"Gabriel!!!" Elisa cried out "are you going to watch that demon take away my soul" and the room became empty and larger

"Elisa!" Gabriel called out. "You must warn the daughters of ZION about what you are seeing. This is what would have happened to you if you had aborted the pregnancy."

"Follow me!" Gabriel ordered and as soon as Elisa took a step, they both started descending deep and deep and deep in an anceant pit. The deeper they went, the deeper she heard the wails and screams of millions of lost souls

Gabriel brought her into a city of hills and mountains in hell. Each mountain was a wall of fire

In the middle was a woman burning and melting into flames with chains all-over her

"Who is that woman?" Elisa asked

"That is Deborah's mother!" Gabriel responded looking away from the sight of torture

"Deborah's mother? Do you mean that is Dorathy? But she is not dead! What is she doing in this horrible place?" Elisa wished to ask Gabriel a million questions

"That is not Dorathy!" Gabriel responded. "Dorathy is the daughter of ZION and she cannot be lost to hell"

"The woman you see over there is Naphasha the biological mother of Deborah!"

"Do you mean Dorathy is not the biological mother of Deborah? Elisa inquired

"Yes!" Said Gabriel. "Deborah was aborted" he turned to a corner and a screen appeared as Elisa watched while Gabriel looked away

She saw a woman (Naphasha) dumping an infant on the outskirts of a community refuse dump but while she went away, an angel appeared, took the baby and dropped her in front of a shop

Then the screen went blank

Gabriel: "Naphasha was a Christian sister who lost out of faith and the demons of hell came to claim her life

She became pregnant with Deborah and tried aborting it seven times but it was unsuccessful until she delivered and decided to trash her

The baby was picked by one of us and dropped at Dorathy's shop that early morning; 6:53am - January 15th

Come with me." Gabriel paused and order, then they both appeared in heaven

Elisa's mouth was thrown open with the sight of beauty, magnificence and the smell she perceived

They went to a compartment and saw a woman dressed in white apparels worshiping

"That's Dorathy!" Elisa exclaimed in excitement. "Is she in heaven already?

"Yes!" Gabriel responded

"Today is October 8th. You can count the number of days you have been here. Dorathy, Deborah's mom has been called to glory

Elisa looked down and saw Deborah entertaining people who were still around comforting her

"Dorathy was a devoted intercessor." Gabriel continued. " She was married for 16 years without a child until God gave her Deborah - the promised one

Your path and that of Deborah, Elisa," he turned facing Elisa, "has being predestined and both of you must rise to deliver the daughters of Zion together"

Then light fell. Elisa opened her eyes and saw the sun rising brightly

It was morning, a dew dropped on her eye and she wiped it off.