"Hahaha hahaha haaaa!

She dares to challenge me; Lucifer the sun of the dark

That daughter of Zion; Deborah!

She has tormented my kingdom and has snatched my daughters away from me but the time! The time I have been waiting for is finally here and the daughters of ZION would soon be thrown naked on the streets of hell for my demons to devour'

This was the voice of Lucifer as he watched Deborah rounding up her three days dry fasting

Deborah was a virtues Christian sister who had devoted her life to serving Jesus and had vowed not to dishonor God with her body

Now she has by so doing won a lot of sisters to Christ and taught them sexual purity most of whom had become on fire

Lucifer sat upon his throne watching as Deborah with her head tied prayed vehemently

"Devil I know all your tactics, how you sent Holax into my life to steal away my sexual virtues but you won't have me

I am not alone, Satan you won't have me as you did Delilah and Jezebel

I belong to Zion and so is my body.

Satan the Lord rebuke you and destroy your agenda to destroy lives by making them indulge into sexual disorderliness...likaribosharantabartoveriaa ( she speaks in tongues)"

The devil summoned his demons and with rage addressed them

" I am Lucifer! The one that kills and drinks the blood of mankind

I want to destroy their records. I am sending you to the virgins

I am sending you to those who were once into my camp and had squandered their sexual purity on me, but were snatched from me by Deborah and now are pure

I lucifer must destroy their records

I am sending you, not to kill with weapon but to kill their sexual purity

Make sure the daughters of ZION become polluted with sexual immorality

Steal their virginity and spill their sexual blood.

Break their hymen and cause their blood to flowed

Do you understannnd! "

" Yes lord Lucifer!!"

Answered the host of the millions of demons with different forms

"Go after the prayerful ones and destroy their prayer life

Go after the pure ones and destroy their purity

Take away their pride and bring them into Babylon.

Have I spokennnn?????

"Yes lord Lucifer!!!"

The millions of the sexual perversion demons responded

"Now gooooo!!!!"

Lucifer ordered and the demons started flying into the earth. Some out of the sea, mountains and sky

Deborah felt strange and knew a ream was provoked....

To be continued