique. Angle, Xorn, Forge, Nathaniel, Sebastian, David Alleyne, Moira, Domino, Sebastian Emma, Wanda Pietro, and of course, now future Past Kitty.

At this point, everyone was here staring at Kitty.

As Storm had already warned everyone about the ominous future that Kitty Pryde had given to them claim and the future that she comes from

At that point, the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants break in and they begin their campaign of attempting to assassinate senator Robert Kelley Charles Xavier and Moria McTaggart had already confirmed to them that the futures Darkseid showed them are true and now her are sure that they screwed big time.

Erik: "So It's true ha?" Said Erik while looking at Charles.

Everyone looked at Charles while some looked at Emma and Jean.

Charles: "Unfortunately, Yes Erik it's our worst dream. I do not know what shit happened that turned out to be like this but yes I did confirm it." Said Charles Xavier who had scanned the mind of Kitty Pryde and verified this.

While looking at their last hopes they looked at other telepaths in the room whose wide eyes just nodded their heads. 

Pietro: I like to say he was right and I told you so but looking how beat up you all look I would not say it." Said Pietro with his most chill attitude while flipping the pages of a big book at insane speeds.

Hearing such an attitude Wanda kicked her brother's leg while everyone in X man group just looked at him with eyes that wanted to just give up.

Pietro:" Ouch ouch Ouch now why this is for you do know it's hurt sis you're hardly able to control your strength and It's Not like I lied looking at those faces they look like they had given up on life." Said Pietro while rubbing his leg as he was sure it was cracked from the power his sister put into her kick but it would be healed before he knew it.

While the X-man group just glared at him, while they all started to discuss what to do now they had living proof. 

While in all this mess the most confused person in the room future mind kitty looked at them as if she doesn't understand a thing about what the fuck is going on and why they all were soo cool about the end of all mutants and possibly humans are lost their minds or she had lost her mind after a certain amount of time she snaps and spoke out loud.


Hering her sudden outburst everyone looked at while none of them liked how loud she was they understand her situation, after all, they had done the same if they were in her place in just these past months they had changed so much they are sure even their past selves would not believe as to what they are doing, after all, they all they are in three groups of people yet sitting here talking such a disastrous thing with such attitudes. they had kept her in the dark since she came here. 

As everyone looked at the person who was mostly close to Kitty So like a mother friend to Kitty in a way Ororo looked at her and with a sigh, she spoke to her. 

Ororo: "I don't know How to tell you this but I am sure my future version had raised too well for this so I will speak the truth so you're not in the wrong timeline or should I say there is no wrong time exist since he had born here more you are dreaming nothing like that and Senator Kelley is already dead In fact every Politician whether they supported Mutants or not all of them were dead.

And None of us killed them. So Now the county is on its knees and so does the world as a huge catastrophe just barely hit the world and the Mutant Control Act is already in Congress it can't get passed as the White House is empty and so does Senate chairs and Congress Hall the Sentinel program is online but it's doing behind the backs.


They still didn't declare an all out war on mutants as it would just end the county because it's already in the giant pit that is very hard to climb back and even for some it's impossible and those who got free from the Giant robot you see is borrowed from him and now when we had full control of it we command it to shoot down any Sentinel that seems to attack or try to harm or capture any mutant on the planet and it's working as Since then we didn't hear any news about Mutants being attacked by Sentinels only them blowing from sky something fell on them and they blow up. 


So I am planning to return my old work which one you should decide Zeus or Hollywood one and write alone in these days I get to know that it's good you only write one piece of fiction at a time as it gives you much freedom and big chapters to write so hope you got what I am saying so If I return to my old work this will stop until I get bored from that one and ask this question again. Bye, now it's on you. 

Come on, give me some power stones. And do some comments.  why comments are going down so much come on man show some appreciation by commenting a few good lines nothing more.

So how about this new way of writing? As I realized that if I throw all this in one time then I give females their own chapters it feels like fillers and we had to skip it this way and they even get boring fast. We got stories and love interests of females while the story is still going on. and this is how I am going to write all of my work....

Please leave a comment with your thoughts, I enjoy those because they help me understand how people view the story as a whole. Also please think about leaving a nice rating. everything princess single circumstances



Amalgam comics fuse heroes from both DC Comics and Marvel comics together. 

Amalgam was known as a publishing imprint that was shared by both DC and Marvel Comics. In the fused publications, superheroes such as Batman and Wolverine were fused to make the character Dark Claw, Superman and Captain America became Super-Soldier. 

The publishing house was founded in 1996 and went defunct in 1997.


That's it, folks, please comment and give some power stones

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- Jessica Drew (Ultimate Spider-Woman)

- Jessica Drew (Spider-Woman)

- Julia Carpenter (Spider-Woman)

- Charlotte Witter (Spider-Woman)

- Mary Jane Watson (Spider-Woman)

- Gwendolyne Maxine Stacy (Spider-Gwen)

- Cynthia "Cindy" Moon (Silk)

- Natasha Romanoff (Black Widow)

- Wanda Maximoff (Scarlet Witch)

- Carol Danvers (Captain Marvel)

- Jennifer Walters (She-Hulk)

- Felicia Sara Hardy (Black Cat)

- Silvija Sablinova (Silver Sable)

- Anna Marie D'Ancanto (Rogue)

- Gamora Zen Whoberi Ben Titan

- Nebula (maybe not)

- Hela

- Brunnhilde

- Elektra Natchios

- Death (maybe not)

- Jean Grey

- Katherine Anne "Kitty" Pryde

- Jane Foster

- Doreen Green (Squirrel Girl) (maybe not)

- Tamara Devoux (Captain Universe)

- Shuri (maybe not)

- Monica Rambeau (Spectrum)

- Neena Thurman (Domino)

- Susan Storm (The Invisible Woman)

- Emma Frost

- Crystalia Amaquelin (Crystal)

- Janet Van Dyne (Wasp)

- Daisy Johnson (Skye) (Quake)

- Jemma Simmons

- Barbara "Bobbi" Morse (Mockingbird)

- Maria Hill

- Sif

- Thena (Azura)

- Gwendolyn Poole (Gwenpool)

- Ororo Monroe (Storm)

- Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan)

- Laura Kynney (X-23)

- Jessica Jones

- Caiera

- Galacta

- Elizabeth "Betty" Ross (Red She-Hulk / She-Rulk)

- Cassandra Web

- Sersi

- Thena

- Ajak

- Selene

- Medusa

- Illyana Nikolaievna (Magik)

- Kwannon

- Elizabeth "Betsy" Braddock 

- Lorna (Polaris)

- Tessa (Sage)

- Ruby Summers

- Monet St. Croix, (M)

- Rachel Summers

- Clarice Ferguson

- Heather Cameron(Lifeguard)

- Amara in Disguise(Magma)

- Amelia Voght

- Meggan

- Regan Wyngarde (Lady Mastermind)

- Martinique Jason (Mastermind)

- Succubi

- Morgan le Fay

- Hisako Ichiki (Armor)

- Kara Kilgrave (Persuasion)

- Sooraya Qadir (Dust)

- Megan Gwynn (Pixie) FC

- Adrienne Frost

- Angela Jones (Firestar)

- Laynia Petrovna (Darkstar)

- Vanessa Carlysle (Copycat)

- Petra

- Sway

- Irene Adler (Destiny) Maybe not

- Eva Bell (Tempus) Maybe not

- Crystallia Amaquelin (Crystal)

- Patsy (HellCat)

- Greer Grant (Tigra)

- Yelena Belova

- Viper (Madame Hydra)

- Tandy Bowen (Cloak)

- Melissa Gold (Song Bird)

- Dr. Karla Sofen (Moonstone)

-Hope Summers(A summer how can he let go)

- Zarda ( Power Princess)

- Amora the Enchantress

- Angela Del Toro (Tiger)

- Shanna

- Thundra

- Elsa Bloodstone

- Satana

- Kate Bishop (Maybe not)

- Spitfire

- Clea

- Saturnyne

- Umar

- Agatha Harkness

- Bei the Blood Moon

With it all marvel women who will be in heram if they are not in this list they would not be in Harem..
